My Top Five Catholic Bibles

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While Catholics may not have a plethora of premium options, they are not completely left out. There are some really fantastic Catholic study tools out there as long as you know where to look. In this video I feature my top five Catholic Bibles. Linked below are the reviews of each bible other than the Fireside Catholic Companion Edition because I have not reviewed that one. For that one I posted link for purchase.

NABRE Catholic Study Bible

Didache Study Bible

Fireside Catholic Companion Edition NABRE
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Thank you so much for sharing this information. I am a Catholic who wants to start reading the Bible your video will definitely give me an idea of where to start..👍♥️🙏


Thank you for your review and enthusiasm for Catholic bibles. God Bless


I am a Catholic. Mid 50s and finally going to make a serious attempt at reading the Catholic Bible. Starting with two I have here, one is a Fireside NAB my parents purchased for me years ago, and a paperback NAB-St Joseph. Purchased two zipper Bible NABREs for our teen/young adult sons in hopes they will read one day. Hopefully will stay in good condition in the box until that day..


Thanx for your open mind, Brother. 🌹🌹🌹


As a Catholic, if you are interested in Catholism I'd suggest either the Baltimore Catechism, the Catechism of the Council of Trent, or "this is the Faith". The Catechism literally takes you word by word through the Nicaean Creed and explains where in the bible it is referencing and why. "This is the Faith" by Francis Ripley will break down the reason for all the prayers and the Liturgy and in a way anyone can understand. Also in case you find yourself inspired by all this new reading material, I would suggest finding your closest Latin Mass, preferably under the SSPX(Society of St. Pius the 10th) and begin talking with people there, they will be more than happy to answer any questions.


NABRE, the acronym for New American Bible Revised Edition, is pronounced like ‘neighbor.’


I like the Catholic bible, St. Joseph edition. That seems to be the main Catholic bible in Catholic book stores and Catholuc schools where I live.


Hello, I'm Russell, a subscriber. Enjoy your channel.
I understand and get the 5 minutes and nickel idea. I would like to see longer and more in depth episodes on the Bibles. Thanks


A few additional suggestions. Msgr. Ronald Knox did a translation in the middle of the 20th Century that is quite excellent, he was an Anglican Devine who was on track to become Archbishop of Canterbury converted to Catholicism, along with his Translation of the OT and NT, he wrote a book entitled, Trials of a Translator, which discusses the challenges to translating the Bible (or any ancient writing) as well as authoring several commentaries and books on Biblical topics. Another quite scholarly Commentary is the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture; the General Editor was Dom Orchard. If you can find a used copy of the earlier editions, I'd suggest them. There was an old book called the Divine Armory now reprinted in a larger format in two volumes (the original was so small with minute print) the new reprint is entitled Scripture by Topic by Vaughan, Kenelm (He also wrote Where we got the Bible from) Last but only because it is easier to find than some others I'm leaving off the list is, Scriptural references for the Baltimore catechism.
Many, including Catholics have been duped by the myth that Catholics did not take an interest in the Bible before Vatican II. I'm glad you pointed out the one Bible with the encouragements from Popes long before Vatican II which encouraged the reading of the Bible by Catholics. I noted that all the editions you presented are new reprints of older translations or newer translations. I'd encourage folks to look for older editions in Thrift Shops as many have prayers for Catholics before and after reading the Scriptures, as well as Indulgences offered to Catholics who prayerfully read and ponder the Sacred Scriptures at least 15 minutes a day, which goes counter to the allegations that Catholics were discouraged or forbidden from reading the Bible in days of yore.


Wow! Thank you for this video and your genuine spirit!


I have just enjoyed your video. I am very happy with the Fathers of the Church Bible 2013 (Our Sunday Visitor Inc) which incorporates the NABRE 2010. However, I am presently trying to obtain the Didache Bible you featured but presently it is not readily available here in the UK. Not even on Amazon. But I do have one on order. 🤞👍


Really interesting. Thanks for these five great suggestions.


I've been aware of the KJV Onliest movement for a while, however, I've recently found out about the Douay Rheims Onliest movement.


Now they have the Didache Bible NABRE edition, which combines all the NABRE study notes plus the Didache Catechism notes. It's huge though, over 2, 500 pages. I haven't purchased it yet, still deciding whether to get the Didache in RSV2CE or NABRE translation.


I like the Ignatius Study Bible. Also the Navarre commentary set is really good. Thanks for getting to Catholic resources,


I *have* the DR/Vulgate parallel Bible. It’s a thing of beauty for sure and even looks to me like it should be used in the liturgy! I have an urge to buy myself a second bible to carry in my bag though.


Thanks Tim. When you were discusing the Douai Rheims you were showing us the DidachedBible and at the end when you are discussing the Didache it appears that you are holding the Didache


Love I recently picked up the NABRE St Joseph Bible very beautiful and useful, where can I get the Latin Vulgate Bible.


Is the Navarre Study Bible for Catholic Bible Press still available? Thank you for the great reviews!!!!


I recommend the Devine Mercy Catholic Bible by Ascention press
