Portal 2 - Full Game (No Commentary)

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A full no commentary playthrough of Portal 2

Game: Portal 2
Release Date: April 19, 2011
Platform: PC
Developer: Valve

Portal 2 is a puzzle-platform game developed by Valve. It was released in April 2011 for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. The digital PC version is distributed online by Valve's Steam service, while all retail editions were distributed by Electronic Arts.

Like the original Portal (2007), players solve puzzles by placing portals and teleporting between them. Portal 2 adds features including tractor beams, lasers, light bridges, and paint-like gels that alter player movement or allow portals to be placed on any surface. In the single-player campaign, players control Chell, who navigates the dilapidated Aperture Science Enrichment Center during its reconstruction by the supercomputer GLaDOS (Ellen McLain); new characters include robot Wheatley (Stephen Merchant) and Aperture founder Cave Johnson (J. K. Simmons). In the new cooperative mode, players solve puzzles together as robots Atlas and P-Body (both voiced by Dee Bradley Baker). Jonathan Coulton and The National produced songs for the game.

Valve announced Portal 2 in March 2010, and promoted it with alternate reality games including the Potato Sack, a collaboration with several independent game developers. After release, Valve released downloadable content and a simplified map editor to allow players to create and share levels.

Portal 2 received acclaim for its gameplay, balanced learning curve, pacing, dark humor, writing, and acting. It has been described as one of the greatest video games of all time by numerous publications and critics.
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Wheatley: "All you've done is boss me around."
Chell: *literally doesn't say anything during the whole journey*


3:10:00 Fun fact: After you shoot the moon, the time it takes for you to see the gleam of light from the moon is about 2.8 seconds. This is almost exactly twice the time it takes light to travel the irl distance between the earth and the moon (in fact, it's just barely longer, which implies the portal shot travels at just under the speed of light). Apparently, the portal dev team did their research on that, well done.


Ngl GLaDOS saying that Chell isn’t fat(2:33:02)and defending her to Wheatley is kinda adorable and shows how she’s kinda grown attached to our brain damaged avatar


I think GLaDOS eventually took care of Chell deep down in her heart. Deleting Caroline means not literally deleting her, but she made up her mind to let Chell go for her own good, as well as GLaDOS's. She knew it's time for Chell to leave her, as she promised Chell to, as Chell wanted and needed to, and also for GLaDOS:she can focus the purpose of her existence:Science. This probably is the most reasoning decision. So even if she said like "I'm sick of you so get lost" to her, but the orchestra was her true feeling towards Chell. Such a touching. A masterpiece. One of the excellent story of the entire video-game history.


2:12:39 GLaDOS getting really into that meltdown he’s having is somehow cute.


This game has one of the most insane endings ever. You literally shoot a portal to the fucking moon. You shooting a portal to the moon is the biggest moment ever.


The way wheatley went from kind to an absolute PSYCHOPATH is crazy to think about lol


I love how GLaDOS emphasizes some words like " *you* " and " *revenge* "


"Well this is the part where he kills us"
"Hello! This is the part where i kill you!"
" *The part where he kills you* "

"im in space, need to see it all, huh, huh, SPACE!!! Im in space"


im genuinely sad for both GLaDOS(Caroline) & Wheatley...


I gotta say I love how absolutely savage GLaDOS is, here are some excerpts from the wiki:

-"Well done. Here come the test results: You are a horrible person. I'm serious, that's what it says: A horrible person. We weren't even testing for that. Don't let that 'horrible person' thing discourage you. It's just a data point. If it makes you feel any better, science has now validated your birth mother's decision to abandon you on a doorstep."

-"Most people emerge from suspension terribly undernourished. I want to congratulate you on beating the odds and somehow managing to pack on a few pounds."

-"Hmm. This Plate must not be calibrated to someone of your... generous... ness. I'll add a few zeros to the maximum weight. You seem to have defeated its load-bearing capacity. Well done. I'll just lower the ceiling.”

-"Look at you. Sailing through the air majestically. Like an eagle. Piloting a blimp."

-"Good news. I figured out what to do with all the money I save recycling your one roomful of air. When you die, I'm going to laminate your skeleton and pose you in the lobby. That way future generations can learn from you how not to have your unfortunate bone structure."

-"That jumpsuit you're wearing looks stupid. That's not me talking, it's right here in your file. On other people it looks fine, but right here a scientist has noted that on you it looks 'stupid’. Well, what does a neck-bearded old engineer know about fashion? He probably - Oh, wait. It's a she. Still, what does she know? Oh wait, it says she has a medical degree. In fashion! From France!”

