10 MANLY Body Language Tricks to Look More MASCULINE!

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Nonverbal communication (70 to 90% of all communication) is much more important than what comes from your mouth. If you master nonverbal communication, you'll have an easier time making friends, getting spicy senoritas, and getting people to like & trust you. I will focus on body language today, a considerable component of the nonverbal communication equation. 

Style is also part of the equation you have complete control over. If you pay attention to your style and dress with intention, you'll have more people like you. People are attracted to attractive people in terms of their style. Grooming is another part of the equation which includes your hair, skin, eyebrows, nails, and more. How you smell is also essential regarding grooming. If you smell terrific, people will be drawn to you. Grab Pete & Pedro's FREE FRAGRANCE deal!

The following advanced body language tips (which you can practice) will help you to look confident and masculine always. Mastering these is like a superpower, and it's never been a more critical time to learn these because of how competitive the world is these days.

Advanced body language tips

Walking. How you walk and carry yourself indicates how you feel about yourself. Make sure your chest is up, and your shoulders are back. Take confident and even strides. Look proud (like you just accomplished something) and not arrogant. Make sure your head is up, and look people in the eye.

Entering a room. You must be confident no matter what room you enter (professional, restaurant, party, etc.). Project confidence by smiling, having great posture, and making eye contact. Engage with people, too (say hello, shake hands).

Posture. Head and chest are up, and your shoulders are back. Stand strong and tall without your hands in your pockets. 

Hand placement. Hold your hands to your sides or in front of you. You could also hold your hands behind your back or one hand in your pocket. Being able to see your hands lets people know that they can trust you.

Hand gesturing. You can use your hands to express yourself and be more charismatic. Having your hands open demonstrates open body language (willing to communicate, engaging, and inviting). Having your hands down illustrates that you're scolding someone. Your hand movements should match your speech's tempo, tone, and cadence. Ensure your hands don't invade somebody else's space; keep them in your zone. 

Sitting. Having your feet together, being hunched over and small, or crossing your legs (feminine) looks submissive. A masculine man takes up space. It's about open body language and posture. There's a biological reason for manspreading (men don't want to heat up their testicles and damage their sperm).

Eye contact. It's essential to make and maintain eye contact. Avoiding eye contact makes you look shifty, submissive, and scared. Look at their eyebrows if eye contact is problematic for you.

Contact cadence. Maintain eye contact, but don't look like a creepy stalker by not breaking eye contact. The rhythm is one-two-three, break the gaze, and then return to eye contact. 

Handshake. Cold, wet, dead fish handshakes and too firm and aggressive handshakes are inappropriate. It's about proper pressure and perfect timing. You'll have to anticipate the timing, then quickly grab and apply pressure. Touching the top of their hand takes it next level. It's both powerful and engaging.

Touching. Lightly touching somebody when you're talking is crazy next-level powerful. It lets them know that you're comfortable with yourself and with them. It also indicates that you like them. Subconsciously, they don't know why but they will like you more. Practice first with somebody that you're comfortable and familiar with.
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(I only counted 8 things, please respond here if I missed anything)
1. Way you walk - walk straight up and look forward look people in the eye - look proud but not arrogant.
2. Have good posture and smile. Head up, chest out, shoulders back
3. Charisma - use your hands while you speak. Open hands shows openness to communicate.
4. Make sure hand movement matches the tempo of your speaking. Move your hands withing your own personal zone.
5. Sitting - legs closed is submissive. Sitting with legs open is more masculine. Yes, manspread a bit.
6. Maintain eye contact - 3 seconds and then break, repeat.
7. Have a proper handshake
8. Touching - lightly touching, but do so cautiously.

Important: be sure to practice all of the above.


alpha m. helping trans boys everywhere


gonna start doing all these as a woman, thanks!


When it comes to sitting I believe it's less about your legs and more about your upper body. If you're slouched over, spreading your legs isn't going to make you look confident and strong. If you're sitting upright, crossing your legs isn't going to make you look feminine or submissive. Look at just about any male guest on any talk show. They all sit with their legs crossed and they're engaged in lively conversation with the host. To me, none of them look feminine or submissive.


I’m 35 years old, and while growing up I’ve always looked up to my Uncle Vic. He literally does ALL of these! He is charismatic, stylish, and very masculine. Shout out to men like Aaron and my Uncle Vic! 🫡


Your channel is always interesting and fresh. Even for an old guy like me, I frequently get some great takeaways. The one I remember the most is your early morning routine. Running. Doing some work at Starbucks, etc. You're an important voice. A lot of my followers over the years have said we should do a collab. My reply is always, "He's a busy man. Just enjoy him and take notes". All the best and crush it in 2023 young bro. -George Bruno


Best point I loved... Never use ur phn while walking... It shows a closed body language 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I’d like to thank this guy on behalf of the trans masc community, he has helped us so much.

(Yes, I know damn well he would probably hate crime me)


Thank you for all these tips...
I have dealing with overwhelming anxiety and fear, due to a past toxic job, mental burnout and stress, and these tips are something I will practice to regain my self-esteem and self-confidence!

I KNOW it's there, and just like learning to ride a bike, it will all come back to me.

Wish me luck... 2023 is MY YEAR! 🤗


The touching method works very well, I’ve used this on a couple of upset customers I had and it helped drastically.
I felt like I was sort of taking a risk because it could make the person more upset, but it always works for me.


This is hilarious and tragic all at once. Thanks for the laugh! Such great humour 😂


Yo Alpha, I've been wanting to try legend and your new ball powder, but also needed to refill rebel so thanks so much for the deal today, it really helped me out! Thanks for always looking out for us!


i'm going to do the exact opposite of that to express my feminine self.


“The things stopping you from being Alpha, that is fully and authentically expressing yourself, are conditioned habits.”
-Derren Nash,


Awesome video with so much valuable information.


I'm so happy, you're uploading again!! Love you Alpha!! :)


Im a trans dude and was tryina see how to pass but uhh this is not what i was looking for


Discovered your channel a few weeks ago and I must say....it's information highway... appreciate this


Hello Aaron, interesting grooming tips. I like the way you explain everything in a fast manner. Kudos to your tantalizing life hacks.
My flying kisses from India !👍👌💐
