Visual Effects Artists Are SICK Of Marvel's Staff Treatment..

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Visual Effects Artists Are SICK Of Marvel's Staff Treatment..
Welcome back to Action Junkie, today on the channel we are going to talk about Visual effects artists who speak out against bullying at Marvel + other related news. For superfans it was a superfrenzy. After three long years, Comic-Con last month returned to full-attendance mode in San Diego and made up for lost time by unveiling a new slate of Marvel movies. There were tantalising glimpses of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania and two Avengers films for 2025: Avengers: The Kang Dynasty and Avengers: Secret Wars. But while the Disney-owned multibillion-dollar franchise is the gift that keeps on giving for casts, crews and distributors, there is one vital team in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) who appear to be faring less well: visual effects (VFX) artists.
First-hand accounts have recently erupted in media and social media casting Marvel in a deeply unflattering light as an employer: insatiable in its demands, impossible to please, overworking and underpaying the very staff who imbue its content with miracles and wonder Another visual effects artist, who wished to remain anonymous, told New York magazine’s Vulture website: “When I worked on one movie, it was almost six months of overtime every day. I was working seven days a week, averaging 64 hours a week on a good week. Marvel genuinely works you really hard. I’ve had co-workers sit next to me, break down and start crying. I’ve had people having anxiety attacks on the phone.” The unnamed artist described Marvel as so successful, dominant and prolific that visual effects houses scramble to undercut each other in the hope of landing the next commission. But they then tend to be understaffed, trying do more with less. And Marvel is perfectionist to a fault, ordering changes late in the process, far in excess of a typical client. Finish this video to learn the details about Visual effects artist speaks out against bullying at Marvel and other related news.
#Marvel #MarvelBullyingProblem #MCU
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Welcome back to Action Junkie, today on the channel we are going to talk about Visual effects artists who speak out against bullying at Marvel + other related news. For superfans it was a superfrenzy. After three long years, Comic-Con last month returned to full-attendance mode in San Diego and made up for lost time by unveiling a new slate of Marvel movies. There were tantalising glimpses of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania and two Avengers films for 2025: Avengers: The Kang Dynasty and Avengers: Secret Wars. But while the Disney-owned multibillion-dollar franchise is the gift that keeps on giving for casts, crews and distributors, there is one vital team in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) who appear to be faring less well: visual effects (VFX) artists.
First-hand accounts have recently erupted in media and social media casting Marvel in a deeply unflattering light as an employer: insatiable in its demands, impossible to please, overworking and underpaying the very staff who imbue its content with miracles and wonder Another visual effects artist, who wished to remain anonymous, told New York magazine’s Vulture website: “When I worked on one movie, it was almost six months of overtime every day. I was working seven days a week, averaging 64 hours a week on a good week. Marvel genuinely works you really hard. I’ve had co-workers sit next to me, break down and start crying. I’ve had people having anxiety attacks on the phone.” The unnamed artist described Marvel as so successful, dominant and prolific that visual effects houses scramble to undercut each other in the hope of landing the next commission. But they then tend to be understaffed, trying do more with less. And Marvel is perfectionist to a fault, ordering changes late in the process, far in excess of a typical client. Finish this video to learn the details about Visual effects artist speaks out against bullying at Marvel and other related news.
#Marvel #MarvelBullyingProblem #MCU
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