What Would You Say to a Christian Who Denies the Inerrancy of Scripture?

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What would you say to a professing Christian who denies the inerrancy of Scripture? Dr. John MacArthur explains how to engage a professing Christian who denies the inerrancy of Scripture.

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As a Bible-believing Christian, I have to be honest and call this out for only addressing the low-hanging fruit arguments. Anyone with even a cursory knowledge of Biblical manuscripts could rightly have pause about of the "inerrancy" question. It doesn't mean that you are trying to "Rule with authority over Scripture" or "Deny what God says." Touching on the more complex issues around inerrancy would have made a stronger argument for the correct conclusions he did reach: God and the Bible are ultimate authority.


So basically: if its not inerrant, we cant know what true. And we need to know whats true, so it must be inerrant.


Wow! What a masterful example of circular reasoning!


Innerency is defined as "exemption from error." To be brief, do a horizontal study of the gospels. That means instead of reading one whole gospel at a time, read one story then read the same story in the remaining gospels and compare. Who and how many people where at the empty tomb; was there one or two men or an angel at the tomb who spoke regarding where Jesus went; was the stone rolled away before or during the time the woman came to the empty tomb; were the disciples told to wait for Jesus at Galilea or Jerusalem. There can only be one true answer. The truth to each of these questions, which there can only be one, depends on which gospel you read, and there lies the errancy of the Bible. The reason for this errancy is threefold: 1. the gospels were written at vastly different times and places, 2. before any gospel was written there was a very long period of oral tradition. 3. the scribes, though well intentioned, made many copying errors. This isn't meant to defame God/Christ; it's just meant to point out the errency.


First, it’s crucial to define inerrancy of scripture. Do you mean truthful or literal? Many Christians have different opinions on this and it’s necessary to define it. Next you should consider the author’s and, most importantly, God/Holy Spirit’s intention for the scripture. Finally, its important to understand the context of the era. All of these must be taken into account when speaking on and defining inerrancy of scripture


The Bible never makes a claim for inerrancy. 2 Timothy 3 16 can also be interpreted "Everything God-breathed is scripture" or, as Adam Clarke translates it, "Every writing Divinely inspired is profitable for doctrine." Additionally, there was no NT at the time and Paul was not referring to himself. The problem with inerrancy is all the numerous contradictions and literary styles that have to be explained away with incoherent pretzel twisting.


Every word is pure and god inspired? Including the parts we historically know were tampered with?


Could one think that the bible isn't inerrant, not because he/she wants to selectively pick what to uphold and dump what they don't like, but because they think that God uses fallible men and when fallible men communicate God's message, they indeed communicate the thrust of it but might (due to human error) not be perfect as to every iota of that communication?


How do we trust John's interpretation of scripture? Because he speaks for God?


Circular reasoning -- "The inerrant Bible says it's inerrant, therefore it has to be!" This guy's reasoning is ridiculous -- "If you question inerrancy, you have to question everything else, or be your own authority, therefore inerrancy is true!" That's supposed to be a logically valid argument?


I think the message is innerant, but the process of collecting and selecting manuscripts, translation to other language thats where some details might become problems (for example producing misunderstanding)


So Dr John MacArthur thinks the Earth is flat?


The Year is 1 AD. If you were God in 1 AD and needed a plan to spread the "good news" which option below would you use?

Option 1: Use emotions, intuition, dreams, one's conscience to directly communicate with people.

Option 2: Create one person of authority like the Pope to be your spokesman.

Option 3: Have many men (just men of course) write books about God and then compile them into one book. Have it translated into hundreds of languages and dialects which exist throughout the world. Then mass produce the books and then mass distribute those millions and millions of books. Teach all people to read.

If I were God, I would choose option number 1. It is efficient, universal, and timeless. What is the good news? The good news is unconditional love is the path to salvation. It is about the message not the messenger.


Dr. MacArthur was wrong from his very first statement. God makes no claim about the Bible because nothing was ever written in the Bible about the Bible because the publication we call the Bible did not exist when scripture was written. When the Bible mentions scripture its talking about whatever scriptures existed and where in circulation in those days which may no be the same as the debated roster of artifacts that where found and added to the Bible. So God has not claimed anything about the book called the Bible, certainly not its inerrancy.


I was lost. I didn't know what to do I felt so empty in my life. Then someone handed me this list of beautiful scripture from the Bible and it changed my life. I am now reborn with new meaning in my life!!. I now see the true nature of God. I would love to share those pieces of scripture with you. This man is so right.

Genesis 19 6:8
Leviticus 25:44-45
Numbers: 15:32-36
Numbers: 31:17-18
2 Kings 2:23-24
Psalm 137:8, 9
Deuteronomy 21:18-21
Deuteronomy 25:11-12
Zechariah 13:3
1 Peter 2:18


"The only reason to dent inerrancy would be to deny something in the Bible you don't like."

Every well-meaning Christian knows that John is wrong. We reject inerrancy because of Scriptural inconsistencies.


the kingdom of God is hidden within you, not in the bible or in your church. The power and reality of God cant be observed or comprehended. words and language can’t reach it. It is transcendental knowledge, and that knowledge can’t be reached by being a mere advocate of a religious philosophy. It can’t be read about, or understood by the human mind. BUT, surrender to the divine, loving others as yourself, eradication of hatred, and character development can propel you in the right direction.


Not one of his assertions about my attitude to the Bible apply to me that I can see.


What “scripture” is II Timothy actually referring to?

I’m not wanting to deny anything in the Bible. I want to find truth.


Out of words
More grace brother jhon.
