All Mud Tires Are Not The Same | Our Top 4 Mud Tire Picks of 2022 For Your UTV, ATV Or Side By Side!

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Lacking the traction you need in the mud?

Glen doesn't want to hurt a baja blast bottle but Wilson sends it.
Chris is worried for his RZR's well being anytime those 2 are around.
Chevron is not from Texas.

Wilson and Glen breakdown our top 4 picks for mud tires for your machine. What tread pattern is best for your riding. What the heck does the tread design even mean? We talk about it all and go through each of our top 4 picks for Mud tires!

Make sure to tune in and check out the video!
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0:00 - Intro
0:32 - EFX Motohavok
1:55 - BKT AT 171
2:55 - ITP Cryptid
4:15 - Quadboss QBT 673
6:57 - Outro
7:11 - Baja Blast gets blasted

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I’ve owned all 3 from the right over the years and from my pov
cryptids (stock)-are my dry/road tires and they aren’t bad for that. Deep mud, when you lite em up they do ok but clearance is always key, be nice if they measured truer
BKTs- they were alright, axle snappin good time with some throttle and they don’t like to back up or corner when it’s greasy
Havocs- didn’t mind them. A little wider (9.5-10”) to spread that tread out I think it would be something to try.
At the end of the day it don’t matter what the tire is if you belly out in mud your stuck. I’ve had various outlaws(1 and 2), black mambas, outbacks, mayhems, terms, intimidators, bkts, havocs, cryptids, xm310, rocktanes….not of them outshined the other in our mud.


Do you think xt400 are good tires? I like to mud mostly but do a little trail especially to get to the mud


The quadboss tires are literally a rip off of super ATV terminators. I own terminators and it's straight up the identical tread pattern.


The ITPs are great. They eat the ground good.


Did anyone else notice the cboys hat 3:23


None of the tires offer a paddle effect like the highlifter outlaw . 29.5” outlaws best tire . Paddled better than silverbacks . Other tires just dig straight down . Many reviews


Will the quad boss tire ride good on a road and hardback surfaces


For Honda’s and low cc Atvs, you can’t beat OG outlaws
Light weight and get through holes without digging to China
