How to Read the Bible: Apocalyptic Literature

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It’s the apocalypse! But what exactly does that mean? The Bible is filled with dreams and visions about human history coming to a climax, and they’re usually packed with intense imagery and strange symbols. In this video, we’ll explore the meaning of the word “apocalypse” in the Bible, and we’ll learn some basic steps for reading this literature with more wisdom and insight.

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I've been an atheist for my entire life and I'm only just beginning to outgrow that perspective. Honestly, when the world seems so chaotic and awful in so many ways right now, the message that a being of ultimate good will not only win in the end and create a better world, but want to share that world with humans, is one of the most reassuring messages I've ever heard, especially for someone who hadn't actually heard it until maybe a year ago.

I know you hear things in the news about new generations being less religious and all that, but don't fear, guys. If someone who was as antitheistic as me could have his mind changed, you can open anyone's mind.

Keep going, Bible Project, we need you more than ever.


The animation where Paul is physically blind, but spiritually seeing is one of the most artistic choices I’ve seen from you guys yet. Keep doing what you’re doing!


Revelation is about the BEGINNING OF THE RE-NEWED WORLD!!!! So well said.


People think Christains are pessimists because we are constantly wanting the apocalypse to come. But actually we're optimists. We have the blessed hope that the apocalypse is just the end of evil, of pain, of suffering and death. Followed by an eternity with our Saviour Jesus Christ.


“And so while the revelation feels like the end of the world, it’s actually about the beginning of the renewed world where heaven and earth are reunited and God’s human images rule all creation in the love and power of God”

oh man, this straight out took away my fears and gives me hope while we await the coming back of our Savior Jesus Christ and be changed in the twinkling of an eye.


As a pastor with a master’s degree, I am amazing how much solid theology they cram into these tiny videos, and the visual communication of abstract spiritual concepts is just excellent. Thanks so much Bible project, even my small children love these videos


It’s the apocalypse! But that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. In the Bible, the word apocalypse means “to reveal.” It refers to moments when God uncovers the true nature of reality to someone, usually in a dream or vision. And because this often happens in dreams, biblical apocalyptic literature is packed with fantastic imagery and strange symbols: dragons and beasts, bowls of blood and fire, cosmic collapse, and more. Interpreting all these images is what makes biblical apocalyptic so controversial and intriguing. So how do we read it wisely? First, we need to see how apocalyptic visions are all connected to the bigger biblical storyline. God’s purpose from the beginning is to rule creation with his human images. They are to live by his wisdom in the place where heaven and earth are united, depicted as a mountain-garden of Eden. Once humans are exiled from the garden, the rest of the biblical story is about the restoration of that original purpose. This is why apocalyptic dreams and visions (like Genesis 28, Exodus 24, Isaiah 6, or Ezekiel 1) are all so similar. They’re visions into the heavenly Eden-temple, where God’s image rules all creation. And from that divine throne, God reveals wisdom about how he’s guiding history towards a renewed creation. And as for all that intense imagery in biblical apocalyptic literature, the best thing you can do to understand it is study the rest of the Bible. Apocalyptic symbols are all based on biblical design patterns and themes that begin in Genesis 1-11 and develop throughout the rest of the biblical story. Whether it’s the four horsemen, the seven trumpets, or the dragon and the lamb, these are all images with deep roots in the Hebrew Bible that come to their climax in the story of Jesus. Apocalyptic literature is the deep end of the pool when it comes to reading the Bible, but learning how to read it well comes with a great reward. We can learn to see the world from a divine perspective as we understand that the risen Jesus is the true King of the world who is guiding history toward a renewed creation.

For more information, check out the following resources:


Now, instead of fearing that apocalypse would happen, I hope it happens soon with a joyful heart. Let's continue doing our part to renewing this world until our King finally arrives.


It was about the Lamb in Genesis
It's about the Lamb in Apocalypse
It's all about Jesus!


Notice the skulls in the ocean at 2:52 & the way they are describing the Ocean. Genius. It’s small details like that that reveal the creativity & effort they place in all of their videos.


"that's SOBERING"
that was such a good choice of words
to better contextualize the pathway to being RENEWED through christ.

Thank you for making this channel it has been so helpful <3


God isn’t silent, we’re just trying to silence Him


The animation is just stunning! Changing from a cartoon style to an amazing Van Gogh like painting is really beautiful.


You make binge watching Jesus a thing. Like I can’t get enough of the visuals of Gods word!!! Amen. Makes them easy for my children to remember. We also have your huge book with all the books in one. It’s great!!


Am I the only one who finds the drawing of, not just that of paul physical blindness but spiritual vision, but also of Adam and Eve calming? 🙂


Hi guys. I love what you do and I love Jesus too!


I've so appreciated this series! My church is reading through the "One Story that Leads to Jesus" plan and, as many times as I've read through the Bible, there are still so many things I have yet to learn. Thank you for doing this project to support our growing understanding of the heart of God.


You guys, I totally loved your podcast series in this topic. Thank You. God bless ya'll


I'm in my 40's, and I absolutely love these cartoons. I love the comic style that you did a couple years ago also. Thank you for what you and your team are doing, and continue to do.
