When Serotonin Goes Bad: Serotonin Syndrome

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Many medications that work as so-called antidepressants will increase serotonin by blocking the reuptake pump. In general, we think of increased serotonin in a patient with depression as a good thing, but what happens when increased serotonin goes bad? Here we are going to talk about what serotonin syndrome looks like clinically and what to do about it.

Time stamps:
Introduction: 00:00 to 00:44
How Does Serotonin Syndrome Occur: 00:45 to 04:16
Signs and Symptoms: 04:17 to 05:56
myoclonus: 05:57 to 07:19
Treatment: 07:20 to 10:00

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I was on a SNRI for a chronic nerve pain condition. When I came off it, I actually crashed, had a febrile response and, 9 months later, am still recovering. These drugs are very powerful and the general family doctors aren't aware of how to deprescribe properly.


Thank you for this video...I just got out of the ICU on June 18th after a 5 day coma, Serotonin Syndrome Due to a few factors. Delirium was a major factor and was given insane amounts of serotonin for no reason other then I was taking a Drs advice and was having trouble sleeping.. I was hallucinations to the fullest extent of the word.
This is the second time I've had it since 2019, The first was malpractice due to a nurse overloading me on SSRI's because I couldn't sleep, She forged prescriptions for the Dr. and mixed multiple SSRIs at least 3 ties a day for me. She was fired over this but legally nothing happen. I Was in a coma for 2 days for hat episode in 2019. Lost feeling in parts of my legs due to muscle dystrophia, Took over a year to get some of those feeling back.
This last issue was way worse. Coma for 4 days. The Dr's had no idea how to diagnose me even thought it was on my chart that this was an exact mimic of what happen back in 2019. I blacked out on the way to the hospital after days of Uncontrollable tremors. I'm Just now able to start walking and back home but apparently my cases were so server they changed some protocol in the local areas where i live in North east PA. I'm researching everything I can but ether way I have began the process of removing myself from all meds. My legs were the worse part. it was he worst pain I ever felt and I was very hypersensitive, scared of any noise. The Drs didn't believe me about it but once given this specific med to alter the effects I began to come out of it. I'm very scared about what this may have done to me in the long run and I just cant seem to find info where information is solid.
I was gone...Literally was saying goodbye to family members in my mind while unconscious in the hospital. Every vision i had was so vivid as if it was the realest of real.
I had no control over my legs they would shake non stop to the point of muscles tear. Im happy to see this video as I can relate to a lot of what you say. I wish I could fully understand what is wrong with me... On both cases the Drs said I was very close to death. Nothing more scary then the lead up to the tremors to the point where I blacked out for 5 days waking up intubated in the hospital asking what happen. I cant believe this happen t me again. I cant even begin to explain what i saw in my head and mind while under. I wont o there but it was beyond profound.
The PTSD from the first time it happen was bad enough, The flashbacks, the thought of the trauma itself. It completely changed my life. now I'm fearful that my body can just activate this at and point. Not enough is known about this Syndrome IMO and is something Ill never stop learning and trying to educate about. This quite literally changed my life. PLEASE be carful with anything that involves altering Serotonin!


I took SS, sweat beads poured off me, and I had to change my clothes every 10 minutes. Then, I would break out in red flat marks. I never felt so unwell 😖. I was only on one antidepressant but mst continus, diazepam and sevradol. I can't remember much, but it took about two weeks to go away by tapering the drug. I kept pictures of the state I was in. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🕊️


Hey man! Thanks for mentioning this vid to me. I'm one of those scared patients you mention who was *terrified* (and researching the hell out of the internet!) at the thought of combining an SSRI (for depression/anxiety) with a low-dose TCA (for some stomach probs). A few questions are probably going to pop up as I watch through this so to avoid taking over your comments section I'll nest them under this one. Thanks for taking the time to share your expertise!


