What does the Bible say about female pastors?

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What a question! The topic of female pastors can be a divisive issue, but it ought not to be. What God’s Word seems to be saying is that women can have all but one role in the church. However, this does not mean women are inferior to men. Women and men are equal and perform best with their different functions and roles. Listen to Frank’s explanation here. 





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the big misconception in our society today is that submissive equals inferior


Allen Parr spoke on this on a video called “women being copastors” he says to just leave because if churches are willing to change scripture for just that, you should expect other ways that scripture will be misrepresented.

I left the church and found a wayyyy better one and will be one I’ll be baptized this weekend!


There's a reason why the Bible says what it says and when we follow what it says, God blesses us and things seem to go much better. It's when we think our way is the better way that things tend to go wrong.


To be honest, the Church allowing senior women leadership (As in Woman being pastors of churches) is just an example of how culture seeped into the Church. The rise of feminism in the west is one of the main reasons I think many have adopted this view so significantly, especially in the last century.


*short answer: no women cannot be a pastor*


I think Frank could have answered this question better and more directly. 1 Timothy 2:12-14 is very clear that women are NOT to be in a position of authority over a man or to teach them biblical doctrine and Paul uses the creation of Adam and Eve to make the point that Adam is the head of the woman, not the other way round, so that the authority vests on the man, which is what 1 Corinthians 11:3 plainly states. Paul's point is not a cultural one, but a creation one, which are two very different things.

Now, I believe that women certainly have their respective roles in the Church. For example, I wouldn't have a problem (as long as her teaching is biblical) if she taught other women (Titus 2:3-4) or children (Proverbs 1:8, 6:20), but when it comes to fully grown, adult men, that's a definite no-no. 1 Timothy 3:1-2 clearly teaches than an overseer, bishop, church leader, etc. is to be male.


Women cannot teach and hold authority over men. I don’t know anyone who said they can’t teach kids. This is not a hard doctrine to understand.
1 Timothy 2:12


Women cannot be pastors. End of discussion


God has clearly appointed men to leadership roles. Leaders of the home and leaders of His church. Regardless of what culture says, there's a difference between men and women and there are positions that play to those strengths. So God has ordered men to lead but God is the leader of men.


I can't stand how "teachers" will do the whole, "Aw shucks, this is difficult, and I'm sorry for this, and don't be mad at me...." Stop apologizing for the word of God. It sounds counter-cultural because IT IS COUNTER-CULTURAL! A plain reading of the text in the original language - no dancing, no proof texting - says that women can't teach or exercise authority over a man..." 1 Tim 2:12

Also, a plain reading of the text, in the original language - no dancing, no proof texting - says you have to be a man to be an elder (Titus 1:5-9, 1 Tim. 3:1-7, 1 Peter 5:1-4)

However, this doesn't mean that men are greater. This doesn't mean that men are superior. It means that God, in His wisdom, has set up mankind in a way that men and women compliment each other in their giftings. There is no need to apologize or dance around an answer. And it should be pointed out that the role given to men is to die in service of their wives. Not that the wife serves the man, but he serves her. And it should be pointed out that in the economy of the Godhead, the home, the family, the children, the discipleship of the little ones is FAR SUPERIOR to making money.

YouTube comment section isn't the place to go into all of this, but we have to stand, unashamed on the word of God, and stop apologizing for it offending culture.


The concept of”senior pastor” is nowhere to be found in scripture. Do not equivocate, Frank—women are not to be pastors, period.


It does not say women can be a pastor if they aren’t senior pastors. He’s sugar coating it. Women aren’t allowed to be pastors period according to the Bible.


It is only a difficult passage because we in our western society mindset and in our flesh do not want to submit to it.
That is the only difficult thing about it.


I usually like Frank, but what he's said here is unbiblical. The scripture is clear that elders (pastors) are men and there's no such thing as a "senior pastor" in the Bible.


Should men marry men? No!
Should women marry women? No!
Should a man be a wife? No!
Should a woman be a husband? No!

Why? Because God had a purpose for marriage from the beginning. He had a picture of Christ and the Church in mind. He wanted us to see an image or a type, yes a shadow of Christ as the head of the church.

If you can receive this then you can answer that question yourself.


Woman can't be nor pastor, nor "senior pastor".


I remember over a decade ago I used to go to Willow Creek Church because my cousin introduced me to it (even though he stopped going). Then the pastor there told everyone that they hired a female pastor who would lead service every now and then and I was like hold up. After that I emailed the pastor and told him about 1 Timothy and he said he’s not going to debate on it and that the stance will not change. I asked him I don’t need to debate, but just for him to tell me what he believes that passage means to him. He refused to tell me, but said that if I’m interested in knowing more about the decision to hire a female pastor then he could give me links to sources outside of the Bible. I told him that as a pastor he has a lot of authority over God’s people, and that he will be more accountable for his actions because of that. I said that he should think on what he is doing and forget about what he feels or what his church feels, and to focus on what God has told us to do. He didn’t respond after that.


"Women who pastor a church are a disgrace and they openly reflect the opposition to the clear command of the word of God"
- John Macarthur


I'm tired of pastors being scared of defining men and women. Stop acting like cowards. Men are men, women are women. No transegenders. No gays. We are different and have different roles.. no need to to apologize and say this is a difficult passage. Imagine if Paul was alive today, how he would call us fools!


He just said “it doesn’t matter what I think, but my friend thinks” smh we need pastors who will stand up and proclaim the TRUTH.

Isaiah chapter 3 talks about women leading a nation is a sign of weakness and that judgement has come upon Israel.

We need Commitment w/o compromise!
