Norse Mythology vs Greek Mythology vs Egyptian Mythology #mythology

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Ok, a few disclaimers:

Heracles isn't a god, he's a demigod.
Hel isn't a god, she's a Jötun.
Yes, Thor is also the god of strength.
Yes, Athena is also the god of wisdom.
Horus and Anubis didn't appear because they haven't got counterparts from the other myths.

This video was painful to make, hope you like it.


Greek probably gets the impact point imo... seeing as the Romans essentially blatantly copied their mythology, which then had indirect influences on the form western Christianity took as a result. Roman usage of terminology associated with the mythos also continued in western usage pretty much forever, and the European Empires proceeded to spread that all over the place with their rampant imperialism. Whole load of words in the English language, for example, are derived from one or another Greek or Roman myth or diety. This comes up a fair bit in science, ie. "Arachnids" a large category of bugs named after "Arachne" who was turned into a spider by Athena, or a book of maps being an "Atlas" after the Titan holder of the world, or things that cause attraction being called "aphrodisiacs" after Aphrodite.

You still see this super heavily today in terms of Space exploration... ie. The program to return to the moon is the "Artemis Program", or the push to colonize Mars (a planet named after Ares... every Russian mission to the planet bore the same name). Europe's ESA named its in development re-usable rocket Themis and its engines "Prometheous." H*ll even China's largest top space company, Galactic Energy, named its workhorse rocket "Ceres", Roman Demeter, and its in development reusable rocket "Pallas." Add in all the planet names and space exploration, the field of the future, remains dominated by Greco-Roman myth callbacks. Thanks to capitalism you've also got more brands named after Greek dieities than you can shake a stick at. Take for example "Amazon" named after the Amazon river in South America, itself named by a Spanish soldier after the Amazons of Greek Mythology following fierce fighting with indigenous women in the area (again, that Empire thing). You've also got military and weapons systems (Russia's nuclear torpedoes are named Poseidon for example).

Walk up to any random person on the street and talk about an "Achilles' heel" or "opening Pandora's box" and they'll probably know what you mean. You've also got holiday symbolism like Valentines day (dominated by Cupid, a bizarre spinoff of Eros). Having your civilizational heirs takeover half the continent, and then their heirs takeover almost the whole planet, tends to do your mythos favours. Also helps that the great powers like to ape the Romans to this day (the US and its constant eagle symbolism and greco-roman government building architecture and the Russians with their whole "third rome" thing... h*ll even the Nazis copied roman style for their symbolism, as did Napoleon Bonaparte). That's not exclusively about the mythos, but it still tends to slip in there as a result. You even got some slippage of Greco-Roman stuff into the Islamic world as a result of the Ottomans inheriting it from Byzantium.

You could also argue the belief system had an impact on the mentality and work of Greek philosphers, who have essentially dominated western thinking and science ever since (Renaissance thinkers being inspired by them and building on their work... guys like Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle heavily shaped western political and scientific thinking which, again, spread like the plague around the whole world because Empires and colonialism).

You also have athletics, where you have the Olympic games as the highest worldwide venue for competition, and companies like "Nike", named after the Goddess of Victory, as the big brands. Feats of strength also get described as "Herculean." Pop culture has also had a large dose of Greek stuff seep in (ie. DC's use of practically the whole pantheon in relation to Wonder Woman, or JK Rowling litering Harry Potter with creatures from Greek myths).

This has been a really long way of saying it's hard to top the Greeks on influence, lol


Egyptian mythology is just insane! I remember my dad used to work at an archeology site at Egypt. He found an ancient artefact that was made out of gold. He also found a small statue of Seth. I am currently following my dad’s footstep. That’s why I’m really into this stuff. And I’m glad I found this channel. The Egyptian mythology is so vast. So uncharted and many left to be discovered.


Egyptian and Norse teaming up against Greek 🗿🗿🗿


Roman Mythology: I'm like Greek, only the name is different


I honestly prefer Norse mythology to Greek one, but myth sagas like the Odyssey or the Iliad are just phenomenal.
I'll surely start to study Egyptian mythology, it seems really interesting.


Mythology was humanity’s first try at fan fiction change my mind


One of the best VS. video of the pantheons, easily.


How is Egyptian mythology the most impactful (honest question)?


it seems that the future stop of kratos is the winner


As SOON as I saw personal favorite I knew who has going to win


Definitely Greek mythology that is known 🗿


It's your opinion okay for me it's the Greeks


Cool video.
I definitely disagree with Set defeating Thor. He's not a god of strength. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of Set. Big time. But the combined effort of Ra and Set couldn't destroy Apophis, but Thor defeated Jormungandr single handedly. Both of these serpents could cause earthquakes. They are symbolically the same creature. One throw of Thor's hammer levels mountains. It moves fast, I think that was in the video. Lol. I've watched this several times and I can't tell. It's badass though. You should do more. Great job


Egyptian pantheon vs Aztec pantheon
Aztec pantheon vs Inca Pantheon


In my opinion Heracles is the best god of strength but that's just my opinion


Kratos: well time to travel to kill the patheon of gods then


Two of those already lost their gods to a bald guy. Now, time for egypt, boi


My favorites from those three mythology’s are Thanatos, vidarr, Seth


the author does not understand mythology, an absolute random
