Pastor Joel Webbon Publicly Apologized To His Church

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Pastors earn their congregation’s trust in two ways: “Getting It Right” and “Apologizing When They Get It Wrong.” At this point, many Evangelical Pastors are finally starting to “pivot” on Covid-19. However, although these pastors have changed their position on Covid-19 through their ACTIONS, very few of them have ever admitted that they were wrong through their WORDS. Remember Christian, the office of “biblical eldership” is not a CHARITY, it’s an HONOR. Forgiveness is free, but TRUST is EARNED. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more content like this!

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Thank you. Seriously, thank you. I never closed the church I pastor, and had to listen to nonstop people using MacArthur and every other pastor as an example trying to convince me I was wrong for refusing to close one single Sunday. I honestly believe that any pastor who has not publicly apologized and admitted it was a mistake to close, had abdicated his authority as pastor. You’re the first man I’ve seen with the courage to apologize and acknowledge his mistake and move on. You’re a real man, a real pastor. That’s awesome. Good job.


As someone who takes the hardest of lines on the subject of closing the church, I greatly respect your public repentance to your church. Your subsequent work and teaching on the pandemic response has been excellent.


The order to close by the State of Colorado's governor was quick and unexpected, and we did close that Sunday and the following Sunday while I gave thought to Scripture on the matter, and we opened right back up because I discerned we were wrong to close His church. I say 'we' because we usually all discuss things (like we did with masks), but the responsibility was mine as the pastor.


Why don’t you want freedoms for women?


Thankful for your humility. Even more thankful for grace to show your this truth, through the Spirit.


Our old pastor (before we moved out of CA) said something very similar to you Pastor Joel. They took a big turn soon after MacArthur came out telling churches to open their doors. They came on stage and told us they wouldn't be shutting our doors again. It was a blessing to see the transparency! So much grace for that!!


That is not always true about the older generation!!


He's like a good ol' Southern Baptist preacher from the 1920's! We need more like him, so that more of the country can be like Mississippi in 1923.


And keep in mind that you had to get your board to agree with you in this big decision, which apparently they did, and now you expect them to trust you to change their position, and you call the one guy who doesn’t change his position, a tyrant!?


He makes me sick. Im glad i left the church. These men are the scourge of society.


I have very little time for pastors/people who are still lacking discernment at this point, I mean what else needs to happen for people to say “ya know I think I need to stop following the world and start looking to God and his word”….hearing you say that all the people that questioned they’d church were rebuked speaks volumes. So many pastors/churches are still asleep.


Worst is here in NZ after they started opening up, the government went to a passport and ‘traffic light’ system which allowed the church (and other gatherings) to reopen with a maximum of 50 people allowed for indoor gatherings IF you are fully vaccinated and 25 if you don’t ask for vaccine passes.

Most churches by the Looks of things opted to open up to 50 vaccinated people leaving us unvaccinated people to join online.

Other churches had seperate services for vaccinated and unvaccinated and a few said that they will not ask vaccine passes, but all limited the numbers to 25 people on this basis.


We can all appreciate a humble prayerful pastor who can apologize


“Soviet state of California”. He should look at his own home before he throws stones.


Excellent vid. You described my Elder board meeting perfectly! Topic? Romans 13. That was 14 years ago. 501C3 is problematic at best.


Pastors are predators in many cases. So scary.


In the end times false prophets will arise spewing all kinds of blasphemy! Repent


This video was shot at the height of the Eddie Munster and hair gel addiction period.


I agree with AD about whiny pastors. Personally I often think maybe work construction, drive a truck, be a "tent maker" or some form of hard work where there is little gratitude and then go be a pastor because those are the people you will shepherd and they are tough, so be prepared to rise to the occasion.


I whole heartedly agree that we should not be given over to fear, a pastor claimed he prayed about and sought advice from medical doctors in the congregation and knowing we have so many elderly people, he chose to shut down for months (a year?). I don't agree with his decision but I also don't expect him to repent.
