Baptism of Fire - Bill Johnson (Full Sermon) | Bethel Church

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In this full sermon, Bill Johnson urges us to hunger for a fresh baptism of fire. Sharing from scripture and his own defining moments, Bill describes the importance of experiencing a baptism of fire, that we would become fully yielded to the Holy Spirit and see His power working in and through us to reach those around us with the love and freedom of Christ. We must keep our hearts in a tender place of continual hunger and dependency on God.

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Scripture References:
Psalm 51: 10-14
1 Kings 3
Psalm 115: 3
Luke 4: 18

Originally shared at Bethel Church, Redding California, on April 3, 2022.

#BillJohnson #BethelChurch #BaptismOfFire
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Amen!! One day doing the dishes in adoration, heart attentive to the Lord He said "There is a higher standing than being right and it is called Holiness".
One day we were at the park, my kids were playing on the playground. My son left his soccer ball in the car to play with later. A few times we saw this little boy with a similar soccer ball but his was smaller. My son met with his friend and they decided to get the soccer ball out of my car and play. They began playing kicks and having fun together until the boy with the similar soccer ball came over to them pointing and crying. He assumed my son and his friend stole his ball but we knew it belonged to us. My son tried to explain but the boy was so distraught he couldn't understand. My son tried to keep playing but he couldn't feeling he was doing something wrong. I reassured him it was ok and that the boys mum had his ball. My son already knew but he had a look on his face of sorrow. He paused for a moment, grabbed the ball and told the boy he could have it and gave him a hug. Immediately he stopped crying and ran off happily. My son came over to me and I hugged him, I asked why he did that? He said he knew it would make him happy so he gave it.
In that moment Holy Spirit spoke
"There is a higher standing than being 'right' and it is called Holiness".
Though my son knew it was rightfully his ball and he done nothing wrong, he moved not on what seemed right but what was right from his heart in love. And it was his hearts intention that was pure.
That moment I could have bawled. I told my son how proud of him I was and what God was teaching us. When God is everything to us and we live FROM His love, what comes out never serves ourselves but Him and others. Holiness and purity isnt about the things we do, but the heart in which we operate from. The intention of it! It will be a joy to take the lowly seat, not feeling the need to plead our case to one another and argue over pointless truths and rather letting THE TRUTH REIGN! Jesus should fill us so much in our time of intimacy with Him that we no longer feel the need to be right and rather feel the urge to go lower! Knowing, Lord, this is the heart that praises you, this is the heart that you choose to abide in, this is the love language between me and your spirit that you love! Because even when no one else sees, He does! El Roy, the God who sees! These things are so pleasing to Him when we truly love and serve Him to serve others. It makes His heart happy, and for that reason I almost look for these moments that no one on the outside could praise me for, that it would be so low that it goes unseen by the human eye knowing God you see. And you LOVE THAT SO MUCH!


"Love never requires agreement." That is a profoundly accurate and true statement. So many seem to think it does, they shrink from debate, from critical thought, have a "don't rock the boat" mentality. Love speaks the truth.


I'm here I want the baptism of fire. I need more of him and none of me


Thank you for pointing us to a deeper hunger for the presence of Jesus.


Today is may 17 as I am watching. I have been in a place of seeking God all of him. I am born again but not being all God has planned for be. If you see this pray for me because I want more of Him, I wantHis fire and power in me to finish this race strong for His purpose and His Glory. Thank you and bless you!


Praying and interceding for a baptism of fire in my sleep tonight, in Jesus name 🙏🏻 love you all and may God bless you family


Create in me a clean heart, O God;
restore within me a sense of being brand new.
Do not throw me far away from Your presence,
and do not remove Your Holy Spirit from me.
Give back to me the deep delight of being saved by You;
let Your willing Spirit sustain me.

If You do, I promise to teach rebels Your ways
and help sinners find their way back to You.
Psalm 51: 10-13 The VOICE Translation


wow....I was on my knees by the end....yes, Lord, this is my heart's passion...nothing else matters...baptize me with fire.."a passion that brings purity in lifestyle, decisions, and impact!" the glory of God! What a timely message for is contagious, and vital! Thank you Bill Johnson!


Pray for me. I need Him so bad! Circumstances of this life has changed my family in a negative way. I can't even say what has happened, it's so bad. I'm alone. My family not even talking to me, we're not whole. We're all believers but are separated by a Circumstance that has happened. They blame me. But the one barred from a long time is gone. Sin separated us all. But it had to be told. I surrender all. Lord baptism come. Amen


Full surrender does not come without cost. It is different for us all. God knows what we cling to as our identity. It is only our identity in Christ Jesus that can produce the fruit of surrender. I bless the words and heart of Bill Johnson. This message is true to form!


Thankyou, I’ve been seeking Jesus to know Him more, and what it means to have intimacy with the Holy Spirit.


God bless you Bill! Your teaching touches my heart! Bless you dear brother!


Show mercy to the person not to their thinking, love doesn’t require agreement, prayer will bring transformation, the place of brokenness is the place where the believer lives


Great faith comes from great surrender. There's a yielding
Real faith is exhibited in humility.


Lord comforts all who are in distress at this moment, distressed with their downcast soul, in the name of Jesus I ask you Lord🙌


Please please help… I agree I agree I am beyond desperate


i so want a baptism of fire afresh. then the spoken message would be the becomming of me rather than merely just speaking it


I am watching you and want my baptism of fire.


Thank you🙏
I want to make a commitment to God to be His disciple, to be an embassador of God's love🙏💗 and I want the holy spirit, the baptism of fire, and for my husband and our families, friends, church and everyone in the world in Jesus's name 🙏 Amen


I wish they would add tge next part when Tom came up and gave an altar call to which so many filled the altar literally weeping and wailing under the hand of god it was an epic moment in my life
