RINGS OF POWER Episode 8 Breakdown | Ending Explained, Review And Lord Of The Rings Easter Eggs

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RINGS OF POWER Episode 8 Breakdown | Ending Explained, Review And Lord Of The Rings Easter Eggs. We review, recap and explain the new episodes of The Rings Of Power on Amazon Prime Video. This discusses Melkor / Morgoth, Adar, Sauron, The twists Gandalf, The Strangerl, Elrond, Elendil, Isildur, Numenor and our Season 2 Predictions.

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Welcome to the Heavy Spoilers show I'm your host Paul and it's time to Balrog and roll as we are now at the finale for Rings Of Power Season 1.

The Lord Of The Rings show answers a lot of questions in it's last episode and throughout this video we're gonna be breaking down what happens, what it means for the future and also giving our review on the series as a whole.

Full spoilers from here on out so if you don't want anything ruined then I recommend that you head out now. Please hit the thumbs up button if you think the video is precious and make sure you subscribe for videos that you'll be galadriel you stuck around for.

Even if the puns are s**t.

With that out the way, huge thank you for clicking this, now let's get into Rings Of Power Episode 8.


Now last week saw the aftermath of the birth of Mount Doom which completely ravaged the land. Normally I'd say One does not simply change the text of the southlands into Mordor but after Adar took over the realm it became his. Miriel decided to return to Numenor in order to gather more forces and both Galadriel and Halbrand travelled out together.

There was also Isildurs horse Beric which was let off the leash and similar to Arragorn in the two towers, this ends up tracking him down.

There was also the harfoots who set out looking for the stranger in order to warn him he was being tracked by Feminem and the guy who played stan in the music video.

Lastly was Durin who told Elrond and his son to Leave the digging and he accidentally awakened a balrog whilst refusing to help the elves.

That should be you fully caught up and this entry picks up with the stranger. We get a strong focus on his eye similar to how last week started with Galadrield, here he is in Elyn Galen or The Greenwood.

Once the shadow of Dol Guldur spread this became known as Mirkwood. He finds the apple that nori gave him last week but he drops this only for it to be picked up by what seems to be Nori. However,
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When Galadriel confronted Halbrand’s royal lineage saying “That line was broken”, he could have answered her with “It’s been reforged!”


The stranger used the same line that gandalf used in the fellowship of the ring extended edition. "Whenever you don´t know where to go, you can always follow your nose."


I’m surprised they didn’t reveal Halbrand was Sauron is the same way they revealed the Southlands become Mordor!


I think the major give away that the Stranger is Gandalf would be the way a moth appears on the face of Feminem.


Nothing says lord of the rings like over long hobbit goodbyes.


I like that Galadriel was like: "Okay, so I fucked up big time. I'll just deny everything and urge them to make 3 rings of power so I can keep one and crawl into hiding somewhere and sit it out until I get an invitation to go back to Valinor." Lol


I felt that except for Durin and Elrond, the heart was missing from the show that the films had. The whole story of Galadriel could have been so impactful but her relationship with her brother wasn't fleshed out enough to make me feel anything for her.


I think the problem why they cant show galadriels brothers death is because they dont have the rights for their story cause its in the silmarillion


Your overall thoughts on Season 1 are spot on. I enjoyed some moments but others just really dragged.


i find it kinda weird how fast giladril suspected halbrand for not who he is, even though she trusted him the whole show


Halbrand looked like a perfume advert in the end lol


Yeah definitely Gandalf, I think he will come across the Blue Wizards, who would have arrived before and help him remember. Then meet Saruman, see their rivalry as well as his forging friendships with Elrond and Galadriel.

I think Theo will work his way into being the Witch-king and Sauron's ally among the Southlands, helping him to kill Adar.


I think it’s so interesting how manipulative Sauron is and how his words are poison and sorta persist, I guess is the word?? Like Adar used the same words Sauron told him which means Sauron maybe said the same phrase so many times it became branded in him. Similar to how Sauron tempted Galadriel with power but in Fellowship she would be tempted again by the “will of Sauron” in form of the ring and the same words were used to tempt her. Just like the ring tells all of its bearers how “precious” it is. It’s so interesting to see how Sauron’s personality eventually becomes part of the One Ring and how it has telepathic abilities just like Sauron did and how it uses the same words even thousands of years later.


I'd like to know more about the backstory with morgoth and id like to understand more about how the power of the rings work


While I do like slow stories, I still think they have pacing issues, especially for a series that is released an episode a week. I recently watched/ listened to the earlier episodes in a row while knitting and they felt more coherent when binged, than when watched with weeks between story-portions. The season also feels unbalanced to me because while the start was slow (which I didn't mind especially in the plot with the dwarves and elves) the last episodes felt very rushed. In general I'd probably be happier if they'd had really committed to one or two storylines instead of mixing them all together. The whole mithril-line was interesting enough in itself.

As for Halbrand, I'd have liked him to be the witchking. Simply because a flawed character trying to be decent but ultimately failing and Galadriel suffering the loss of a real friend (instead of a fake one) would have been just way more tragic.


i hope Sauron will be one of the main Characters, Long have I waited to See the Dark Lord in Action!


Good to see him looking dark and kind of Sauronish by the end, setting forth for mount Doom.


If you watch the series just to watch, it becomes much better. If you are watching it to compare to all the other LOTR content then yes they copped out. But a lot of people watching might not know who Gandalf or Sauron were or there origin stories. So for them the reveal was amazing. My wife who has never seen LOTR loved the last episode. She said "that chick must be pissed he cheated her like that" and she had no idea he would turn into a bad guy.

I feel if you watch the season in a vacuum you will enjoy it much more then trying to compare it to other LOTR content.


Your reviews are fairly balanced, even though I like the show more than you do (whereas I absolutely hated the long soppy Harfoots goodbye scene and had to skip some of it). The haters' reviews get more views (I haven't watched any of them, obviously), and wish I could have YT filter those suggestions out and never even see their pathetic thumbnails. HOTD is better, of course, but having the two shows at the same time is fine, I think. Like you, I guessed very early that Halbrand was Sauron and The Stranger was Gandalf, so their attempts at misdirection weren't effective, and perhaps storytelling is the weakest part of the series, whereas the visuals are superb.