I am experiencing this right now. Over 4 years I lost a lot of weight. At first deliberately for health. But then as I felt better it turned into terrible nervous energy. More weight came off. I start with muscle rigidity and body aches, racing thoughts. More weight drops off. No one, including myself, noticed my weight dropping but my daily meds remained status. Monday morning I took my 150mg dose that I have been on for 5 years. But 5 years ago I weighed 150#. Today I am 115#. Same dose, much smaller patient. I was having Vfib by the time this was figured out. I find out next week if the chronic, prolonged overdosing has affected my heart permanently. But I was just one of those rare cases that slipped through the cracks and almost died. My lips and toes were purple. That is NOT ok.


Taking 100mg Fluvoxamine. Took Magnesium L Threonate for 5 months as well. Felt like I'd increased to 150mg Fluvoxamine. Developed high blood pressure, hypertension, agitation, terrible muscle rigidity, headaches and heart beat elevated. Stopped the magnesium, everything calmed down. Still have some muscle rigidity on 100mg and other antidepressants as well as on small amounts of 5-htp. In 30years of taking SSRI'S for anxiety and raising Serotonin levels with them or supplements, raising Serotonin is definitely not the whole answer for anxiety. Though they do help a lot to bring you down from severe anxiety to moderate, the constant effects I've experienced like muscle aches, joint pains, stiff muscles, teeth grinding, jaw clenching, tinnitus amongst lots of other things means they are not the cure for anxiety. Wish I'd never started them in the first place as I also believe they bring on dependency, wether real or psychological.


Thanks for your videos. The prite one really helped my performance on the exam as a PGY 1. Best in Mt program with great margin. I have been watching the mindgames for the past two year, last year when you participated and this year your program also qualified for the final. Can you please make a video on the process, and when and how to prepare to qualify. Also how to prepare for the mindgames itself. I'm 2nd year now and I hope to participate in 3rd year. Thank you in advance.


went through it before, swear i could feel my body dying while being hyper aware of it


I believe my 20 year old daughter had SS recently. She had reduced quetiapine from 75mg to 50mg. A few weeks later she had an upper respiratory infection and started taking dextromethorphan at night. 2 days later she had a lot worse f the symptoms, sweating, trembling, vomiting, high blood pressure and heart rate, delirium. They stopped quetiapine and started ativan, beta blockers and fluids. She was in the ICU for three days then was completely recovered.


I came off of seven psyche meds in the last year. I'm amazed that I made it. I think benzos should be against the law.


I got this when I purposely took an MAOI with an SSRI. It was so so scary.


I am on 50mg sertraline for about 6 weeks now. I fainted for about 8-10 seconds on my 5th day and ever since then had the worst headache and fever which continued for over a week. I still get fever everyday and felt like fainting again but I kept seated. I did a ‘tilt test’ and within 23 minutes I lost consciousness with a big drop in blood pressure and a drop in heart rate. 😢
The only other meds I take are vitamin D, vitamin B, Zinc and paracetamol.
Do I have serotonin syndrome? Should I stop taking sertraline? (I feel calmer but I’m so exhausted everyday and feel like I can’t be bothered to do anything)


If you actually have serotonin syndrome (it should be referred to as serotonin toxicity) you would not want a doctor with this guy’s level of understanding treating you.


Do you know the consequences of benzodiazepines? It destroyed my life


I was just put on. 5 mg of respirator. I think I feel like eating all the time. Will this side effect go away? My eyes are very blurry


Like stress syndrome but more rapid onset


So I have a question I took seven Lexapro to go to sleep I told my grandma about it she called the EMTs and the EMTs took me to Herrin hospital and they gave me Valuum with Benadryl and then I woke up to two EKGs being done to me and then she shot me with more Valium I don’t remember anything after that but I was in the hospital for three days and do you know any good medical law firms


Dr akastisia is the most horrifying thing on earth


what is the best level to have of serotonin? yer, you ain't even got a test or know what the levels should be, BS
