Tennis Elbow: Ice It Or Heat It? – Think Again! #TennisElbowClassroom

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► Why inflammation is not the cause or problem with Tennis Elbow
► Why Tennis Elbow isn't actually a form of “Tendonitis”
► And why most Tennis Elbow sufferers need to ignore the ADVICE to ICE (or R.I.C.E.)
“Whether you use ice or heat on your Tennis Elbow or Golfer's Elbow depends on whether your priority is healing or simply pain relief…”
(So, if your priority is healing in the long run – rather than short-term pain relief – you may want to rethink the ice and choose heat instead.)
Follow the link below to get your free 'Tennis Elbow 101' video course…
And here are my Self-Help Home Treatment and Exercise Programs:
Also, here's my original video on icing Tennis Elbow (from way back in 2012 – One of my first videos)
For MORE Tennis Elbow treatment-related videos here's my playlist on the subject:
And my channel for all things Tennis Elbow:
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