Ambiguous Prophecy in the Quran: CONFIRMED!

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In this video, we see that some variants in the Quran make a big difference.
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Questions for Muslims:
1. Which reading do you prefer and why?
2. Which reading do you think was original?
3. Why would Allah allow two conflicting readings to develop?
4. How can Muslims rest a “prophecy” claim on verses that have contradictory, variant readings?
5. Given similarities in contemporary sources, should we call them “prophecies” in those sources as well?
6. Given the range of readings that can be derived from the consonantal skeleton of the Quran, and the dozens of different qira’at that resulted, how can the Quran claim to be “clear”?


*In Zakir Naik’s voice*
“brudder asked a very good question. Will you take the shahada if I give you the answer?”
*the crowd clapping for no reason*
“Okay brudder. So these verses are not only a fulfilled prophecy, but they are also scientific miracles of the Holy Qur’an.
“Brudder, have you heard of da alternate reality? You see, in this reality the Romans lost then they won. In the alt reality they won and then lost.”
*more senseless clapping*
“Allah SubanaWaTa’alla tells us both outcomes then says: {on that day, the believers will be happy because of the victory of Allah}. This victory of Allah is the victory of the prophecy fulfilled in both realities and the scientific discovery of the alt reality.”
*louder clapping and cheering*
“Are you ready to take your shahada brudder?”


"We can see that there are mistakes in the Quran, but we leave them ".- Ijaz


Muslims will tell you there is no difference in the variance reading


"Something will happen somewhere"


The quran
1. Called Mary the mother of Jesus the daughter of Imran? Well, this is an error because Imran lived over 2, 000 years before Mary. The true father of mary is Joachim.
2. Claimed the Father of Abraham was Azar instead of Terah?
3. Claimed that men in paradise will be entitled to women to have sexual intercourse with, however Jesus said such thing don't exist.

Matthew 22: 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.


Christian : these are the questions answer me
Muslim : bible is corrupted
Christian: i didnt ask you about bible .
Muslim: where in bible did jesus say, " I am god worship me ?" Explain trinity ( 1+1+1=3?)


I agree with first reading i want Constantinopole back


Lovely message. Whoever is reading this know that God is in control no matter how bad your situation looks like He will save you.


Colin GBY, you are calling Muslims to account for their religion.
Keep up the good work. Jesus Christ is risen🙏


Thank you for all you do. Love listening to you.


I see there are more holes in the narrative. Islamic prophecy works only as well as their scientific and historical accuracy, and only as well as the perfect preservation of the Quran, and works only for those who are willing to ignore the hard evidence and just memorize and regurgitate what they're taught, just as Sheikh Yasir Qadhi said.


As always, SIMPLE, SHARP, SMART. Thanks Colin. May you and your family be blessed abundantly


After a certain amount of time, some people will go to that place which is near that lake in that region and do that thing. After they will do that thing, they will go to that forest where they will attack that village which is near that river.


By changing the vowels you can make Surah 30:1-4 ‘predict’ either outcome. 
The vowels were not decided until 788AD
The Qur’ān was already distributed vowelless in 650AD.
سَيُغْلَبُونَ (They will be defeated)
سَيَغْلُبُونَ (They will be victorious)


Good job Colin. I'm waiting for the typical Muslim response..
both readings are inspired because there are 7 ahruf readings in the Qur'an!


Abdool: “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Colin: reverse uno card

Abdool: 😳


bro, abu baker actually betted on the first one and he won, and thus you cant deny the first was what is meant


As a muslim I would replay

First of all the second Qiraah which reads as the romans have vanquished and soon they would be defeated is a shaadah qiraah

Secondly even if we would to take that qiraah the prophecy still full-filled since muslims were the one who defeated then after their conquest

We have to note the Quranic readings say

Romans 👉have been👈

Which means this has already happened

Either victory or defeat

And whatever follows it would be exactly opposite of it!


﴿يا أَيُّهَا النّاسُ ضُرِبَ مَثَلٌ فَاستَمِعوا لَهُ إِنَّ الَّذينَ تَدعونَ مِن دونِ اللَّهِ لَن يَخلُقوا ذُبابًا وَلَوِ اجتَمَعوا لَهُ وَإِن يَسلُبهُمُ الذُّبابُ شَيئًا لا يَستَنقِذوهُ مِنهُ ضَعُفَ الطّالِبُ وَالمَطلوبُ﴾ [الحج: ٧٣]
O people, an example is presented, so listen to it. Indeed, those you invoke besides Allāh will never create [as much as] a fly, even if they gathered together for it [i.e., that purpose]. And if the fly should steal from them a [tiny] thing, they could not recover it from him. Weak are the pursuer and pursued.
Saheeh International

﴿ما قَدَرُوا اللَّهَ حَقَّ قَدرِهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَقَوِيٌّ عَزيزٌ﴾ [الحج: ٧٤]
They have not appraised Allāh with true appraisal. Indeed, Allāh is Powerful and Exalted in Might.
Saheeh International
