Charismatic Calvinist in the Southern Baptist church. David Platt, John Piper and JD Greear

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People need to keep in mind that the gift of tongues are real, yet satan has false touches.


With all due respect, this video does not make much sense to me. Here you are, calling out JD Greear, John Piper, and David Platt. . . When it is stated many times in their teachings that they believe in the 1 Corinthians 12 use of tongues only. You are taking clips from churches that have used tongues in a non-biblical way, and I see that you are trying to make it look they these 3 men of God believe that way of using tongues. I also don't see what Calvinism even has to do with this topic at all, so now I see you are trying to make Reformed Theology look unbiblical. Sir/Ma'am, I understand your burden, and you are concerned for the well-being of the church. But please, do not think that the Southern Baptist Convention is the means to the end of "right" theology. Tradition is the ultimate slayer of the church.


Great job of editing. You cut out the part of platt's sermon where he said and I quote "I have never spoken tongues in my life". I was there for that sermon and a member of his church. He is NOT charismatic, he does NOT speak in tongues, and he does NOT promote speaking in tongues. Refusing to put a ban on tongues is not an endorsement.


What a misrepresentation! Taken totally out of context.


This video is a mess. Video cut into bits that bends the truth of the actual interviews of these pastors


What is it with this denominational obsession and the emphasis on gifts.
Sanctification, meekness and obedience the Word and to the Lord should guide us.


I find this video completely unbiblical in it's message. You are clearly a cessationist...I lean that way as well, however to show videos of the nonsense that Non-Calvinistic Charismatics in a video where you are trying to refute Calvinistic Charismatics (many of whom have fruitful ministries that promote the Gospel and the Doctrines of Grace) is irresponsible. You are insinuating that these men are in agreement with the irreverent things in the other videos, anyone who has listened to Piper, Platt, Sam Storm, Carson knows that they would rebuke such practices. If you are going to refute them, refute THEM. If you are going to show videos, show their preaching and (of course you don't have any) of abuses of charismatic gifts in their churches. This video is irresponsible and should be removed. By all means replace it with one where you state your doctrinal stance and where you believe them to be in error.


Who is the preacher doing the rediculous attempt of tongues?


This video doesn't appear balanced or thorough in presenting a real argument. You show reasonable men making statements about their beliefs and then switch back and forth to Kenneth Hagan. That's not an argument.


They have failed to do is rightly divided the word of Truth compare scripture truth with truth 2nd Timothy 2:15.


What about when a revival occurs in Afghanistan & God gives a bunch of Afghans the fullness of the Holy Spirit & those Afghans, who don't know any English, start speaking in an unknown tongue (language), and they begin Praising Jesus in perfect English?


You obviously don’t understand tongues in the way that the Bible talks about it and how it is available today just not for all


What a childish attack on Calvinism and tongues. Whoever made this video knows that these pastors don't believe in tongues as shown at that random church. This video was put together in anger, not love. It's sneaky and a sinful lie. Congratulations on your manipulative editing skills.


Way to go editing out the whole of what piper and platt were saying about tongues and meshing them into word of faith charismatic heretical doctrine. I have personally heard the whole of both of those videos and you are outright lying to people with the way you edited their videos. Not pushing Calvinism on anybody because its a tertiary doctrine. As long as you are IN CHRIST, thats what matters. How Gods sovereignly works that out is interesting but not a primary doctrine to follow. Way to try and put more division in the church where there shouldnt be. I pray you see this and feel compelled towards love. Not hateful division


Stop using Kenneth Hagin as an example of tongues. Not everyone that speaks in tongues holds to his awful theology.


Terrible video.
I agree with John Piper, great explanation he gave


Calvinism and tongues, both are a means of saying "I am better than you". Tongues - how people love edifying themselves and not the flock. 1 word understood is better than 10K in tongues. Calvinism - The great guilt trip where Jesus' sufficiency is just not good enough. The only thing Baptist about Calvin was his wife the Anabaptist. Baptists should not hang any -ism on their faith other than baptism, to identify themselves with Christ. Thanks for the video!


Since when does Southern Baptist equal Calvinist?? Where do you get that PIper or these other guys you reference would condone leading a service by speaking in tongues?? This video comes very close to outright lying about men of God who are outstanding leaders. You should be very careful. This is the kind of thing we all will stand before God and answer for one day. I ask you humbly to take this video down.


This is a misrepresentation of the worst kind. Cutting in clips of heretics while not providing entire contexts of the interviews or sermons presented. This is blatantly divisive.


This video is a mess. Video cut into bits that bends the truth of the actual interviews of these pastors
