Miracles of the Quran: MATHEMATICAL PATTERNS | Dr. Shabir Ally

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In our series, Quran – Is It Really The Word of God, we’ll explore how mathematical patterns are present in the Quran. How do they help further our belief these miracles can only be possible from up above? We sit down with Dr. Shabir Ally and learn more.

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Noble Quran has thousands of scientific and Mathematical miracles


JazakAllahu khair... I like Shabir Ally and make dua that Allah gives barakah in his work insha Allah...


All the five daily prayers are equally important


There is no doubt that Allah SWT brought messengers and prophets in every corner of earth in order to convey the message or worshiping the oneness of Allah SWT because it was his plane that he will bring bring down his last book for entire human kind with a last prophet, therefore this book has to be maintain in a way so that no one can change even a signal word from it.

Allah Akbar.


Salvation is found in no one else for there is no other name under heaven given to humanity by which we must be saved except the unique Name: YAOHÚSHUA.' - Acts 4:12, Holy Scriptures


There are two kinds of people.
The people who are proud of what humanity took from them, and
The people who are proud of what did they ripped from Humanity.
I suggest beginning from now to count how many physics discoveries
and how many mathematical theorems have been proven each year from Muslims,
from Christians, from Jews, from Zoroastrians, from Buddhists, from Induists, etc
This will be the measure of the giving per religion.
Then they could divide this number with their population and this will be the measure
of the giving of each of them per person per religion.


I went down that rabbit hole years ago with the number 19 and Rashad Khalifa claiming to be messenger of the covenant, even calling myself a submitter in the cult he started. It's very easy to let oneself get lost and/or swept away looking for patterns. I was even perplexed with what could possibly be the meaning of Rashad Khalifa being assassinated by knife and the news report claiming he was stabbed 19 times. I had to let that all go, and I left. The pattern behind the frequency of Adam and Jesus mentioned and how it ties in surah 19 is very interesting to me though. But I won't let numbers sweep me away again.


I was hoping for him to actually go into the claim itself not just refer to other studies and books. Also you should link to this sources in the description above.

I have written a response on my blog regarding this so called miracle, but I did not investigate the #19 miracle but the other one with coincidences regarding number of words matching. I will look into this one next.


bible pls stop your ctdts(150) let people know the valid+true+knowledge+blieved
32 schoolers and 50c denomitors cant you tyred for playing game QURAN has a knew translaters(science) not only for religeon i love Allah in my totality life and his mercy be with all MUSLIMS


He also said, the math predicted when God qould come. then later he admitted his math was wrong.


These numbers are based on the 1924 Quran, which is different from the earliest Qurans, which also are missing verses eaten by Aisha's goat or died with the soldiers in battle.

Also, how can you think Allah can make up miraculous mathematical 'miracles' if he cannot get basic fractions right as in Surah 4:11, 12, 176

Say a man is survived by his wife, his mother and his sisters.
The wife receives 1/4 of the inheritance, (In what ye leave, their share is a fourth, if ye leave no child;) the mother 1/3 (if only one, her share is a half. For parents, a sixth share of the inheritance to each, if the deceased left children; if no children, and the parents are the heirs, the mother has a third;) and the sisters 2/3. (If there are two sisters, they shall have two-thirds of the inheritance (between them).

When we add up these fractions they too are more than the total.

Wife1/4 = 3/12
Mother 1/3 = 4/12
Sisters 2/3 = 8/12
Total = 15/12