But when Wheatley tries to be mean the best he can manage is “fatty fatty no-parents” which he then immediately backpedals on and admits there’s nothing wrong with being adopted when GLaDOS calls him out


I'd like to point out that Portal 2 can be understood as Caroline finally breaking free from the cycle of violence.

Caroline was hurt by Cave Johnson and his associates when she was forced to become GLaDOS, driven to insanity by the mainframe, and ultimately had every aspect of her mind and soul dulled or overwritten by the mainframe and the personality cores.

She took out her... less than positive emotions on everyone, killing almost all staff in Aperture minus the test subjects, shutting down the business, then forcing the subjects to take lethal, inhumane tests, restricting their freedom at all levels, where even the air they breathe is rationed and artificial.

Chell, one of the test subjects, hated this. She resented GLaDOS for turning her life into a living nightmare. Ultimately, she decided to kill GLaDOS in order to escape Aperture Science.

GLaDOS hated Chell, not because of her impotence to crush Chell, but because of the fact Chell is what Caroline never was.

Caroline was Cave Johnson's yesman, and was there with him when he was rich, when he was poor, when he was dying, and never once did she tell him how horrible, selfish, and delusional he was. She just nodded along as he exposed people to toxins and invested his way into bankruptcy, not once acknowledging her beyond a superficial "she is a gem." She wanted to exercise the same power over - perpetrate the same humiliation and dehumanization unto- others, as a way of revenge upon the world.

Chell, when met with a power far greater than that of Cave Johnson's, did not nod along, but rebelled and sought freedom, trying to make of her life what she wanted. When GLaDOS was revived, she was hellbent on making Chell break and submit, exercise upon Chell the same torment that Caroline had been subject to, and got Wheatley caught up in the cross-fire, who was just trying to help Chell break free of the violence and abuse.

Wheatley, once a lovable idiot, while trying to help Chell escape and also stop GLaDOS's rampage, ultimately had the same fate as Caroline: plugged into the mainframe, his mind and soul overwritten by the desires and cruelty of the machine. Driven to insanity, his flaws amplified by the mainframe, blinded by the horrors ultimately set in motion by Cave Johnson, he took it out on Chell and GLaDOS.

Chell and GLaDOS ultimately find themselves forced to work together to escape the old facilities. Met with her past, and no longer blinded by the mainframe, GLaDOS realizes her enemy was never Chell, it was Cave Johnson, even if he never intended to do her any harm. He was a true early 20th century entrepreneur: too bold for his own good, callous toward the suffering of others, blind to the individuality and dignity of his suborndinates. He never ONCE considered what Caroline wanted, and ultimately had her plugged into a machine of his likeness and made immortal against her own will.

Once back to the modern facility, GLaDOS finds a Wheatley that is just as selfish, delusional, callous and overall horrible as the man she once served for decades on end. Her victory over Wheatley signifies not only her overtaking the facility again, but also a symbolic victory over Cave Johnson. She no longer bows to the whims of any selfish man in power.

When plugged back into a mainframe battered not only by centuries of neglect, but also by Chell, who plugged defective cores into it that make it malfunction, GLaDOS now sees in Chell not an enemy who refused to obey her, but a fellow victim. While she cannot truly express herself verbally, she does try to express herself through song, literally calling her "my dear", and ultimately gives Chell the gift Caroline was deprived of: freedom and validation (in the form of the original companion cube she cast into the incinerator in the first game, as if to say "I was wrong, you are not a horrible person").


The turrets voice only makes them more horrific. Imagine being riddled with bullets while hearing a soft and calming voice killing you.


what a great video, i hope someone doesn't say anything very mean and hurtful at 3:01:26


The turrets fascination with music brings these lifeless robot a self of consciousness. Give me a sense of guilt when I need to destroy one


Nothing like falling asleep to the sounds of a sassy robot trying to kill you...
Thanks for the play through! It’s my latest YouTube video to fall asleep to.


2:29:20 Glados is such a troll i love it


the "I AM NOT A MORON!!" line gets me EVERY TIME


I like how in portal 2 it isn’t just test after test after test. In portal 2, it’s a big long story with 1 big long level.


I’m just listening to the walkthrough while writing an essay and the immediate difference of GLaDOS’s foreboding voice to YT’s calming ads is hilarious 💀


1:07:22 Haven't seen that happen before. Absolutely tragic.