Building a DIY Off-Grid Power System (vs. Ecoflow )

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#EcoFlow #EcoFlowDeltaPro #solargenerators
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Nothing wrong with showcasing a product that you actually use and, as a bonus, still get paid to do it. This type of product placement is very helpful to keep the channel running. Well done mate!


Dude, you shouldn't feel bad about doing any paid sponsorships.
You put countless hours into providing us with free content. I'm sure we can listen to a sponsor spot.


I very much appreciate your ethics! I have alway enjoyed that your channel hasn’t had commercials/sponsors. With that being said, I’m glad Ecoflow agreed to your terms. My father is doing much of the same thing you are doing, except he is rewiring his entire house to work off of solar and Ecoflows. He’s doing all of the work himself. He has had nothing but good things to say about their systems. Much respect from Missouri, USA


You owe no one any apologies for accepting a sponsorship.

You work hard producing these videos and you are producing a legitimate product.

Good job 👍


Good to see a Henry vacuum cleaner outside the UK! They are fabulous machines, very reliable with a powerful suction, best of all they are simple, very easy to repair and all the parts are readily available and cost effective. I’ve had one for 25yrs and can still get ALL the parts needed!
Sorry your trip to the UK was spoiled by illness, I live in Derby near Nottingham and would have loved to hear you speak 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


I think if you maintain the approach you took for this video, occasional product appearances shouldn't be a problem. Comparing and contrasting commercial to your diy approach is much different than "Buy this because they support me." And you have a way of giving clear, easy to follow explanations. So, even better. With everything going on, finding ethical ways to increase your income is just a logical thing to do.


Great video, as always! I loved the "garage" for the generator.

I hate how much negativity there is around sponsorships for creators. You have made the absolute best, high-quality machinery repair videos for years, at a great personal time and expense. And you've built a successful YouTube channel in the process. I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to benefit from that hard work in the form of sponsorships.

This Ecoflow sponsorship was absolutely perfect, of course (you've got me looking at their website for products that might suit us), but I don't think you should limit yourself so much. It's not like you're promoting second-rate mobile games or imaginary titles in Scotland.

This year I accepted sponsorships from non-profit organizations such as 80, 000 Hours and GiveWell, and I am absolutely not apologetic about that at all. We know you're a genuine person, and would never promote something you don't believe in, but you also deserve all of the success that comes to you, and the ability to be paid for sponsorships is part of the benefits you've eared by building your audience.

Keep up the great work! 👍


I know this is a very late respinse but wanted to weigh in on the advertisement/ sponsor. This is your channel and your time. Both are precious and have value. There are people who pay top dollar to see a live show, a movie, or an expensive sporting event. They dont hesitate to spend hundreds of dollars (or more) a year to be entertained by these events, yet have the hypocrisy to complain to a creator for generating revenue for a channel that they watch free of charge. See how that works? As others have said, you owe no explaination to anyone. NEVER apologize for an advertisement.


Out of all the major sponsors I've seen among YouTube makers, this is probably the most applicable one for your channel. Energy independence has been a long running theme here, and the timing is great to compare a modern commercial product against your scrap yard system.


I know Ecoflow has been making the rounds on YouTube, but I appreciated the different take your review offered. Battery specifications and load testing are useful, but actually seeing the unit in real use means a lot. Remarkable that the Ecoflow would support a huge noisy load like that 3kW grinder, run for a couple days of work, and still have more than half its state of charge left. This is excellent real-world context. That dual-fuel generator is quiet enough, you could have it running near a tent or camper and still sleep well. Good stuff. 👍


I love how you integrated the EcoFlow sponsorship. Instead of just a blurb, or showing how it can run a few lights and a computer, you showed us a real-world use for us who use power tools. I add my voice to the choir, saying "beautifully done, " and of course, "thank you."
When you are presented more sponsorships that fit well, like this one, go for it. If you are worried about terms, I suggest contacting Teaching Tech here on YouTube. He has a great set of terms for sponsors. He discussed them once in a video. I'm sure he'd be willing to share.
Thanks again for the great work!


I'd say that the sponsor was done in alignment with your channel and was perfectly fine. I'm more than glad that you got monetary payment, for doing something you already basically would have done!
I'm thinking of putting solar on my shed, may have to look at how to do that on youtube in the US.


If you had to choose one sponsor, ecoflow is the best.
Their design and products are next level!


The video was really well made. It didn’t feel sponsored at all.
I see no problem in watching videos with sponsored segments, after all, they help the content creator to fund their channel.


No problem with advertising a product that is worth using. It actually is very helpful as a guide for us lesser morals without your formidable abilities. Now we know we can rely on this product😊


Excellent video and as always, quite relevant. I think your AGM solution still has a place, especially if you can source most of it for cheap. The Ecoflow battery and generator run $4500, and then you have to add the solar cells. Not saying it's not a decent price, just that a DIY solution might be all some folks can afford. So I appreciate you showing it and comparing the two objectively. Either one is certainly much cheaper than putting panels on the roof, and if you have to relocate, they're portable. Thank you for all that you show and explain to us.


I like your contents and as a human being. I salute 🫡 you and cheers 🍻 from America 🇺🇸 👍


This was interesting, Gerolf, and the supplied gear from your “sponsor” was very much to the point, so it fitted very well with what you are doing. Your channel is always interesting and thought-provoking. Thank you for all you do on your channel. Les in UK


You need to tell us when your goggles aren't ready!
I almost kicked my cat off the couch when my dark room exploded!
Now my ptsd has brought back my juvenile flash burn/s2.5 I see when I read novels...
Ahh memories arise... Thank you .


I'm glad you decided to accept the sponsorship. They've been working with several of my favorite DIY and science YouTubers, and I'd prefer they did that than spend their advertising budget with some big TV Network. You shouldn't feel like this was an exception to some rule. You should feel like you found a good fit between your business and another one, where you both benefited from the partnership, and so did your viewers. You clearly know your stuff, so when I see you pushing this kinda tech, I know it's not garbage tech. Whether I ever buy something from them or not, I still learned from it. Plus, I learned about your DIY alternative. And 500Wh from the waste dump or recycler isn't bad at all!

Congrats on the business success, and thanks as always for another fun DIY video.

Also, more solar please!! You'd be amazed at how much sun there is on a cloudy day. Especially with bifacial panels.
