The Fastest Way To Build R Dashboards

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Do you want to shortcut the time it takes learn how to build interactive applications using Shiny in R?
Hi Jonathan here. If you're new to this channel and you're keen to learn the latests tips tricks and tools for working more effectively with data please hit the subscribe button for weekly videos.
I've prepared this short intro video so you can see what the course is all about. If you like what you see here stay tuned to the end of the video where I have a free gift for you.
Over the last few months I've been working on a new course R Shiny Flex Dashboards and Interactive Data Visualizations. I'm super excited to be luanching this new course over the next few days.
Are you tired of spending hours shifting through the internet to find small snipets of code that you need to figure out how to put together?
Let me tell you a little known secret. 99% of the information available on R is massively out of date.
R has been around for over 20 years now and since then it has been exponentially enhanced through some really amazing libraries.
Learning to use the best new libraries available is the difference between using version 1 of the software that was developed over 20 years ago and using version 10.
You'll be able produce impressive results with less code and less study by leveraging the work of some of the smartest people in the world.
In this course you will learn the best way to build interactive web applications with R Shiny that no one else is teaching.
My name is Jonathan Ng and I will be your instructor
I will take you step by step through the end to end process of building several different applications in minutes not hours so you can start applying these techniques to your own work immediately.
You will learn how you can
Write simplier more concise code and skip over at least half of the material usually required to learn app development with R.
Right now this is the fastest most efficient way to build data applications when compared to other platforms like Python or traditional methods of R.
You'll be able to make your content more flexible so you can also publish it to a range of different formats including web pages, books, slide decks and not just interactive dashboards!
You'll learn how Graph network analysis could revolutinise the way you work with data and see how you can easily implement graph visualisations in a dashboard.
R is an incredible tool for stock market and timeseries analysis that allows you to simultaneously analyse entire portfolios of stocks and gives you the ability to take advantage of new machine learning techniques to analyze your data. In this course you'll learn about some of the best new libraries for working with stock and timeseries data which we will embed into an app.
Besides apps you'll also learn how to super charge your everyday R code by writing your own functions and learning how to make them super dynamic with some advanced concepts such as tidy evaluation.