Hofstede Cultural Framework | International Business| From A Business Professor#Hofstede

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Nowadays, cultural diversity is important because our workplaces, schools, and other areas of our lives increasingly consist of various cultural, racial, and ethnic groups. We can learn from one another, but we must first have a level of understanding about each other in order to facilitate collaboration and cooperation.

Learning about other cultures helps us understand different perspectives within the world we live; it also helps dispel negative stereotypes and personal biases about different groups. Additionally, cultural diversity makes our world a more interesting place to live, as people from diverse cultures contribute different ways of thinking, new knowledge, and various experiences. In order to better understand different cultures, scholars have tried various methods to analyze and categorize them.

Today, we are going to study one of the most applicable approaches to understanding cultures: Hofstede’s cultural framework.
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Cultural, RACIAL and ethnic groups? You know, it would help the world a lot if we humans would limit ourselves to cultural and ethnic differences. How someone looks does not define a person in itself, does it. Culture does. Sometimes people's color (not race, please, there is only 1 human race) is the first thing you notice about them, but how one looks does not mean anything in itself, does it! If you adopt a kid from, let's say, China, does it mean that the kid has an inborn Chinese "mentality"? No. It would be a very good idea for all of us not to focus other people's looks.


I am here preparing for my English exam.


Hofstede's cultural framework is fascinating because it classifies individuals based on their fundamental traits, experiences, and knowledge into various dimensions. This enables companies to gain a better understanding of how their product, market, and ultimately their success will be able to scale in other nations or even in different regions within our own.


I never knew what the Hofstede Cultural Framework was before this course, but now that I know what is it, it seems very important when trying to understand culture. I like how informing the public on cultural diversity can also bring everyone together, as we can understand each other better. Seeing the different approaches in Hofstede's findings, I found it very useful when learning about what culture diversity is.


During my college career, this still remains one of the most interesting videos I have watched. I consider Hofstede's Cultural Framework to be vital knowledge in understanding culture and I wish I would have understood it much sooner. In knowing this framework, I have a basis in understanding other cultures and how they compare to my own.


American business culture is different than other business cultures around the world. It is imperative in the United States to understand the cultural background of different people from varying backgrounds to better manage and run a business. Analyzing the six different topics can provide great insight into business decision making.


Hofstede's Culture Framework in correlation with culture in different societies. The importance of knowing culture norms, and social norms in different countries can make or break your experience overseas. I love the debate between individualism and collectivism- I side with a collective society, even having grown up in the US.


It is fascinating to me how all the elements within a culture can vary so greatly just based on where you live, individualism, power distance, indulgence, etc. I think it is very informative knowing how cultures operate, in case you are ever in a business situation when its vital to have an understanding of it.


I enjoyed learning from this video, it is interesting seeing how different cultures can affect the way businesses operate. I think it could be interesting to do more studies on this to see which kind of business cultures produce the most efficient and productive businesses, while also doing well to take care of their emplyees.


This framework doesn't include people with disabilities. Disability doesn't discriminate. Anyone from any of these "groups" could live with a disability. Moreover, the video isn't professionally captioned. The delivery of this framework philosophy omits individuals who rely on the printed representation of English. YouTube auto-generated captions place a barrier because they do not include punctuation, capitalization, or spell-check capabilities.


Hofstede's cultural framework is important to understand as diversity continues to increase as time goes on. It provides a deeper understanding of many cultures and can be looked up at any time for reference. Understanding each category can provide a lot of information for a specific culture and can be useful when trying to show respect.


The video discusses Hofstede's cultural framework and its six dimensions, including power distance, individualism vs collectivism, and uncertainty avoidance index. It highlights the importance of cultural diversity in workplaces and the limitations of the model.

[00:00] Understanding cultural diversity is crucial in today's workplaces and schools
- Cultural diversity contributes to collaboration, dispels negative stereotypes, and makes the world more interesting
- Hofstede's cultural framework is a useful approach to understanding cultures
- The framework consists of six dimensions, including power distance index, which varies across cultures

[02:37] The four cultural dimensions are individualism vs collectivism, uncertainty avoidance index, masculinity vs femininity, and power distance
- Individualistic cultures prioritize self-realization and competition, while collectivist cultures prioritize group goals and loyalty
- High uncertainty avoidance cultures prefer stability and clear instructions, while low uncertainty avoidance cultures are more willing to take risks and value thinking outside the box
- Masculine cultures prioritize achievement and toughness, while feminine cultures prioritize nurturing and tenderness
- Power distance refers to the degree of acceptance of unequal distribution of power in a society, with high power distance cultures accepting and even expecting hierarchy and low power distance cultures valuing equality and challenging authority

[05:17] Attitudes towards gender and time orientation vary across cultures
- Masculine-oriented cultures have defined gender roles and prioritize performance and material success (e.g. Japan, Latin America)
- Feminine-oriented cultures prioritize quality of life and relationships, with both genders swapping roles (e.g. Scandinavia, Switzerland, New Zealand)
- Long-term orientation emphasizes perseverance and growth, while short-term orientation focuses on immediate success (e.g. traditional Eastern cultures)
- Indulgent societies value gratification of human needs and desires, while restrained societies suppress gratification and regulate it through social norms (added in 2010)

[07:57] Understanding cultural diversity is crucial for successful communication and relationship management
- Hofstede's cultural framework is a valuable tool for understanding cultural differences
- Limitations of Hofstede's framework include assuming a one-to-one correspondence between culture and nation-state, cultural bias in research, and exclusion of certain social classes
- Different countries have varying levels of indulgence, which can impact societal norms and individual behavior


Personally, I had never heard of Hofstede's cultural framework until taking this course. And, it seems like a 'good enough' way of categorizing cultures, but I don't know how sold I am on the idea itself. If they replicated this research experiment to include more companies and participants than what Mr. Hofstede did, I would be inclined to believe it. However, in skeptically saying that, I do think that the fifth point of long-term vs. short-term orientation is most prevalent in my own observations in the workplace. If different employees, especially a manager and their employee, that can put a HEAVY strain of their effectiveness as a team. Of all of the six points, I think the planning perspective one is the most important (Long vs Short term).


Great, topic!
This really much helpful for people who want to expand business internationally.


This video really set the tone for the entire class for me. It was so crucial in being able to understand a lot of what happens in the future chapters, so it was important that this video was easy to grasp. It is surprising interesting and super easy to grasp.


I think any attempt to systematize cultural differences will be subject to some limitations, but I don't think that decreases the importance of trying to develop such models. The bias in Hofstede's research seems likely to affect his conclusions, but I still think the model is useful as long as you acknowledge its limitations when using it


Happy to watch national cultural difference of hofstedes. I am looking Multi ethnic national cultural dimensions .


Hofstede's cultural framework is undoubtly useful in business. I still think more could be added to it though. For example, Hofstede limited himself by using only employees if IBM. It would be interesting to see if his predictions are also valid in other industries.


The Long-Term Orientation vs. Short-Term Orientation dimension is interesting to analyze. An example from the video was that one with a long-term orientation would be willing to take blame for a faulty product. In these countries, there is probably more correction and adjustment because the people believe in a future goal. They improve what they have to suit future needs. On the other hand, countries that have a short-term orientation are more likely to terminate efforts if something goes wrong. There is more waste in these countries because they will scrap an idea if it is not fulfilling the requirement.


Hofstede’s framework is interesting within the settings he applied his observations to, but I have difficulty putting too much stock into it since it solely based within IBM, not representing a larger sample size.
