How to Be a LAZY Gardener (SUCCESSFULLY)

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Gardening doesn't need to be difficult. Taking a simple and easy approach to gardening can still be successful. Gardener Scott shares 12 ways he gardens in a lazy way that still leads to gardening success. (Video #384)

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Scott, you are like the Bob Ross of gardening. Love your videos.


Ironically this lazy gardener video has inspired me to not be lazy and get out into the garden for watering and weeding! Thanks as always, GS!!


I love watching your channel. Your tips are so applicable to every gardener. I am very OCD and really stress about my garden. You make me feel like it’s ok NOT to have a perfect garden! I love that ❤️


Lazy today…just watching the garden grow and talking to them and thanking them for hanging in there. Thanks for all your insight and gardening wisdom


Sometimes it pays for a gardener to take a day off, just dozing in the sun, - enjoying the visual results of your labor. Watching the butterflies and the bees flying around and the spiders sitting there in their webs waiting for something to come along.


Great tips! I became a lazy gardener when I developed back and hip problems. Because I love gardening so much, I had planting beds built from cinder blocks to a height that makes it easy to garden sitting down. I use a wheeled walker that has a seat, and a bag to keep my gardening tools in. I can even use the walker as a mini wheelbarrow, by putting a bucket on the seat to get things to and from the compost.


Thank you for mentioning the benefit of native plants. Any information that can dissuade the public from buying the dreck that Home Depot, Lowes, and most garden centers peddle is a good thing.


Instead of mulching, I have been pulling up weeds with Grampas Weeder and planting clover in their place. Clover attracts bees, is good for the soil, and you can walk on it. Best part is, it doesn't have to me mowed.


That mailbox idea is totally brilliant


We too are Lazy Gardeners growing tons of food for almost free in the city. We both garden here differently, my garden has no heavy work at all, and it can be done even sitting on a chair. I work with Mother Nature too 😊🌱


Nice video. I am glad you aren’t ashamed to say that your leave your tools out as well if you are going to use the same ones the following day. I do the same thing. I’m considering getting a hose link because I am lazy to put the hose back in it’s place.


I bought a weed Wacker with wheels. I have a lot of tight spaces that are difficult to get the mower through, but carrying around the weed Wacker was making my arms and shoulders ache. The weed Wacker detaches from the wheeled base for up close jobs, but saves a lot of energy for me between no longer wrestling the lawn mower into tight spaces and carrying around a weed Wacker.


You are so right about Perennials. We have Blackberries at the bottom of our garden that take advantage of the nutrient runoff. We get 50 to 60 quarts of berries every year. I'm eating a bowl topped w/ sour cream and pecans right now.


One of my tips for lazy gardening is to for what veggies can tolerate it (hint it's most) as a home gardner you can often plant them closer than commercial operations do. Closer means more shading of the ground which creates it's own form of mulch for weeds. Tomatoes, carrots, turnips, beets, are what I grow here in Wyoming that fit this bill really well. The trick that helps keep them watered is to before they get too big drop down a drip line hose and you're good to go!


It is the heat that makes me lazy at times. I however reuse to let Earwigs kill my plants. It is frustrating seeing several gang eating the same transplant. I have been trying to grow birdhouse gourds and I frequently find them damaging them. I had healthy Luffa sprouts in the ground and they killed them. In that regard I can't be lazy. I have discovered that Earwigs are attracted to Neem oil so it's better to use it as a trap bait, or spray it on front, and vegetable scraps for them to eat. You could even ad some Pyrethrin to the.mix. I will however let volunteer Sunflowers grow all over the yard and garden.Given the drought I take color any way I can get it, and it's free. I have been told by others that I grow an impressive garden with what I have to deal with. I reward myself by watching a movie or two outside at night after doing Earwig control, or other garden tasks. That is how I try to enjoy gardening.


I am lazy with "pest control". Late spring there were tons of green worms devouring some native perennials. Within weeks there were constantly birds picking worms at the buffet so problem solved, plus the eating of the plant tops caused the plants to grow bushier than normal.


That mailbox idea is brilliant! That will save me so much aggravation and energy because I often need a hand tool that I didn't grab on the way to the garden.


Most of my flowers are perennials, and as I plant more I'm choosing low-maintenance natives. Maintenance is usually water when it's extra dry, a sprinkle of spring fertilizer, and cutting down the dead stalks in fall. I attract pollinators and feed hummingbirds with almost no effort. The vegetable garden takes the side benefit.


Some of the lazy crops I like to grow are dry beans, dry peas, winter squash, dry corn, wheat, etc. Plant them, water when needed and harvest when it is convenient. You can let the crop sit on the plants for weeks waiting to be harvested whenever it is convenient for you.


I’m with you! Since I implemented deep mulching, I too am a lazy gardener!
