Why China, Taiwan tension could have a major global financial and economic impact

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Taiwan interests are our Interests.

Letting the CPC just walk all-over Taiwan would be a Mistake. Both in Foreign Policy, and Economic factors.


I wouldn't put it past Xi to make a grab for Taiwan, but I'm skeptical the Chinese military could pull it off. Amphibious invasions are incredibly difficult and the Chinese have nowhere near the training or military experience to be confident of success, especially with the US and Japan lurking nearby. On the other hand, a lot of people are probably telling Xi exactly what he wants to hear, so he may grossly overestimate their capabilities.


The key factor here is that within the Taiwanese populace, who unlike the Chinese people, are able to vote democratically, have voted overwhelmingly for the party opposing CCP takeover and the younger Taiwanese are 100% against it. The political tide would indicate that soft power approaches and CCP meddling in Taiwanese democratic process will NOT WORK!

One of the stronger western countries has to take a stand, CCP bullying is simply unacceptable


Taiwan was never part of Communist China, so there's no such thing as "reunification". And prior to the mass immigration of Chinese around the 1700s, the island was majority Austronesians. Taiwan is the motherland of the Austronesian family.


As an American, let China and Taiwan plan their future without interference. In return, allow trade to continue to flow peacefully. I don’t see China hanging out in the Gulf of Mexico


Japan is very close to Taiwan. China won’t stop at Taiwan.


Taiwan is the last link in semiconductor manufacturing. Even if China wins Taiwan, it can't make chips without European and American equipment. China is not in a hurry to take over Taiwan, and Taiwan does not dare to be independent. The goal of the Taiwanese is to maintain the status quo. Many people in Europe and the United States do not understand China or Taiwan. At least one third of the people in Taiwan support reunification. Taiwan's politics is now in the hands of the Taiwan natives. But technology and industry are in the hands of other provinces, namely parents or the people born in Chinese mainland, such as Zhang Zhongmou, founder of TSMC.


Our media didn’t mention million of people are moving from Hong Kong, Taiwan or western countries to China to find jobs, especially young graduates.
They also didn’t mention Chinese mainland increased water supply to Taiwan to ease drought in Taiwan and Taiwanese people received free vaccinations for Covid-19 in China.
"Russia invades Ukraine at the same time as China attacks Taiwan" - Isn't that nothing more than wishful thinking?
“One of the basic lessons of foreign policy is that you don't march on Moscow, and you do not bluff Beijing. If you do, your bluff is always, at some point, going to be caught."


Funny how only mainland Chinese aka 5 cents claim Taiwan isn't a country in the comment section


Let's break down Afghanistan and Taiwan comparison.


- Export Opium to the world

- Extremely high illiteracy rate
- New government that suppresses the rights of women and girls

- Taliban, no nuclear missiles and no match for the US

- Disregard International Rules

- US abandon Afghanistan and wants nothing to do with them now in terms of standing up to their government

- World semi-conductor exporter, China export high technology and engineers to the world

- Illiteracy rate is lower than the US for both Taiwan and China

- China, a Nuclear state adversary of ours, capable of turning our country and allies to dust

- Taiwanese and Chinese have the same DNA

- Taiwanese and Chinese women have the same rights as men

- US will never abandon Taiwan, we are willing to risk WW3 to defend Taiwan?


- Our moral compass is a little off here if we choose to defend Taiwan should China ever try to reclaim Taiwan

- Same goes for any other our light-minded allies like India, Australia and Japan with Democratic values after they too turned their back on Afghanistan

- It's obvious that we only use Taiwan to contain China and willing to start WW3 if we choose to go to war with China over Taiwan

- We gave up on the Taliban Government but we choose to fight a nation who eliminated extreme poverty, #1 in 5G, leads in solar energy, electric vehicles, drones, space program including space wars and has their space station, # 1 in world population, leads in quantum physic and computers, leader in high speed rails, 2nd in GDP soon to over take US, largest Navy in the world, largest arm forces in the world, has their own GPS System(Beidou), leads in digital currency, leader in robotic, has the most engineers and leader in biotech and many other areas.

Our objective is clear as Americans if we choose to defend Taiwan. We will never relinquish our position as #1 in the world. We will end humankind to retain our #1 position if China threaten our position. US and our light-minded nations also include Japan, Australia and India that will risk WW3 to stop a conflict between 2 states of the same people with the same DNA, who are we kidding?

I love this great country of ours but perhaps we let China and Taiwan sort out their differences. We need to prioritize our objectives for our own citizens in education, innovation, science and engineering, focus on giving ALL of our citizens the opportunity to better themselves and not just the selected few who are born with privileges. If we fail the majority of our citizens I'm afraid it's going to be a long road for us as a nation and a reality we do not want to face.


So suitable for a great reset.
By the time this ends people will be screaming for anything and the great reset will taste like heaven.
Mark my words


The US definitely wants China to invade Taiwan. It would tie up the resources of its greatest rival, and attacking a democracy would be a great rallying call to unite countries against China. The US’s strategy would be to put on a facade of wanting peace, while trying their best to subtly influence war between the two.

I support the people of Taiwan choosing a future for themselves, but I think it’s sickening that the US is using Taiwan as a pawn in its game of thrones with China. They’re gambling with the lives of the people in Taiwan, but then of course, the US never cared much about human rights and human lives to begin with.


International relations is a great subject


The best approach is a full embargo of all goods from China, turn away all ships from China


In summary: **this is gonna Hurt the economy**


0:05 I wouldn't say the Communist Chinese are flying warplanes OVER Taiwan. That's a bit of a stretch. They are flying AROUND Taiwan. 3:27 What this chart doesn't show is TSMC has over 50% market of the cutting-edge 5 nm process. 5 nm is what you put in the latest iPhones and supercomputers.


Wait for 10 or 20 years please.. I not married yet..


Long live Taiwan, fight those commies




The Taiwan situation is a resolved civil war that started in the 1920s between KMT and CCP. One can say that it is the longest frozen conflict. US and western countries need to understand the danger of getting into the domestic affairs of other countries. It is driven on both sides by base instincts with rational cost/ benefit might not be a factor. For China and CCP interference into the unresolved Chinese Civil by the US could lead to nuclear exchanges. In that case, it really does not matter who is behind in the technological race.
