3 Signs God is Preparing And Pruning You For Your Calling(Christian Motivation)

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3 Signs God is Preparing And Pruning You For Your Calling(Christian Motivation)

Are you feeling challenged or isolated? These might be signs that God is preparing and pruning you for your unique calling. In this powerful Christian motivational video, we explore three unmistakable signs that God is actively shaping your future. Discover how trials and isolation can actually be divine preparation for a major breakthrough. Tune in for a daily dose of inspiration and learn how to recognize when your blessing is close. This video is a must-watch for anyone on a journey of spiritual growth and readiness for God’s plan. #ChristianMotivation #TrailblazerMotivation #DailyJesusDevotional
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I have been feeling the conviction of the Holy spirit for months. I wish i could tell my family and friends what i have been going through without judgement and without crying. I seen to get choked up when i start speaking about it. I kept asking myself in the beginning, what is happening to me? I now know it's real and i want it to stay.


Thank you for the message
Closed doors
Have been facing many challenges especially financially and health. Doors closes everytime we anticipate a breakthrough. In our business things happen to a point where very big contract are signed, but coming to then manifesting, nothing happens. I pray for God to intervene in Jesus's name


Jesus has taken my family through many hardships, He has encouraged me with Scriptures when there hasn't yet been any light and we have seen His faithfulness. I have been in wilderness but now I'm sensing that I' m getting out.


Amen hallelujah connected with faith lautoka FIJI Islands


Thankyou for this amazing message, this was timely, I am going through a time where I am facing exactly all of this


Thank you so much for such an encouraging message. To be honest it's one challenge after challenge.


I’m dealing with each one of these right now. They have been for the last couple months and it’s very intense.


Hi, I know I am ashamed to admit this, but I did not know the details of the story of Joseph until recently even though I am a Catholic I know it sounds silly but in the 60s the Sunday school teachers really didn’t know how to teach Sunday school very well and didn’t discuss stories like these anyway I do relate to the story of Joseph. Yes, my story is not as dramatic as Joseph of course not, but I am going through something similar and the story of Joseph is definitely helping me get through this. But I thank God for this period in my life. It is my new spiritual awakening. I was already very very close to God with unwavering faith, but for some reason, he felt that I needed this new renewaland this new situation in my life, the spiritual awaken came and I thank him for that. Amen.


Summer. Too much light; for too long. Wish I could turn off my mind 🛌 and make it all go away. Fed up with being punished for trying to live. Going back to it 🛌


But why use videos of people doing yoga? You're saying the right thing but using the wrong video


Wonderful message but I don’t know why you had to have the far eastern meditation on the video


Believers, do not let "meditation" become a stumbling block as it's scriptural. Please take the time to review scriptures that speak to this biblical truth.
