Christian reacts to Mathematical Miracle of Quran (It just keeps getting better)

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#Islam #christianity #quran

The Mathematical Miracle Of Quran Original Video:

Today, as a Christian Orthodox I react to the Mathematical Miracle Of Quran by RED Mile. The Quran was miraculous enough to me whilst reading it. Additional Miracles like Mathematics or Scientific Miracles are not even needed for me to convey the Purpose of the Quran. This journey has become greater than I ever thought it to be. As s a Christian I got to understand Muslims and Islam more than some Muslims that are born into Islam.
God bless!


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For the Algorithm :
Where are you from?


Whats way more impressive is that these versus were brought down in a 23 year period and not in chronological order that's what makes it truly amazing!


You are helping so many Muslims learn, improve and strengthen their faith Brother Bobby. This is a very big good deed in Islam. Not just Muslims, you are helping non-muslims a lot as well. You are doing all of this already without even becoming Muslim yet, you will be a very big asset to us once you revert to Islam Insha'Allah. You are far better than a lot of born Muslims. 💙💯


I've been raised as an anti-Islam all my life. Even though I live in a Muslim society. I stayed in a pure dark room for 7 months, I was an atheist, and I was doing meditation things in pure dark and I was thinking about my life. It was such a time that i had no interest and desire for the world and anything in it, the world was completely erased from my heart. after that everything changed for me. My whole life changed when my pineal gland secreted DMT. I understood Tavhid, Oneness, I felt that there is nothing except Allah. I stopped drinking alcohol, going to clubs, and it was like that person whom i called "me" is died. After that day, I surrendered to Allah, my heart is in peace all the time, doesnt matter whatever happens in my life. I feel that Allah sees me all the time. Elhamdulillah. This topic is too long for me to tell you here. I want you to remember that there is death. You can die today, you can die tomorrow. Therefore, after all this truth has become clear to you, do not delay becoming a Muslim. How great is Allah Almighty. I wish to see you become a Muslim. Don't forget to watch the movie The Message(1976).

If you want to learn my story, let me know, Im in your telegram group.

“Allah gives a great understanding of religion to those for whom He wishes good.”
Muhammed (SAV)



Days 365, Month 12
Punishment 117 - forgive 234
Say 332 - the said 332
World 115 - hereafter 115
Devil(shaytan) 88 - angel(malaika) 88
Haven 77 - hell 77
Zakah 32- barakah 32
Summer, hot 5 - winter, cold 5
Richness 26 - poverty 13
Women 23 - man 23
Land 13 - sea 32
Life (dunia) 145 - death(akhira) 145
Good deeds 167 - bad deeds 167
Believe 17 - disbelieve 17
Iblish 11 - seeking help from iblish 11
Corrupt 50 - benefit 50
People 50 - messengers 50
Calamity (museebah) 75 - thanks 75
Spending (sadaqah) 73 - satisfaction 73
People who are mislead 17 - dead people 17
Gold 8 - easy life 8
Mind 49 - noor 49
Desire 8 - fear 8
Tongue 25 - sermon 25
Hardship 114 - patience 114
Mohammad 4 - Mohammad's teaching 4
Month 12
Days 365
Adam 25 - isa 25


There is so much knowledge in the Quran, I'm continuously impressed. Can you make a reaction video to "origin of Jinns" please!


Bro, this is mind boggling. I've been a Muslim for more than 20 years, Alhamdulillah, and I just recently discovered this.


Love this Brother.
Jazak Allahu Khayran


That mathematical (percentage) about land and water, it was really something something! I didn't know about that 😳

God bless you Bobby, I learned something today from your video!
As a muslim I learned something about The Holy Qur'an from a christian (from honest christian man)
Thank you Bobby ✌


This is amazing Bobby, i am actually learning with you because even as a muslims who read the Quran many times im having a blast learning more more as you keep venturing forth in your journey. So yeah you're not alone in this journey a lot of us are learning with you and i think this is an amazing thing you're doing.


Really love your videos keep them coming!


This is just the tip of the iceberg. God bless you.


Much respect for choosing this subject because that is my first time knowing this information even though I heard about this claim before but I never look and learn about it
Soo thanks too you I have learned something good and amazing


So i continue here my mother is Catholic and my father was muslim. My mother from poland and father was palestinian from suria emigrated to sweden 1980 and so did my mother and I came 82 my brother 1990 and They my mother and father Never did pressure us they said you may choose Religion, but normally you go by The father or after father but my brother did that all his life his 32 years and me i eat pig and in my heart i feelt muslim and still my mother babtiysed me in Catholic church with out my fathers knowlede but i converted for real almost 7 years ago to Islam and that is The most best thing i ever made feels so god i have changed in soso many ways but to The better NO doubt and I cant compare with all do Respect for example all The diffrent bibles books witch gives people mening because it doesent say The same thing for example in one Bible can give very diffrent perspektiv and menings to people, But the Quran my friend its more like a guide book for The life. For example in one Bible Its says Jesus pbuh is Made and in another he is begotten that is very diffrent. I mean in The End The conlusion will be The same as heaven and hellfire. And I can give one more example that is good most of The Time The Christians talks and prays more in church to Jesus pbuh then Allah - God Himself The Creator If The Seven snd heavens and The earth and for example 60 or 70 years is just a couple of days or something near that of what i hear from Imamsand sheiks here on Youtube and I think you know in Islam especially The sheiks Imams they can not not lie because The punishment is hee not AT all The nicect rather they opposite. But i just wanted to say that i have been a good to my self and others much more better person since i became what i actually am after my father how died 2016 Allah Yer7amo. O caman Allah maak Bobbie, witch means Allah is with you like bless you. Keep do what you do bro istand by you no matte what. With big regards Zaki zacharia. 🤲❤️☝️. Ciao for now sorry for my long writings. ✌️


This is fast becoming my favourite YT channel bro! Keep up the great work


He grants wisdom to whom he pleases. And whoever is granted wisdom, he indeed is given a great good. And none mind but men of understanding
(Qur'an Surah Al Baqarah: 269)


From Indonesia..God Bless You Mr Bobby...


May allah guide you to straight path Ali from morocco


Ex orthodox christian from the balkans here reverted to islam. In the balkans the family don t accept easy this but cant lie to myself Islam is the original religion


wow the total numbers of the words in quran against the factual discovery definitely can not be a coincident. It shows the proofs that it is a miracles for mankind to witness
