Twisted: Scripture Misused 3 - 1 Corinthians 14:34 Women Silence Church

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2 Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

Today we are going to talk about scriptures that have been used against women. On the cover these scriptures seem to clearly declare that women should not speak in Church or even ask questions. It says that they should be silent and that it is a shame or disgrace for them to be heard... yikes!

So what do we do with this? Does Paul, the author of these verses, have something against women? Does God not value women in ministry? Is it possible that these verses have been misunderstood and perhaps twisted?

We will look into the Context. We will dive into Greek. We will draw upon historical evidence. We will do all of this to "Correctly handle the Word of Truth."

Redemption Church is a nondenominational Church with campuses in Plano Texas. Our mission is to declare the good news and see others become followers of Jesus Christ. Our vision is to be a 1st Century Church connecting to a 21st Century world. To bring the community, the power, passion & dedication of that 1st century church to the fast paced, technologically advanced, and complex world of the 21st century.

We currently meet on Sunday afternoons at 3pm at the Corner of Parker Rd & Alma in Plano Tx. We would love to greet you in person.

Our lead pastor is Chris Fluitt.
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This is from the commentary I use as a resource.

Women were in leadership roles in the Old Testament
1. Moses' sister, Miriam, called a prophetess (Exodus 15:20-21 also note Micah 6:4)
2. women gifted by God to weave material for the Tabernacle (Exodus 35:25-26)
3. a married woman, Deborah, also a prophetess (cf. Jdgs. 4:4), led all the tribes (Jdgs 4:4-5; 5:7)
4. Huldah was a prophetess whom King Josiah invoked to read and interpret the newly-found "Book of the Law" (2 Kings 22:14; 2 Chr. 34:22-27)
5. Queen Esther, a godly woman, saved Jews in Persia

Women in leadership roles in the New Testament
1. Elizabeth and Mary, godly women available to God (Luke 1-2)
2. Anna, a prophetess serving at the Temple (Luke 2:36)
3. Lydia, believer and leader of a house church (Acts 16:14, 40)
4. Philip's four virgin daughters were prophetesses (Acts 21:8-9)
5. Phoebe, deaconess of church at Cenchrea (Rom. 16:1)
6. Prisca (Priscilla), Paul's fellow-worker and teacher of Apollos (Acts 18:26; Rom. 16:3)
7. Mary, Tryphaena, Tryphosa, Persis, Julia, Nereus' sister, several women co-workers of Paul (Rom. 16:6-16)
8. Junia (KJV), possibly a woman apostle (Rom. 16:7)
9. Euodia and Syntyche, co-workers with Paul

There are biblical examples of women leaders (even in Paul's writings, cf. Romans 16). In Paul's discussion of public worship in 1 Corinthians 11-14, in 1 Cor. 11:5 he seems to allow women's preaching and praying in public worship, with their heads covered, yet in 14:34-35 he demands they remain silent. There were deaconesses (cf. Rom. 16:1) and prophetesses (cf. Acts 21:9). It is this diversity that allows freedom to identify Paul's comments (as relates to restrictions on women) as limited to first century Corinth and Ephesus. In both churches there were problems with women exercising their newly-found freedom (cf. Bruce Winter, After Paul Left Corinth), which could have caused difficulty for the church in reaching their society for Christ. Their freedom had to be limited so that the gospel could be more effective.

Our day is just the opposite of Paul's. In our day the gospel might be limited if articulate, trained women are not allowed to share the gospel, not allowed to lead. What is the ultimate goal of public worship? Is it not evangelism and discipleship? Can God be honored and pleased with women leaders? The Bible as a whole seems to say "yes"!


the word Diakonos is also translated as servant in Matthew 20:26 "Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, (διάκονος)" and Mark 9:35 "Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant(διάκονος) of all.” and twice in Romans 12:7 with different cases "if service(διακονίαν), in our serving(διακονίᾳ); the one who teaches, in his teaching" in other places (Acts 1:17, Acts 1:25, Acts 6:4) it's translated as ministry, the term is rarely connected to teaching and exhortation but rather to serving and ministering to people. Logos is a good software to use for greek word searches if you want to look into these sorts of things. may God bless you all


1 Corinthians 14:26 What then shall we say, brothers and sisters? When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up.


Paul's regulation for women to remain silent during the Christian assembly was not specific to Corinth and Ephesus.

As in the congregations of the saint, women should REMAIN silent in the CHURCHES (plural).

All the congregations of the saints — in the churches
All the congregations — in the churches
All the congregations — in the churches


Good job in researching the true meaning of the words that were misinterpreted leading to conflict...God bless you for taking the time to clarify this bit of Corinthians. Lord, thank You for lending YOUR wisdom to ALL.


With respect, I think this might be the teaching that is twisting Scripture. I don't see a consideration for the context of these verses... namely concerning 1 corinthians 14. I commend the work of the Lord through women and we should encourage all believers to follow the Lord in truth.. but as far as I can tell the word of God is clear about women speaking and taking authority in the church.. in context of a church service, surely? If we believe we have a calling and it directly contradicts the word of God then that's where we have to stop and reconsider things. It's very important to especially take into consideration verses 36-38.
Are we looking to hear what we want to hear or what God is truly commanding? Blessings.


Peace be with you, When I was a child God told me something I never forgot. Something is coming in from space that will give men heart attacks and no babies will be born. Ñow I know it as men impotent with fear. Praise God

Wormwood or planet X is said to be the size of Neptune


Great word! What a liberating sermon. As a female believer myself, I had been really confused by this passage but she excellently unpacked this verse and its context. I think it's beautiful when people break down misconception that have held individuals in bondage for centuries. God is raising up a people that see beyond such petty things and speak up and speak out his truth to the world.


