Portal 2 with Infinite Portals

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What if you could shoot an infinite amount of portals?
Portal 2 with Infinite Portals
What if Portals could be Placed in the Air?
Passing A Portal Through Itself
Playing Portal 1 and 2 with One Set of Portals
Portal - Infinite fall ...
Portal 2 - Crushed between Two Portals
Portal 2 Challenge Finally Humanly Possible After 8 Years
Portal 2 but it's Super Mario Odyssey
The Law of Agreement (Part 1): Predictive Programming (CERN, Portals, Dimensions, Mind Control, 3D)
Portal 2's Most Broken Glitch
Portal 2 with infinite portals??
Portal 2 - Infinite Loop Demonstration
Another Portal Paradox
Portal 2 - Future Starter in 2 Portals
Portal 2 Speedrunners Accidentally Discover Invincibility Glitch
Portal gun from portal 1 and 2
Infinite Portals in Portal
Did you know that in PORTAL 2...
Portal 2 Perpetual Testing Initiative
There's a NEW PORTAL that ADDS A FOURTH DIMENSION!? Portal Reloaded!
Portal 2 Co-op: infinite loop using all 4 portals
Portal 2 but Your Friend has the Other Portal
Portal 2 Alternate Ending (Contains Spoilers)