The Numerical Miracles in the Quran | Arabic101

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The Book referred to in this video:

In this video, we will answer the following questions:

- What are numerical miracles of the Quran?
- Are these miracles true?
- What is a miracle?
- What is a subtlety of the Quran?
- What is the difference between miracles and subtleties?
- Why aren't the numerical facts of the Quran miraculous?

PLEASE share the video as much as you can to spread the word and share the ajer in shaa Allah ...

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Oh Allah, forgive all of our past, present, and future sins, Ameen.


mashaAllah thank you for clearing our minds. May Allah protect from fabrication.


Brilliantly Articulated brother 👍🏻👌🏻
_May Allah ﷻ reward you for your efforts._


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
You need more subscribers man, I have been recommending your channel in some Qur'an discord servers, in some other Islamic servers and to every other convert that I find, I hope this helps

Your work is amazing


I advise my Muslim brothers and sisters to learn Arabic from the Quran, even if it's one word a day.

You would get more reward for learning Arabic if you're not a native speaker.

And for every one letter of the Quran 10 to 700 good deeds and Allah multiples more for the one who fasts 👍
Peace be upon you :)


The aim of both the miracles of the prophet and the book he had been sent with in to prove their truthfulness and so make people believe in everything mentioned in the Coran.Allah is more pleased with our repentance than anyone else.


سورة الحديد هي السورة الوحيدة التي يدل اسمها على عنصر من عناصر المادة ، وهي السورة رقم 57 في ترتيب المصحف . وإليك بعض الملاحظات حول ترتيب هذه السورة : جمل كلمة ( الحديد ) هو 57 وهو موافق لترتيب السورة . جمل كلمة ( حديد ) هو 26 وهذا هو العدد الذري للحديد ، وتكتمل المفاجأة عندما نعلم أن 57 هو الوزن الذري للحديد ، مع العلم أن الأوزان الذرية لنظائر الحديد المستقرة غير المشعة . ( 58 ، 57 ، 56 ) : الحديـد عدد آيات سورة الحديد هو 29 آية ، فإذا ضربنا رقم ترتيب سورة الحديد بعدد آياتها يكون الناتج : 1653 = ( 57 x29 ) إذا جمعنا أرقام ترتيب السور القرآنية من 1 إلى 57 يكون الناتج : ( 1 + 2 + 3 + 57 ) 1653 ، فإذا قمنا بضرب رقم ترتيب كل سورة من سور القرآن الكريم الـ 114 بعدد آياتها ، ثم قمنا بترتيب الناتج تنازلياً ، فستكون المفاجأة أن سورة الحديد هي السورة الوحيدة التي تحافظ على ترتيبها بين سور المصحف ، أي ستبقى السورة رقم 57 الآية رقم ( 1 ) من سورة البقرة هي الآية رقم ( 8 ) في ترتيب المصحف . وعليه إذا قمنا بجمع تراكمي لآيات المصحف فسنجد أن الآية 1653 في ترتيب المصحف هي الآية 57 من سورة يوسف . فتأمل !! ولمسألة الحديد تتمة ليس هذا مكان بسطها .


wow....appreciate ur work ya
زدك الله علما مع عمل الصلح


alhamdulillah i’m glad you guys aren’t advocating for this ‘miracle’.


What makes the consistency miraculous is that the Quran didn’t come down in one go. It came in small pieces of revelations in response to seemingly random events in the prophet’s (SAW) life. And yet, after 20 years when you fit all these revelations together you get a book with unparalleled consistency. Only Allah could have known and controlled the future to create a book so consistent. So please don’t belittle the miracles of Allah!!!


Finally, a voice of wisdom in this never-ending sea of chaos.


You are doing so well brother! May Allah grant you and your family, Jannatul Firdaus.


One or two would be a coincidence. Maybe three would be grasping at straws but this is many signs and clear signs to strengthen our faith for those who listen and believe. Alhamdulillah ♥️


Masha Allah. Very good message, , please continue your search in the way Holy Quran


Masha Allah, , , yes every word in Quran is meaningful, , . Thanks, , , keep going, , ,


Jazaka Allahu Khairan for putting an end to some of the absurd numerical patterns people claim about the Quran.

1. Allah created 12 months (9:36), and yet the 12th month in the Gregorian calendar is called December (Deci means 10). Which means 2 months were added that dislodged December from position #10 to #12.
2. There are approx 354 days in an Islamic year while the solar year has 365.25 days (hence 1 added day every 4 years - leap)
3. It won't be uncommon for things that are usually mentioned in tandem, such a night and day, sun and moon, and heavens and earth to be mentioned about the same number of times.

May Allah put Baraka in all that you do and for providing clear and accurate information about the Quran.


"Hour" might be mentioned more than 40 times but not everytime mention of word Hour means 60mins of time. Sometimes it also means Day of Judgement.


I find this video pretty rational but quite honestly, I think that the whole thing to do with the Calendar doesn't contradict the Qur'an because Allah knew that the world itself will simulate according to the 12 month Calendar since that idea was established before the revelation of Islamic Calendar. Despite us not following the Islamic Calendar into our day to day lives, it doesn't change that even in our 7 day a week, 12 months and 365 days a year Calendar, friday exists and it is called Jummah for us. It works both ways and it is also because it already was difficult for non muslims to accept islam bafk then anyways which means they wouldnt understand our Calendar, which would create miscommunication between non muslims and muslims in terms of dates etc.
I don't take it as a miracle after this video, I take it as proof that Allah SWT is alknowing that he knows what will happen before it even happens


May Allah ﷻ reward you for your efforts.


Jazakallah Khair I was wondering about this