Wow, I really enjoy that. That was so smooth and so powerful. God chose a woman to carry the word of God. For nine months in her belly. And ignorant men don't want her to preach the word that she carry for nine months. I always believe. That Paul was writing to a church that had lots and lots of problems. Beautiful teaching. Thank you.


Greetings I agree with you, the only question I have is in regard to leadership (Gen 3:16 / 4:7) Ephesians 5:22 and Col 3:18. I believe woman should prophecy and participate in the church, but to lead as head pastor or bishop I have a question? just like a husband being head of the household not the woman, but both share in building not leading.


Hallelujah! Glory to Jesus! Well done! So many people are misguided in this teaching. I praise God for you guys explaining this.


Amen! So many women have been kept in bondage by these teachings!


In 2014, I started visiting a church that has a female pastor. For years I had heard about the pastor being very spiritual. I was afraid to go to that church because I used to hear she would prophesy and I knew what I was doing in the dark. I visited the church for 3 consecutive Sundays. I was moved by the services so, I asked God if He wanted me to join that church, He would have to give me a sign. Keep in mind, I didn't grow up in church and I couldn't stand church people. I thought church was man-made and the people were all self-righteous hypocrites. On February 2, 2014, the female pastor prophesied to me. She knew what I had been struggling with. After she prophesied, she told me the Lord said everything is going to be okay so tell the Lord thank You. I said, thank You Lord. She said don't worry about anyone in here, tell the Lord thank You. I closed my eyes, looked up, and felt in my heart to thank Him. I said LORD! It was like Jesus reached down and touched my voice. I couldn't shout like that on my own accord! I joined the church that day. Now, I love everyone unconditionally and I pray for people instead of judging them. Anyway, I am so thankful that God used someone that happens to be a female pastor to get to me! I could still be lost had she not allowed the Holy Spirit to use her. Praise the Lord! We serve an awesome God!


Thank you so much Sarah for lifting the burden of confusion on this verse and many others.
8 years after and this is still powerful.
God bless you Ma
Thank you Redemption Church


Not sure if anyone is still viewing this 2014 video, but just in case. This is heartbreaking just listening to this teaching. I stopped at the half way point.

I have nothing against Sarah Fluitt, my beloved sister in the faith, but I am deeply concerned about her teaching and her husband, pastor Chris Fluitt who allowed her to speak. He talked about the danger of distorting or twisting scripture, but that is what they are doing. 

NO ONE should ever deny or question women working hard "IN CHRISTIAN MINISTRY". That should never be the issue. Scripture clearly confirms women working in the ministry in several places (Romans 16:12, Acts 18:26). 

Paul's (God's) regulation against women speaking, teaching, and exercising authority over an man is enforced SPECIFICALLY in two places 1) IN THE HOME, and 2) IN THE CHURCH. NOTE: I am not talking about that brick building with four walls. The church IS NOT the building. I am talking about the ASSEMBLY or GATHERING of Christians WHEREVER and WHENEVER that occurs: on a mountain, in a fishing boat, in another believers home, and even if they meet seven days a week, as they did in the first century.

Women can pray, prophesy, and proclaim the word of God until their heart is content OUT OF THE ASSEMBLY: in the market place, on their jobs, in their communities, at school, over the phone, etc.

And just because Paul, Silas and some other believers met at Lydia's house does not make HER a leader in the church, or one of the BROTHERS. The Bible says nothing like that. I can allow a group of women to meet at my house to do some baking, but that does not make me a woman. It does even mean that know anything about baking. I am simply allowing them to use my home and facilities for the cause.

Lydia facilitated the house for the gathering, which was a true blessing and valuable contribution to the ministry, but the text says that Paul and Silas met with the "BROTHERS" and encouraged "THEM" (Acts 16:40). Let's not distort or twist the text to make it say something that it does not say, simply to support our argument.

As Christians, WE need not be so concerned about the LGBTQ community distorting the sanctity of marriage, we are doing a fine job of that all by ourselves. I pray that we would soon come together and AGREE on the written word of God, which would provide a stable foundation for us to then build and grow. But until we establish a firm foundation on the elementary principles of marriage, we are going to continue to stay in this same place, arguing and debating the roles of men and women, over and over again.

God, please continue to help us see your truth, without fear, and without error.



Thank you! Well done! The gifts of the Spirit are for all, not just men! I Corinthians speaks much of women speaking and prophesying in the congregation.


You are definitely gifted to teach! I learned so much from this video! Blessings


In dealing with 1Cor. 14:34-35 we must first look at vs.31 in which Paul says all may prophesy and all may learn (men & women) which would make 34-35 seem like a contradiction. Paul here is quoting the men here who wanted to hold on to there traditions, the law it talks about in at the end of vs. 34 is the (oral law or Talmud) not the Mosaic law. Paul starts 36 with (WHAT?) came the word of GOD out from you or came it unto you only? Paul is giving his answer to the men telling them they are not the only ones the word of GOD came to. This is my opinion.

2 Timothy Spot on exactly what I learned when I studied it years ago.



Loved this! Although I don’t know where I stand still on this issue, she made some good points that I have to consider.

One thing we can all agree on is that we are called to the great commission (as she said 😉).


The Greek word for servant is doulos, and it means slave. In biblical times, a doulos was someone who belonged to another.
