Anxiety And The Fear Of Losing Control

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Description: Can anxiety turn a person into a control freak? Many anxiety sufferers wonder how they became who they are today, constantly constricted within and barely able to leave their comfort zones. Today I'll be showing you the truth behind this deep inner need for control in all aspects of an anxiety sufferers life.

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We try to control every aspect of our lives but living unplanned life and embracing uncertainty is the key


I am out right now doing something that triggers anxiety big time. I am putting my self in this situation on purpose. I have had issues off, and on for 30 years. And. I have found the only way to come through it, is to do the things you fear the most. There is no other way. Atleast not for me.
Its hard as hell, I shake, but it eventually becomes a thing of past.
God bless everyone.


I have a fear of acquiring a mental disorder such as schizophrenia or bipolar or totally lose my mind, my rumination and anxiety is sky high because of this . I don’t want to talk myself into believing I have these afflictions when I don’t .. make a video for this please !


It’s crazy how I can feel good but when I start to feel uncomfortable in my mental state, you always release a video of what I’m feeling thank you 🙏🏽


You are talking to the inner me, and that scares me..I' ve finally found someone who can deeply understand me ♡


One of my biggest fears is passing this way of thinking and living on to my daughter. It’s so tough.


Thank you so much for making this video! My main fear is intrusive thoughts that makes me believing in the wrong side and acting on the crazy thoughts that I do not want to do which makes me go insane and makes me more fearful and highly anxious.... 😢


Look at my boy rocking the beard! Yes!


I always feel like I need to have a plan. I imagine situations where I might lose control and if I can’t imagine how I’d regain that control, I grow suddenly anxious. I’m learning now that not always being prepared and in control is a part of life! I am strong enough to face any of those tough situations, I just have to remember that.


Your content speaks volumes to me. I have been struggling with anxiety for years and early this year I was in a downward spiral of uncontrollable panic. I'm in a better place now but I know this is who I am. I love your natural approach to navigating through anxiety. I do not like putting things into my body to fix a physiology factor. My control issue is creating stability and safety because my upbringing lacks those two things. I'm so ready to just face my anxiety and live a more fulfilled life rather than a fearful life. Thank you for your content. It helps a lot!


Im 23 years old and I’m in an upset place right now. I experienced what the doctors called it a ‘panic attack’ and since then I have not been the same person. Everyday is a bit difficult, all day I feel lack of motivation, my body sometimes feels heavy like someone has put bricks inside of me. My chest feels a bit tight and I feel a lump in my throat because I’m always on edge, I sometimes get a rush of a rollercoaster feeling in my heart and body and it’s uncomfortable. I have also experienced a kind of pressure sinus feeling in my head which will make my teeth ache a little and the right side of my head will hurt which will make one side of my face a bit strange like I’m going to have a stroke. I’m constantly feeling very down because these feelings come suddenly, just earlier I was making lunch and I felt a mild rollercoaster feeling which made me scared and felt that something was happening to me. I also don’t have the same appetite as I did, I still get hungry but as soon as the food is in front of me, I don’t feel that hungry. I also don’t eat as much as I did, if I have a plate of food.. I will just eat that rather that getting more food. I’ve lost some weight because my portion sizes have decreased. I also feel that whenever I talk about certain negative situations or even think about certain negative situations then I will start to feel a bit of a drunk feeling and I have to stop talking about it or I have to divert my thoughts somewhere else. I used to be quite busy and active in the day but all I want to do is lie in bed because I feel safe. Before all this happened, I used to have anxiety in the evenings but now I prefer the evenings because it’s dark and I know that i can go to bed after watching tv. When I wake up In the morning, I feel a bit down to get out of bed because I’m scared of feeling heavy or feeling that drunk light feeling. I also have a health anxiety and I will inspect my body for things and then google what I’ve found. Even though the doctor has said that this is anxiety and I had a panic attack. I’m feeling all these different things that I am beginning to think what if there’s something wrong with me. I used to be a bubbly person, always making people laugh and now I am quiet and withdrawn and constantly sad because I feel that I am the only person experiencing these feelings.


Thank you for the clarity. I just realized my anxiety is showing up in the need to control everything, even in my relationships so I’m taking the required steps to be consciously aware of it and get help.


as a kid, my parents did everything for me, and now as i’m an adult, i have to start taking responsibility for lots of things like entertainment, self control (because they usually controlled), and discipline to do things i don’t really want to do.


Wow. Embrace the uncertainty. What an eye opener. Thank you Dennis.


Very long story I had my 2nd nervous breakdown almost 2 years ago. Since then I've struggled with anxiety and panic whenever i leave my home, daily dizziness and off balance makes my panic worse when I'm out and about. However, i got thru this the first time round and believe i can do it again. I still make myself get up and do what i need to everyday and take my symptoms with Its hard but it will eventually come to an end. Thanks Dennis for all your content you put out, it helps alot.


I couldn't agree more with you Dennis, plus we use to seek their acceptance on what we do or think!we have to detach ourselves from their patterns and understand where are our own limits, where are their own limits and what we want to do or dream for us!I have lived 12 years in house with a mother with depression and severe anxiety problems taking care of her while my father was working and my brother was going to college who was avoiding to see her in that condition!I watched her cry all day long without leaving the bed for at least over a year !She didn't even care to eat !I saw her faint many times from anxiety and I started panicking and mimicking her behaviors and thinking patterns and after three years of living this hell booom my journey with anxiety started and my most living fear became depression!Due to that fear I developed anxiety but I don't want anymore anxiety to get on my way and my dreams and definitely I don't need negative thoughts to define my future!!!


This video just open my eyes
This is so truth we think and do the same thing all over and over.
That's me when i drive i always think that I'm going to lose control
And that makes me feel fear.


Controlling future outcomes, trying to control how people treat me, those are tough things to let go of.


I get anxiety from the fear of having anxiety in the future. It can be situational, or coming out of the blue while being at home.It consumes my mind and is very scary. I have 4 children and would rather be in labor...because I know it will end in hours. My Gosh labor is painful, hard, yet my anxiety is so scary and time consuming that I would choose the latterr. Only women who have anxiety would understand this concept.


The ruminating thoughts one might have about "the fear of losing one's mind'' is the most dreadful thing an OCD sufferer might have !!!! You know that's a very common symptom among anxiety sufferers, particularly those suffering from pure O.
