why I chose to live rural - my financial struggle

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After a whole month living off grid in a tiny cabin, I gotta be honest with myself. I need a change. One year went by since I started my remote self employed journey, it's really been a tremendous amount of worrying, and work. Despite a constant high level of stress, I was actually doing pretty okay.

Until I realised my savings weren’t enough for me to live anymore.
I could decide to live in the raw, with very little money. This idea's been running in my mind for a while, and I finally came to an agreement with my desires.

I'm not interested in making thousands of dollars. However, I do want to be able to build my dream life. To buy a house and a land of my own. To discover the world. To please the people I love.

My current financial situation is beyond stressful, but I refuse to get caught by my fear. I won't go and find a job I hate, just so I can afford to live.

I will do everything it takes to be financially... Free.

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Perhaps this is the life humans were intended to live. A small, quiet, humble, hardworking yet peaceful life far from the complexities, and violence of our modern world.


I think I found your channel for a reason. I am broke, literally, having only $5 in my bank account, but I'm broke emotionally & spiritually too. I'm being forced out of my apartment and out of the state I've lived in for over 30 years due to the high cost of living. My sister, who lives in another state, has opened her home to me. I'm hopeful that the change is what I need, a fresh start.


I am 33 years old, and finally paid off all my debt. Debt from over a decade of trying as hard as I could to be "normal" and be a part of this insatiable consumer world. I gave up last year. I finally got sober, I relocated, I downsized. I own nothing of value now. I am saving money to buy the least expensive house possible in the country and I will re-align my working life to better fit a life of societal rejection. I will no longer live the rat race. Over half my life spent trying to please others, making choices and decision to appease others. All vanity. I will not live like this anymore. 8 months sober, debt free, and saving for a better, more simple, life. I applaud your efforts. I will be watching.


it's interesting that many people from different parts of the world have this same feeling of being trapped and miserable from modern life.


Its been three years since I retired, and while inflation has made it challenging to maintain my lifestyle and even worse when I lived in the city, relocating to the countryside has helped to manage better, its lonely, as most of my friends and family are still in their routines but It's been easier to stretch my savings and hopefully, I won't outlive it.


This is my goal. I want to live off grid, no sirens, nobody shooting each other, no traffic noise, just calm, peace. Me, my gf and my 2 daughters stayed out in the woods in a tent for almost 5 months, living off the land, and honestly, being out there and relying on only ourselves, I've never felt more at home. My kids were happy, they learned how to entertain themselves without a tv and Xbox or a phone. I can't wait to buy some land and do it permanently


" I won't go and find a job I hate, just so I can afford to live." this is me right now! it's really, really hard to keep going. But hopefully both of us will find a way! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.


I’m a purposely single female in central texas. I sold everything and bought three acres and a used mobile home far from my small town. Everything is paid off and I work two days a week from home. It’s an introvert’s dream and an extroverts hell


Now this is living, No sirens 24/7, no horns, no road raging people, no news, no conformity!! this is the life!! you are truly blessed, a lot of people are dreaming of just this!!and she runs off into the sunset, it's like a movie!! God Bless💜💯


This is how life was meant to be. Trying to escape this satanic matrix we were born into since birth. Going to a job we hate just so we can barely make it in life. This is not living, more like dying to live. Thanks for your video.


this is how life was meant to be. we should've never become dependent on cities to meet our needs.


You aren't missing anything. Your lifestyle is what people crave, in reality. The fast pace of New York, Paris and other cities is exhaustive and annoying. The simple life is healthy and wholesome.


The rural life straggle is more better then the fake status, fame, financial security, power, politics... The ultimate peace here. Love your story.


This last year I did it. I moved from city life to Montana. Bought my own off grid property. Had refurbished a schoolbus into a tiny home & drove it up the mountain, cleared a spot for it. It’s not all roses and sunshine, though. I was snowed in for 4 months. It’s almost May and we had more snow today. 1:40am, and relaxing in front of the fire with my cat on my lap...but I’m about to go out in freezing weather to chop some more firewood. 😂 It’s amazing though. No more rent checks. I’ll mill my own wood from my property for a cabin. And the winters are amazing, if not downright cold (-40). But I chose a place that’s cold. You all choose a place that speaks to you. Do it. Just. Do. It.


Darling I am 60 years old and still lost. Today I would kill to be able to live in a remote area free from the horrible life humans have created for us. You are so young. You have so much to live for. Don't feel pressure to know what may come, what you will do... just enjoy the now moment. You have beautiful solitude and peace. That is much, much more than most have. Enjoy life as is because when you are my age you will realize it goes by in a flash and all the worrying leads nowhere. God bless you darling.


I appreciate your courage and strength to do this. We share similar personalities and I find it impossible to find souls like you in my world. The world would be so much better with more of you. Keep doing what you do. Peace and love to you.


Isn't it something how we are born into this world with nothing and leave this world with nothing, yet spend our entire lives trying to gather up material things we didn't bring and cannot take with us when we leave? This makes no sense.

I love love love love your channel. It provides deep nourishment to my soul. It lets me know I am not alone.


Glad I found this. I’m 33 flatbroke no job, living with my mom who is threatening to put me out everyday. No friends, no support system. It’s so hard. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for sharing your feelings about this broken financial system which saps creativity from us and diminishes the true meaning of life. These feelings resonate with me. I want to do something tangible... Chop firewood, grow my vegetables, have space and time to think in the beauty of nature and harshness of winter. I don't want to think about money. Money is the most uninteresting part of life.


This is an exceptionally honest video. Not in anyway selling dreams alike alot of those other youtubers, but showing the harsh reality of of trying to abandon a system you have been a part of all your life. As she says, its a work in progress. Its not just something you can jump into without a plan
