How many times Christians pray in a day? #shorts

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How many times Christians pray in a day? #shorts

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Christians pray without ceasing, which is much more than 7 prayers. AND, we are to pray not for public display, so unless we are praying in a group setting, we don't announce when we pray. No one else would know. And, who said Christians only go to church one day a week? Most churches have services throughout the week. But we do not go just to pray. We pray everywhere.


I’m an Orthodox Christian. What a very gracious comment. Our services are typically very long, sometimes 1-2 hours for each one. Monastics keep these prayer rules. In the world, lay people are not able to observe in the same way because of the demands of family and work, but they may keep a personal prayer rule as they are able, given typically by their priest or spiritual father (monk) or mother (nun). It is typical for many to pray morning, noon, and night, plus evening prayers in the church on Saturdays (as these evening prayers are considered like the Jews do as the first prayers of the next day, Sunday). We then also pray on Sundays of course. I typically on Sunday am in church from 9am until 1pm or 2pm.

We also have extra prayer services we may pray either together or at home for special needs or occasions and these may last anywhere from 30 minutes to 45 minutes or 90 minutes. We don’t really watch the clock!

This is the Orthodox way, but there will be variation in Christianity.


This is the correct practice in orthodox Christianity. We call it a “prayer rule” and orthodox Christians are taught to try their best to adhere to their “prayer rule “ as best as they can and although it should be every orthodox Christians goal and intention to pray the 7 prayers per day, each person is usually advised by their spiritual father according to their ability / circumstance and each person does as much as they can. Ultimately God sees the prayerful persons heart above all things and every effort counts. Many Orthodox churches have prayer services daily/ nightly not just on Sundays.

As a side note, in many Orthodox monasteries if numbers permit, the monks, elders, abbots and nuns pray every hour of the day and night taking turns so there is continual prayer without ceasing. I’m genuinely and positively surprised to hear a Muslim accurately describing the “prayer rule” in Orthodox Christianity and it is actually greatly appreciated. Much respect.


I’m a Christians and never heard of 7 prayers a day. I’m Armenian and I live in America and I attend church on sundays. We pray any time of the day and as much time as we want we can pray to God. We don’t have rules and regulations when it comes to Prayer because Prayer is talking to God so we talk to God throughout the day by kneeling, or we could pray when we’re walking or sitting but real Christians pray and conversation with God throughout the day as much as they we because it’s our worship, our praise, repentance, petitions and adoration on to God who we Christians believe is our Heavenly Father.


Christians pray without ceasing. I've never heard of a Christian praying only at seven designated times in a day. We are always dependent on God, and ever-thankful for our Savior, and so we praise the Lord Jesus and thank our Father continually in spirit and in truth.


Salute to you, not alot of people know this information about us.

You are a very well informed man, God bless your soul Mr. Bashir.


The Catholic church offers the Holy Sacrafice of the Mass 7 days a week, 365 days a year.


I'm am orthodox Christian, we can go to church every day, and a lot of people do, it's just that Sunday is mandatory, but except Sunday if we have time we can go every day


“Pray without ceasing” -The Apostle Paul


Wow yes thank you for talking about this! Traditional Christian’s (catholic/orthodox) have the divine office aka liturgy of the hours and for priests and monks they must do these prayers 7 times a day, for lay people it is optional but lay people are encouraged to attend church during the week for especially vespers which is one of the 7. I like this video


As Catholic Christians we have to attend church every Sunday and on certain mandatory feasts. Most churches offer services every week day day too and so some people go on weekdays in addition to Sunday.


“Hey Abu”, such a lovely way to ask your father all these questions.😊 very admirable!💖
Similarly we believe in a relationship with God. He is our Father in Spirit and just as you ask your Abu many questions and talk to him anytime, we also pray whenever we are grateful, joyful, sad, in need or when we want ask Him something. Jesus Christ taught us to pray like this, “Our Father in Heaven Hallowed be your name…”
We are asked to pray without ceasing. Which means we have communication with God continually like with a Father.
So I pray when I open my eyes in the morning. I pray before eating my meals, I pray many times a day. Thank God I am not required to do any ritual before praying which makes it easy to stay connected.😊
Hope this clarifies how Christians pray. Going to Church is a gathering of brothers and sisters in Christ. We can gather together at home too. We sing worship songs together and break bread together in remembrance of the New Covenant in Christ.
This is basically how Christians pray. I personally cannot recall any Christian saying that we should praying 7 times a day.
I hope this helps those who really want to learn how Christians pray and how many times they pray in a day.

I really appreciate your respect for other faiths.
Bless you 🙏


Every Religion has its beauty, Respect every Religion and the rituals n culture


You are a humble man keep up the good work.
To throw my 2 cents in. We are on constant prayer. We attend church sundays. Prayer Wednesdays. Micro groups Thursday's. We as people are the church thats just a building we go to. Much like many muslims dont even know Christians observe fasting because we are not to display what we do for the kingdom of God.


As someone mentioned, this is the Orthodox Christian's prayer times. Roman Catholics have their own set of prayer times, as well as Protestants, and others. Some Christian sects don't have prayer times, and some do. It does depend on where you are from and if you are denominational or not. I try to do the three times a day prayer that King David did while also doing little prayers before certain actions. I appreciate this video and your wisdom! I go to church on Saturdays, but some Christians go to church on Fridays or Sundays.


I am a Christian. We pray as we see fit, but we should pray often! In all things. With meals, before or after. At night. In the morning. Or just whenever at any time to talk to our Lord God and heavily Father. Always in the name of Jesus. King David may have prayed 7 times, but i’ve never hear that as a rule for us Christians. We pray often more than 7/day and sometimes less. Church is on Sunday, but many churches have midweek services to. 🙏🏼.


I have never been taught this.. intrigued… I will start praying at sunrise to start my day off right. Sounds good.


Indeed! Praise to the King of the Universe and may he in his mercy forgive us all 🙏


I am very impressed that he knows this, there are many Christians who don't! All of the apostolic churches (Roman Catholic, Oriental Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox) have these Hours, though they might vary in words. There are many comments that have more details but I do want to add traditionally we should first wash our hands and face, then face east to pray. The Orthodox churches also prostrate (similar to Muslims) at certain parts of the prayer.


We have prayers for every hour of the day. We usually pray before sleep and in the morning. Then we have prayers before eating. You can also go to church other times than Sunday. It depends on the priest if he is busy or not with funerals, baptisms and such. Those are also public events because they relate to the life of the church congregation so you can attend those.

It is also normal to go to church on Saturday in the evening. Then we also have to read prayers before the eucharist so that we don't partake of it in a state of not being holy. If you partake of it in a bad state, we drink and eat ourselves to death because the eucharist.

I am Orthodox Christian.
