The Sin Of Women | Live Q&A with Pastor Joel Webbon

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“Gisele Bündchen and Tom Brady are done ... TMZ Sports has learned the supermodel just filed for divorce from the NFL superstar.” Yup, that's the way it usually goes, the woman in the vast majority of cases, initiates the divorce. 
“A study led by the American Sociological Association determined that nearly 70% of divorces are initiated by women. And the percentage of college-educated American women who initiated divorce is even higher, as high as 90%.”
In attempting to explain the disproportionate amount of divorces initiated by women many, in error, respond . . .  “Well, that’s because men are physically stronger and the women have to use their legal option for divorce because they are almost always the abused party.”  Although that does happen in particular instances, it is not at all the statistical norm.
“A 2006 study of physical and psychological aggression revealed instances of minor aggression initiated by men in 23.3% of the cases, while there were instances of minor aggression ignited by women in 33.8 % of the cases.”
“Women also lead the men in cases of severe aggression, with male-initiated aggression in 8.4% of the cases and female-initiated aggression in 11.5% of the cases.”
“In relationships where violence was non-mutual almost 70% of the violence was perpetrated by the woman. In other words, in almost 7 out of 10 cases of mutual violence, the batterer was a female.”
“Women who participated in mutually violent behavior with their male partners were more likely to display a pattern of repeated violence than men. Men’s violence was more likely to be isolated and unlikely to be repeated.”

*Join us for our RIGHT RESPONSE CONFERENCE: “Theonomy & Postmillennialism”
May 5-7, 2023 | Georgetown, TX
SPEAKERS: Dr. James White, Gary DeMar, Dr. Joe Boot, and Pastor Joel Webbon

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*Join us for our RIGHT RESPONSE CONFERENCE: “Theonomy & Postmillennialism.” May 5-7, 2023 | Georgetown, TX


This man and. Those like him are what makes societies terrible to live in.


54:43 I’m a woman, I’m listening for the purpose of teaching my daughters the very opposite


I'm sickened by this phony religious creepiness. CREEP.


Read Proverbs 31. That woman was buying fields, trading, out in the community.


You really pissed of the so called women with this one. You can see how manipulative they are in the comments as well by how they instantly have to start blaming others for their actions.
God bless you brother.


There are SO MANY problems (biblical interpretation, research, and cultural examples) here that vastly overwhelm the moments of good insight. When he describes bears as both fierce and unable to nurture children — as if all bears are male! As if mother bears aren’t fierce! As if female bears cannot both fight and nurture — it is clear that he is not only beyond the pale, but that he is completely self-unaware.


If he could lower the pitch of his voice he could get the Oscar for a Silence of the Lambs type.


Oh my God I hope he's not married poor wife/wives 😅


The comment is made over and over that women's sin is not being "checked" but Men's sins have been. When and how and where were men's sins checked? Who checks them? It seems that the women's sins must be checked by men but who is checking the men's sins? Where are your references for this? You give references for your statistics about divorce but I see no references whatsoever for this particular point. And this seems to be the point that this whole sermon is based upon.


"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits" this guy smells of rotten apples.


If there is any partial value to Webbon’s over-correction, it is that he has properly re-owned for himself the pre-modern label of “patriarchy” (which sees women as second class and subservient to their honorable men); rather than ruin the better term and category of complementarianism which arose specifically to overcome the problematic abuse and chauvinism within patriarchy. At least he sees the difference. Sadly, he is throwing away all the advantages as he moves backwards.


Thank you for sharing this, I have been hoping for a Christian voice for issues concerning the Manosphere. I grew up when women taking spiritual leadership roles in the house and the men having all the responsibility without authority. All responsibility with no authority is slavery and this is the sad state of men today. I do see women speaking out but it’s a minority


I’m a lady here. The unbiblical divorce and remarriage situation is something I’ve often wondered and have read various pastors take the stand you take. I don’t understand how unbiblical divorce, followed by an unbiblical marriage (now adultery by remarriage) is not a state of ongoing adultery? Would that be similar to a spouse cheating once and committing adultery that one time as compared to a spouse who is in an ongoing affair?
If a believer has divorced unbiblically and remarries, wouldn’t it be that believer’s duty to go back to their original spouse and work on their original marriage? I don’t see why not


Joel over here looking like a reformed Matt Walsh :-)


I stopped listening after you stated false statistics on physical violence in marriages. Also, I hope your followers know there are other forms of abuse in marriage. Ones that are more damaging and detrimental to every member in the family, with lasting impacts.

"Controlling abuse is usually called intimate terrorism, and over 90% of the perpetrators are male. In a typical case a husband might prevent a wife from seeing friends or family and make her feel guilty or afraid if she defies him. He may threaten harm against children if she tries to leave, or badger her incessantly to get what he wants." -AAMFT


But SHE can be called to be a neurosurgeon who will possibly save a life not a preacher.


This got me thinking about how the gender switch started years ago with the role of women running the house and men being subservient. We switched roles now we're switching plumbing.


I have yet to talk with a man with these beliefs that fully respects women. They don’t they just don’t. Instead they look down at women as inferior. Im how can a woman be expected to submit when men aren’t really able to fill their role. Do you realize how much responsibility that is? I’m not a feminist however I’m also not about women subjecting themselves obediently to men that dont know how to rule with the love of Jesus. There is a lot of emphasis on women being the problem here at least that’s is what I’m hearing on this video but that doesn’t seem right. Men are just as much a problem or more . And this problem is written all over in the Bible like how Adam didn’t protect Eve. Look how God had to use Deborah to lead the men because there simply wasn’t a man who could lead. Why do you suppose?


Hallelujah for the women he didn't keep his word and she had enough
