How Complementarianism Enslaves Men | Responsibility Without Authority
Thank you, Right Response Ministry! This is a very helpful and insightful conversation with Doug Wilson. It's been a blessing!♥️ Watching from Philippines!🇵🇭
These guys would claw each other to take away rights of women to vote
A better title would be “Doug Wilson & Joel Webbon Discuss Patriarchy” It’s less self-serving.
Amazing & helpful discussion from two Godly men!!
Women that are Christians learn the Bible so that we can serve Jesus Christ, and be sanctified, apply the Word of God to our lives. There is no place in scripture that prohibits women to contend earnestly for the Faith once handed down to the saints or share the Gospel, the very this Jesus told all to do in the Great Commission. We are not called to use our family, children to Christianize society but to lead people to Jesus Christ and disciple them. Pastors are suppose to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry, both Christian men and women
So my church has a once a month bible study for women and another one for men. The men have studied many John Owen books. The women are currently reading Twelve Extraordinary Women by John MacArthur. Some of the women have voiced that they desire to study the John Owen books like the men. Would it be okay for a woman to lead this study. Seems like the men like having their own and may not appreciate the women joining them. Other than a Sunday sermon, the women don’t get an opportunity to hear the same messages/lessons as the men.
What if your daughters never get married?
11:00 "fifty percent feminine and fifty percent effeminate". I propose: fifty percent effeminate and fifty percent mannish. Neither sex is behaving in accord with nature
I imagine an enormous reason why old order Amish communities have 7 children per/ woman is because their women don't prioritize education during their most fertile childbearing years. They aren't headed down the YOLO girl boss careerism & $80, 000 in SL debt life path. Amish women appear to be tremendous helpmeets & their gentle sweetness that I personally encountered while visiting Lancaster County Pennsylvania melted even my cold heart lol. God bless them. Amazing what God-fearing men & women can accomplish (even absent modern technologies) when they stick to what they are best at & what they were always designed to do by God Himself.
Essential understanding. Also, patriarchy doesn't lead you to commit trinitarian heresy like "the Eternal Subordination of the Son" which implies multiple conflicting wills within God, therefore multiple natures, therefore multiple beings. Marriage is not rooted in the Trinity, it's rooted in Christ's lordship
I thank the Lord everyday for "creeping egalitarianism, " and I pray it continues to creep.
It’s about authority ..God The Father, Christ The Son, The Man The Image of God, The Woman made from Man, Children made from Man and Woman.
Wow -- so there can be two women in the Senate, as long as they're the widows of former senators?! That's very generous, Doug.
A woman who refuses the indignity of taking her husband’s last name is forced to endure the insult of keeping her father’s last name.
There is absolutely no difference between Biblical Patriarchy and compllinamtaianism.