Leg Presses WON’T Build Your Glutes!

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The leg press is a popular gym leg exercise that many use in an attempt to build up their glutes. The problem is, this lower body exercise will not do a good job for getting bigger glutes. Here’s why. It starts with a discusion about the function of the glute muscles.

We know that they are most responsible for hip extension. This means that they take the straight leg from a position in front of the body to a position behind the body. Now there is a difference between even the functions of the different glute muscles. The glute maximus is responsible for bringing the leg straight back while the glute medius will do so while externally rotating the hip.

The development of both of these glute muscles is important if you want to have rounder glutes.

That said, when you look at the range of motion that occurs during a leg press you will see that it is very incomplete for targeting the glutes. It starts from a position of about 145 degrees of hip flexion and finishes without ever getting to hip extension, or even a neutral hip position for that matter.

Now while some will want you to believe that the stretch position is the only portion of the range of motion that matters for development, this is just plain uninformed. Full rangeo of motion training is still superior for the multiple benefits it provides over partial ROM training when you look beyond the limited scope of just hypertrophy. When we talk about leg training we definitely want to be sure that we do not forego function in the pursuit of size.

Now some will tell you that if you simply shift your foot placement higher up on the leg press platform that you will get better hip and glute recruitment. This is true. When it comes to quad development, you will definitely be better served to have your feet lower on the platform. Getting your feet higher however will shift the focus more to the posterior chain muscles.

The issue is, this still doesn’t address the limited range of motion that occurs for the glutes and hip muscle on this exercise. In fact, it may actually make it even worse.

If you want to build bigger glutes then you would be much better served doing exercises like the hip buck or barbell hip thrusts. The cable pullthrough is another great exercise for hitting the glutes. If you want to take advantage of the stretch range of motion more then performing an exercise like the barbell RDL would also be a viable option.

The extreme degree of posterior pelvic tilt is also another negative factor in the case against leg presses for building glutes. If the exercise might eventually lead to pain and discomfort in the SI joint, then once again, it may not be the best option for you to build your glutes with. There are simply better options like the ones listed above.

If you are looking for more glute exercise recommendations, be sure to stay tuned to this channel and remember to subscribe so that you never miss another video from a physical therapist with a pro sports background as a PT and strength coach.

Jeff Cavaliere MSPT, CSCS served as both the head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets. Jeff earned his Masters of Physical Therapy and Bachelor’s of Physioneurobiology from the College of Health Sciences University of Connecticut Storrs. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you for helping free up the leg press machines for us Jeff.


I love the fact that you're a PT and understand all the damage that could occur if people do exercises incorrectly. My wife is a PT and she helps me to do exercises correctly.


As someone who can’t do barbell squats anymore due to back injuries, leg press variations (not this machine) and Bulgarian split squats and lunges do great for my legs and glutes. Do what works for you and focus on correct form and weight control.


We need more of such graphic representations for better understanding


The pelvic tilt is a real concern. But the complaint about the leg press not taking the glutes through a full range of motion discounts that other "glute exercises" don't go through full range of motion yet are fine, and second this partial range is in the lengthened position which adequately provides for plenty of stimulation. Mixed studies whether lengthened partials are *better* than full ROM, but they are at least on par. The glutes are therefore the limiting factor of a high leg press in their flexed position and are absolutely being targeted.


I was just planing my leg day program for tomorrow, now I get to cross this one off my to do list. Thank you


I’m really new to the gym, so I’m really enjoying your channel right now!!! : - )


If there's an adjustable seat back, lower it all the way down and place your heel on the lowest part which usually opens up the ankle a bit like wearing a heel . The result is a sissy squat but with a bent back . The limiting factor will be your quad and not your glutes .
If done the way shown here, you are loading the glute in the stretch position, which according to the latest research is atleast as stimulating as doing full range of motion if not better and therefore becomes an excellent glute exercise if you ensure that your back stays neutral .
Unfortunately most people dont have enough mobility and its best if they limit the range of motion which reduces the stimulus .
But honestly theres nothing wrong with spinal flexion especially when theres no shearing load on the spine .


The best I've found for glutes are lunges or Bulgarian Split Squats, but most people are too manlet to do them and would rather throw around a bunch of weight (because that's impressive) doing those overrated hip thrusts. Give lunges a shot, say 3 sets of 10 holding a total of 45-50% of your bodyweight in dumbbells. I have a feeling you'll feel that in those glutes.


Invaluable information right there. Thx Jeff


Spot on. Pulled my lower back doing this move and took me good couple of weeks to recover!


I appreciate the information. Thank you, Jeff!


I use the leg press but for single leg exercises, I take the leg from 180° to roughly 90° and but would always do more than 50% of my squat strength range on each leg, Obviously shouting, "This is Sparta!" On each rep, not a full range of motion compared to the squat, but still progressively overloading the muscles.


Super Informative thanks will pass along


leg press is one of the best glute builder if you train on the seated one that push down.


Leg presses are great for developing quads. I use it in conjunction with deadlifts.


Loved every min of this video! You nailed it!


I use it as an easy to do postprandial exercise to make my leg muscles more insulin sensitive.


make a full video on Squat and Leg press with pros and cons


I don’t do it for glutes, and didn’t realize there was anyone who did. I thought it was obvious it was for strengthening quads and knees and hip flexor mobility.
