Christian Couple REACT to the Mathematical Miracle Of QURAN (Mind Blowing)

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The Mathematical Miracle Of QURAN REACTION

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6:18 Kelly’s reaction made me so happy 😊
So cute and pure! Love you sister and brother may Allah bless you in this world and the Herafter Ameen! ❤
Greetings from the Netherlands
Fatima xx


It gets deeper and meaningful
Days 365, Month 12
Punishment 117 - forgive 234 ( In Quran, forgive is twice the punishment)
Say 332 - the said 332
World 115 - hereafter 115
Devil(shaytan) 88 - angel(malaika) 88
Haven 77 - hell 77
Zakah 32- barakah 32
Summer, hot 5 - winter, cold 5
Richness 26 - poverty 13
Women 23 - man 23
Land 13 - sea 32
Life (dunia) 145 - death(akhira) 145
Good deeds 167 - bad deeds 167
Believe 17 - disbelieve 17
Iblish 11 - seeking help from iblish 11
Corrupt 50 - benefit 50
People 50 - messengers 50
Calamity (museebah) 75 - thanks 75
Spending (sadaqah) 73 - satisfaction 73
People who are mislead 17 - dead people 17
Gold 8 - easy life 8
Mind 49 - noor 49
Desire 8 - fear 8
Tongue 25 - sermon 25
Hardship 114 - patience 114
Mohammad 4 - Mohammad's teaching 4
Month 12
Days 365
Adam 25 - isa 25 (Both the prophets are created by God with the word "be")


Surah 57 is called Iron. The word iron is mentioned in 26th verse. The atomic number for iron is 26. 26 protons + 31 electrons = 57. One of the most stable forms of Iron.


This is why Quran is BIGGEST miracle in Islam. Different than another kind of miracle that only few person who had seen with bare eyes only in one moment/one time, but miracle of Quran can be seen by everyone in any time. it's like live miracle. but people can realize that when they open their mind.


Here's another good one that blew my mind, if you google what is in the center of the earth you will find that its mostly iron, the qur'an has 114 chapters and the chapter in the middle (number 57) is called in arabic "hadid" which translates to literally "iron". Subhanalah


After I have read the Quran, I realized that all what humanity needs is this heavenly law. “The legislation of Quran will spread all over the world, because it agrees with the mind, logic and wisdom.” – Leo Tolstoy


"It is us who revealed The Quran and it is us who will guard it from corruption." Surah Al-Hijr (15:9)


This video hasn’t scratched the surface. There are so many more mathematical miracles in the Quran. I hope to compile them one day In sha Allah.


The first surah is Fatiha, in the name of Allah and the last surah is an Nas, the human . That means, Qur'an from Allah to human kind.❤🎉😊


Always remember that Quran is not a book of science, it tells you what happened in the past, how to live right now and what will happen in the future❤❤❤ the definition of way of life


That's no all, day is mentioned 365 times and the month is mentioned 12 times in the Quran


do it....take the plunge and embrace Islam. have good people to help you and around you, and take things at your own pace (that's important). May Allah guide and protect you both


These two beautiful souls are after the truth. May Allah guide them to the truth ❤❤❤😊


Quran itself is Miracle
Now the Miracle in your hand, n explore it


Yes, forgiveness is huge for us. There is great reward in TRUE forgiveness of others. We all know how hard that can be.


There's much more to it than this video showed, the more you study Quran, the more you get assured that this can't be from anyone else other than Allah.


Numerical miracle in the Quran:
The word نَتَوَفَّيَنَّكَ meaning ( we take you in death) is only mentioned towards Prophet Muhammad SAW and it's used 3 times in the Quran.

Quran 10:46
Quran 13:40
Quran 40:77

Add the left side 10 + 13 + 40 = 63

63 is the age Prophet Muhammad SAW passed away.
10 years lived in Medina As a prophet
13 years lived in Mecca as a Prophet
40 years lived in Mecca before Prophet hood

The first time (نَتَوَفَّيَنَّكَ) (We take you in death) is mentioned in the Quran Chapter 10 verse 46.
the total letters in this verse is exactly 63.

Add the right side 46 + 40 + 77 = 163

163 is the 38th prime number.

38 is the number of verses in Chapter Muhammad ( SAW).


This shows some of the beauty of the Qur'an, but it's not about that, it's about the guidance that it includes❤


I'm an arabic speaker and i verified some of these things using an app that searches for words in the quran.


During an interview with Angelika Neuwirth, the distinguished Professor of Qur’anic studies, she argued that the Qur’an has never been successfully challenged by anyone, past or present:

"No one has succeeded, this is right… I really think that the Qur’an has even brought Western researchers embarrassment, who were not able to clarify how suddenly in an environment where there were not any appreciable written text, appeared the Qur’an with its richness of ideas and its magnificent wordings."
