Linear Regression in SPSS

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This video explains how to perform a Linear Regression in SPSS, including how to determine if the assumptions for the regression are met.
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Dr Todd Grande, you don't understand how much you've helped me. Seriously you're a God send. Thank you so much for taking the time to make these video. If I hadn't have watch nearly all of them I wouldn't understand half the things I do know. You're


I think this is the most detailed video I'd watched about linear regression using SPSS. I love how it was slowly explained so we can follow. Next time, I would really appreciate if some in-text interpretation of this data, perhaps, an APA format, is included at the end of the video.


The explanation in full proved very helpful. The degree of unique contribution/variance explanation was very clarifying. Thank you.


I love watching your videos on analyzing people, and now that I'm taking a statistics class, I'm enjoying these videos too!


Dr. Grande- Thank you for this exceptional video on regression using SPSS. This video allowed me better to understand SPSS along with the dependent and independent variable. As I am familiar with SPSS, this allowed me to have a refresher.


I like that Dr. Grande explains in the beginning of the video what regression is and what it is used for. This helps to make the basic concept clear and helped me to understand how to do this in SPSS, even though I have never used SPSS.


Linear regressions are helpful because it allows the researcher to identify the relationship between a independent variable and a dependent variable when all other extraneous variables are fixed. I am more of a visual learner, so I appreciated that you also showed us how to put the output data into a scatter plot. Very helpful!


Thanks for everything Dr. Grande, I wouldn’t have passed my assignment if it wasn’t for you


There seemed to be a few more steps in this video, when compared with the last one, but all of them seemed to make sense. I was appreciative that Dr. Grande reminded us of what exactly regression shows us. Also, I had honestly forgotten the other terms for IVs and DVs when discussing linear regression; predictor variable and outcome variable, respectively. It is so helpful to be able to watch these videos step by step; I only wish I still had access to SPSS so I could do it myself, helping to solidify the concept!


This video seemed to be more advanced than pervious videos. Dr. Grande took the time to explain everything throughout the video, which really helped. I wish I was able to actually use SPSS because I think I would have a better understanding of these videos if I am applying what I learn.


I appreciate the reminder of what a regression actually is in this video. I never knew the other names for IV and DV, and I wish that they remained the same throughout all these measures. This video was a bit more advanced than I was prepared for. There was a lot of information in this video, and I wish I could do it along with the video so I could actually remember how to do it.


This video was more in-depth than the previous video and I think that helped me gain a better understanding of what linear regression was. I also have been noticing that I am getting confused with how calculations are done in Excel and SPSS. I keep getting them confused with each other and I believe that is because I have never used SPSS and haven't used Excel in a very long time. The videos seem to make sense when I am watching them, but less after the video ended.


This video provided a lot of useful information. It was helpful to learn that a linear regression allows you to look at one or more independent variables and see how well they predict the score of one dependent variable. It was useful to learn that the independent variable is referred to as a “predictor variable” and that the dependent variable is known as the “outcome variable.” I really enjoyed learning about multicollinearity and whether or not the independent variables are really measuring the same construct, determining if the correlation is high, noting that if the variables are measuring the same thing they don’t add value to the regression model. Once again, the video was very easy to follow and understand, I appreciate the detailed explanation of the concepts.


I enjoyed this video as it was easy to understand what a linear regression is, and how it is useful in data calculations. This will be helpful to refer to as it goes through each of the assumptions of this test as well as how to read and understand the data associated with the calculation. I also found it helpful that Dr. Grande discussed the importance of checking for and dealing with outliers in the data.


I learned a lot of information in this video. It was helpful to remember that the independent variables were the predictor variables, and the dependent variables were the outcome variables. In a linear regression, you take a look at one or more independent variables to see how well they predict the score of a dependent variable. The independent variable also can predict the score of the dependent variable, and the regression helps determine if that is correct. I learned useful tips for performing the linear regression, such as the fact that you should not have less than 20 participants or a high correlation between the independent variables.I thought the steps were simple to follow after clicking the analyze button and then checking regression-linear tab to get started. It was not confusing to navigate the pop-up boxes displayed, and it was easy to understand when following along with reading the final results. Other useful tips I learned were that you do not want the independent variables to correlate any higher than .7, but you do want them to correlate to the dependent outcome variable more than .3. Additionally, important information was provided for interpreting the rest of the data, such as the coefficients tables and following charts. I learned how to read the model summary and compare the results to the "R2" - or variance in the dependent variable expressed as a percentage.


Thank you very much - it is really helpful.
I have a few questions:
1) In the correlation table, I see that few independent variables have a high correlation value (0.727). It should be less than 0.7, so What to do in this case?
2) What to do regarding a negative correlation value (For example: -0.160)?


After watching this video, I have a much better idea on how linear regression works and what it looks like... very helpful.


Learning the different types of exclusions that are a part of the linear regression in SPSS was very helpful to know.


Despite the differences between SPSS and Excel, this video is still very informative.  It does have a lot of good information about regression.


Great video- explained so simply, thank you!
