What is the Recovery Time With a Hip Replacement?

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What is the recovery time for a total hip replacement?

Hello, I am Dr. Dan Albright with Raleigh Orthopedics. I get that question a lot and it's a good question.

After you have your hip replacement operation, how long will you be out? How long does it take to get back to your life?

Well, the first answer is three months. Three months for the average senior citizen - maybe a little slower if there's a little extra weight. But the first month is the tough month after hip replacement operation. That;'s when you're really slow, you're tired, you're sore - everyone's a little different. I have had some people get back to work to their job within a week or less.

Jumping back to the hospital, you get your hip surgery, you go home the same day or the next day. That's how it usually goes.

And I use the anterior approach which I believe is a quicker, safer way of doing the surgery - fewer dislocations, I just split the muscles and there's less muscle damage.

There are other ways to do hip surgery that require a little longer to recover from. For instance, the lateral approach I do that with very difficult hip surgeries - a little more muscle damage to do the lateral approach to the hip.

There is also the posterior approach which involves detaching a tendon or two from the bone and then stitching it back.

So the anterior approach you can expect to be back at work, if you're working regularly, back at work maybe within a month to a month and a half. Some people need three months to get back to work. The better shape you are in before the surgery, the quicker you bounce back after. So I am always pushing my patients to get into the pool or stationary bike and lose a little weight before surgery - guaranteed you'll get back to your life quicker.

If you have more questions I am happy to talk to you any time. Please call our appointment line. Thank you.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Albright call (919) 863-6808

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Рекомендации по теме

With my Anterior procedure THR I was walking around the block in a walker in 48 hours post surgery and back to work doing light construction in 13 days. For me, it was definitely the way to go. I am 68 years old.


Complete physical recovery was 12 months. That was with nutrition, supplements and fitness trainer. I did strength training and spin bike pre-op. The mental struggle was tougher than the physical one.


I have anterior hip replacement. My pain level is 1/10 and I took oxycodone for 3 days only. I can walk without cane on the 4th day but still use it for safety as doctor direction. My surgery is a successful one. I am 64 years old and hope that this prosthesis will last me a lifetime. I got Titanium, ceramic head and high cross link Polyethylene and best surgeon.!


4 weeks and still need a cane more than a few steps. Quite achy. young and in excellent shape. It's so hard anyway.


I'm at eight weeks, still have pain, use a cane and am not driving. Been going to therapy and it helps. I haven't given up yet.


I just had the right hip replacement using the anterior approach 4 weeks ago. I'm 49 but I'm still in a lot of pain especially at night. I usually wake up every 2 or 3 hours in pain, it's a little maddening. I was injured OTJ 16 months ago and after several months of non-surgical options I got a hip arthroscopy 9 months later and 6 months later they decided that I needed a hip replacement. I barely remember how it feels not being in pain. I started using a cane a few days ago so I'm seeing some progress there and I'm just hoping that soon I'll be back to my old self or somewhere close.


I just found out today that I have to have this replacement surgery and I don’t see how you say the better shape you’re in I’m only 63 years old and believe me prior to all this incredible pain I was in great shape now wow not so much I can hardly walk so I think you’re being a little optimistic and a little making people feel like they’re not going to make it


I am 39 days out from total left hip replacement Anterior . Have had 4 therapy visits, 1 post op appointment . After explaining my concerns to the Dr . I was told I was healing and no visible signs of infection . I still have to use my cane and crutches everyday all day . If my pain is not address with pain medicine my pain level is 500 out of 500 . I can't even stand up


I am in such pain and agony 24/7 so how in hell am I supposed to do exercise PRE SURGERY when I can barely walk!!


I did anterior. Initially it was great. Got infection after 3 weeks now I do revision posterior.


I got a hip replacement 11 month ago. Since 4 month I notice a “crock crock” sound when I move my leg with the hip protesi to the side or to the front.
The doctor says it is a tissue problem, not a problem of the replacement.
I was looking for exercises to better the situation. Have you any idea?


I was told 3mo's as well, but my new back to work date totals 5mo's because I am still experiencing pain in the hip socket area(I'm not at 4mo's). My issues is when I first stand up an put weight on it i have pain/pressure until I walk for a bit, then it goes away for the most part, but at night my pain is increased. My doctor also told me I had unusually hard bones and it made it more challenging than usual for him and it's possible that's the reason my recovery is slow.


At what age are you considered a "senior" and in which country?


Nice sir please tell us some exercises which are useful for recovery from hip replacement surgery Thqnk you


6 days out for me. Went to the er thinking I had a clot. Just the i t muscle giving me grief by my knee. I had hoped to be using a cane to walk by now


Biploar hip replacement surgery how long take time to recovery


Today is 3 weeks or Day 21 post op posterior approach. I am still experiencing pain and I walk with a limp. I am not happy. If anyone can give me a word of encouragement I’d appreciate it.


Recovery for a 64 year old female, who has health issues, lupus being the main problem?


What about if you have a year hip replacement done still lots of pain and able to walk at all alone without a walker is that normal I don't think so


I got a hip replacement 11 month ago. Since 4 month I notice a “crock crock” sound when I move my leg with the hip protesi to the side or to the front.
The doctor says it is a tissue problem, not a problem of the replacement.
I was looking for exercises to better the situation. Have you any idea?
