Java 2D OpenGL RPG Tutorial 11: Test Level

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This video begins construction of a test level, and fixes a few issues.
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Hey there, I just wanted to let you know that your tutorials are more than anybody could ask for when it comes to being thorough and understandable. Over time, I am sure that your tutorials will be referenced all over the internet as they are far more useful than anything out there. Thank you very much for the significant amount of your life that you have donated to the world community. We all appreciate your time and efforts!


Hi, Benny!  You are a Youtube treasure!  Thank you so much for all your hard work and selfless acts of sharing your great knowledge and experience in graphics and game programming.  I really appreciate your great effort and I wish to complement you on your great skill not just in programming but in teaching others, as well.  Not only that, but you have a great voice that is pleasant to listen to and that makes the learning experience all the better.  I have been working all day every day on these tutorials and have learned a lot, thanks to you!

I started with your LWJGL/OpenGL tutorials and then moved on to this one thinking it would be better to get the hang of 2D before I moved on to your 3D tutorials (ie 3D Engine, Wolfenstein 3D Clone, etc).

It's probably a dumb question to ask, but I enjoyed these newbie targeted series so much that I feel compelled to risk sounding like a fool just to find closure or maybe renewed excitement.  Judging by the date this last video was posted, am I right in assuming that the series has been abandoned in favor of the more advanced topics that you are covering?  If so, I must say that it saddens me, but I completely understand.  It takes a great deal of time and effort to plan, implement all the code, record the tutorial sessions, then edit, encode, and upload the videos plus a whole lot more.  I'm sure it takes many many hours just to produce a small series like this one, let alone your advanced 3D Engine series (phenomenal!).  I am really shocked and amazed at just looking at the titles of that incredible series, but that will have to wait till I learn a bit more of the basics.

Is there a chance that you will reboot this series or start a new 2d RPG series? 

Maybe, you should put a Paypal donate button on your page so people can donate.  You really should get something for all your hard work.  Your site is a gold mine for newbies like me.


Hey Benny!

Just wanted to tell you that I REALLY appreciate your tutorials and that they have helped me make giant leaps in my programming skills so far :)

Would love you to finish this series some time but I think what we have so far is already pretty awesome and a solid frame work for many other stuff!

So just thank you for being awesome I guess :)


Hey Benni,
by now the tutorial is very great and the code is very well structured!
I like that! Other tutorials doesnt have nothing like this structure :)

If I installed my new Linuxdistribution I try to make an UML-Modell and send it to you.
I think it´s important to show which class is in relationship to what ever :)



All i needed was to understand scrolling. someone had skeleton of your source in github and i followed to tutorial 5 or so. I skipped hear cuz i needed scrolling badly. thank you!


Hey Benny,
I just read something that meant the world to me and that is that there are people out there that do care about something other than what they have on their plate.
The past few days I've been listening to you thank those that follow alone for what ever reason, mostly because they want something you cannot find easily today.
Zapedit08's post said it all mostly, I would like to add a couple thoughts if I may.  This is my third set of BennyBox tutorials and my need to learn this language is my personal benefit.  However, through this time and yours is not the only ones I study daily, oh lets say,  since this past February.  The newBoston, cherno, javahut and others, have supplied the needs of many and seriously deserve and thank you from myself and I would think there are plenty of others that will read this as time goes on.
I'll be 65 this Sept. Oh I almost forgot mrdeathjockey, good grief I think he started his series string from 13 or so years old.
Sorry, but I am much like you and share my thoughts through fingers, mice and voice.
Anyway,   I've learned something, if we all shared what we have we would all gain from each more than we could ever dream.
Tesla had a saying in his life and I modified it to " Each and every day, I wake up with the thoughts that I through something I do today I can make a difference in the world will be a better place."

You are one of the ones that do make a difference. 
Bob S.


I really enjoy your videos so thank you very much! Something I'd love to see would be a menu. I have always had really big problems with pausing the gameloop in a nice and tidy way, so if you just made a screen that poped up where you could see your stats and a list of items, and then have a option to close the menu, that would be awesome! I'm eagerly waiting for your next video! :)


Alrighty, thank you very much for the reply, and it's very understandable :).


Hey Benny ! When is the next vid out? Your tutorials are very nice and thorough !


ive been having a similar issue but if you just ignore the update function the timing system (time/delay classes) will continue, so you'll need to make changes to those classes as well


From what i've seen of you vids, and me using for eclipse, eclipse just seams to work better for me, you might wanna just try it to try it! but for this series, ctrl shift f formats code in eclipse which would make a lot of things easier to read.


And are used to the syntax highlighting of it. That's my perspective though it might not matter to others but I can read the code easier in eclipses highlighting


Oh quick question: how do you make it so certain things render above other things, so the player can go behind things like roofs and tree branches and such? Well, also, how would you draw textures?


Hey Benny, do you think you could consider making a video about the state machine or a state stack and how that would work


Are you ever going to post next episode? this is a good series!


When is the next vid comming out? I really like the vids and they have been a huge help to me and my games! come back!!!


Really? You don't bother to do textures anywhere in this series? *sigh* Well, I guess I should have checked. I guess that just leaves me with the PRNG video, and then back to the general OpenGL stuff.


Benny do you think you could add on an episode for rendering a GUI and custom textures on to the screen?


Hey, are you still active? Would love to finish this up.


How do I add a GameObject to game.objects from outside classes?
