Driving For Uber Eats - EVERYTHING You Need To Know

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Here is my referral link:
^^You will receive between a $10 - $500 bonus if you sign up with that link!
UberEATs food order discount: eats-gregm728 ($$ off your first two orders) if you download the Uber Eats app as a customer.

When I started driving for Uber Eats a few years ago, I had no idea how to get started or how Uber Eats works. Hopefully this video can help answer any questions you may have about the process. There is not really a formal Uber Eats driver training, so I'm here to help as an experienced driver! Everything from how to get the most tips, to what to do when a customer cancels the order. Being an Uber Eats delivery driver has it's pros and cons, and hopefully I gave plenty of info for you to decide if it's the right fit for you.

Please leave any questions in the comments, I will be sure to answer each one!

Info on additional bonus:
This is what you will need to include in the email so I can verify who it's coming from:
-First and last name
-City & state you signed up in

If I received a bonus of $50 or more for signing you up, I will send you that $50 on Paypal! (Unfortunately I can only do Paypal) You may email me with questions about this bonus as well, but please leave any general questions about Uber Eats in the comment section of this video :)

*This video is in no way sponsored by Uber or Uber EATs.
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I love it. After working for a restaurant that was completely toxic, this is the best decision I ever made. No dealing with people. Just pick up and drop off. No boss. No ignorant coworkers. Loving it!


Pro tip Don’t do lunch just do dinner. When people order lunch at work they go back to work and I forgot about the app and barley tip. Rich people order between 5pm and 8pm big tips


I love the fact that you took your time to explain everything into details Thank you for sharing


Good attitude, pro active, good communication skills, pay attention to details and the notes are very important . I have been on Uber eats for only 4 days . I completed 67 trips, I got 100% approval rates. Why because I followed my rules . At the end of the day you gotta make it fun . Always time yourself, customers love that . They will always leave good feedbacks. Have a great day day y’all .


I’ve made $120 in 3 hours doing Uber eats in D.C! Love it


Started driving last week and I made over 50 trips in a week and made a total of 350.00 in a week. Went gold in a couple days. I was shocked but happy. My peak times are dinner times. I also have a bag that I use and also pull it out while with the customer. And I do have the Uber debit card. I’m glad I’m on the right path.


First time I’ve ever felt like I needed to research something on YouTube and found everything I needed in one video. Thanks, gonna send this to my wife to convince her 😂😂


This is the best uber eats video I have ever seen. This man speaks the truth. I am somewhat dismayed by the recent pay cut that Uber eats has instrumented for drivers. In my area, I am now continually getting $3.00 trips. This is the minimum, but these trips used to pay 3.75 to 5.00. I also do some Doordash and the different pay rates have become much wider. The same trip on Uber vs Doordash is often 4-5 dollars difference. I can't help wonder if Uber eats is creating a problem that will come back to hurt them, as in drivers deserting due to the low rates.


I've been doing it since August and already made a 57 trips and my tips are 1. Always use another your phone GPS if you have an android always you Google maps because the actual uber GPS is useless 2. And it ties into the first one always write down the customers name and reference number in case the app is down and you can't mark it as delivered and you have to call customer service. 3. Invest in one of those heating/cooling delivery bags because that helps alot 4. Keep a car charger in handy to charge your phone 5. Keep all gas and other car expenses receipts for taxes at the beginning of the year. And 6. Use the promotions uber offers because that's a little bit of extra cash in your pocket can go a long way. Those are 6 tips I use and recommend for anybody whose a uber driver like myself or thinking about becoming one.


I have 3 days searching for a video to explain how uber eats driver works, I didn't find until I found this helpful video, this video explains everything about Uber eats driver. Thank you so much


Thank you for this, I signed up with Uber a few weeks ago, I’ve only done about 15 trips. Today I decided to sign up to drive for Uber eats this morning. I am in Atlanta as well, Brookhaven area, I think I’m in the perfect location for Uber eats orders!


I drive for Uber Eats Part-time, so far I like it. It has its pros and cons, but every delivery app does. I do it because it helps out for rent.


Thanks for the tips.
I've been driving with UE for about 6 months now. Some days I get non-stop and others I get nothing, so I truly understand the ups and downs of this.
I started doing this because I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis and it makes it hard for me to stand for long periods of time ( about 20 minutes and i'm in so much pain that my legs and back lock up) so this was perfect for me. I really enjoy meeting all the new people and I even have a few regulars that are always glad to see that i'm on and making their deliveries. And the staff at the restaurants are always happy to see me, even when I'm going there for my own dinner with my wife.
Thanks again and I have subscribed !!
The worst thing that has happened though is that UE has taken away the referral bonuses in my area and all the promotions. The closest would be like you going to Chattanooga for the promotion times.


Ya ubereats can be great... especially when you get some free food. It’s also a nice break from deal with people if you do uber driving as well.


I was thinking about driving for uber eats and you totally made my mind up for me to do it.. thanks for ur encouragement!!


This put me so much at ease! I just moved to a new city for a job and wanted to pick up a side hustle, and I figured a delivery job would be perfect since I'd essentially be getting paid to learn the streets. My cousin recommended Uber Eats, so I started looking up videos, found this, and you laid everything out and answered my questions perfectly! Gonna be applying later today. Thank you for this video and good luck to everybody else stepping into Uber Eats!


Bro i just started and i live in Atlanta too! This is definitely something that fits me and my life and I’m excited to see how it works


All the information shown in this video about Driving For Uber Eats is totally great, it really is interesting and entertaining for me to see everything related to this topic, thank you very much for sharing it


Ur awesome bro, I appreciate you taking the time to break everything down. I just got approved a few days ago and really needed this info god bless


I just signed up to ubereats & did my first deliveries yesterday! Absolutely loved it
