German Business Culture and Etiquette | International Management | From A Business Professor

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With the fourth-largest nominal GDP, Germany is one of the most developed and influential economies in the world. Germany is also homes of many industry leaders and global fortune 500 companies, which include Daimler, BMW, Volkswagen, Adidas, Siemens, Bosch, Bayer, ThyssenKrupp, and many more. So what is Germany’s general business environment? Can we apply Hofstede's cultural framework to analyze Germany’s business culture? Do German companies obtain some unique organizational cultures or business etiquettes? In this video, I will discuss these topics with you.
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I found this video very interesting to me because of how many successful companies were from Germany. The part of general business environment that Germany does on the daily. This video was very informative.


I have really been enjoying the last few modules about different etiquette. Like how some have similarities but some are way different and how some cultures can be very feminine and very masculine.


This video is so informative. I would love to visit the different countries and see the different business cultures in person.


I keep learning with these videos how the different big countries get to manage themselves and the others big power. In the case of Germany, they are the case that I admire the most, is an example of how to do the things correct, organizated, and efficient. How thiss translates to success is awesome.


This video was very informative, Germany was actually more how I thought it would be in business than other countries. I always had the impression that germans in business would be very strict and have a strong sense of respect for order.


I enjoyed learning more about the different etiquettes and culture in this video and how every culture differentiates from one another and also how they are the same in some ways.


The Gernan business culture was not at all how I thought it would be. This video was very informative and detailed on their culture and statistics, I really enjoyed it!


I think it is pretty cool that Germany is a highly developed social market and is ranked number 1 in Europe. Their top 5 exports are vehicles, machinery, chemical goods, electronic products, and electrical equipment, so that also explains how they are the world's number 1 location for international trade fairs because some of the US imports come from them. I have always thought that since we traded with China so much that they were number 1, I would not have thought about Germany at all.


The most interesting fact about German Business Etiquette is that you are supposed to enter into the conference room in order of importance. This makes me wonder if everyone waits outside of the room in a line or if they figure who will go after who ahead of time.


I'm surprised Germany is more masculine, I would've thought given the cultural inclination towards cooperation they would be feminine. Given their tendency to be task oriented and the importance of status symbols though, it makes sense they're masculine. I appreciate the preference for straightforward dialogue and the willingness to fully discuss contracts for clarity.


I find Germany's business culture of straight-forwardness, equality, and ambition to be very admirable and in line with my own values. However, I believe that I would find Germany's heavy focus on rules and guidelines to be restrictive in a business setting. If I were to work in a German business, I would have to improve my rule-following skills.


The German business environment is much different than I thought. I didn't think that they would have a higher GDP Per Capita than Japan, or that their economy was big in electronic products and equipment. Regarding the way Germans act, I felt that their was a similarity with them and Americans, as both countries seem to not go around the question, and just get to the point, and that when doing business, they just want to make the deal and do nothing else until its done.


Germany's business culture of openness, equality, and ambition is admirable to me and aligns with my own values. However, I believe that Germany's emphasis on rules and guidelines would be restrictive in a business setting. If I were to work in a German company, I would need to improve my ability to follow rules.


Dennison Amara
I was genuinely taken aback after watching this video. Even though I was aware that Germany is renowned for making automobiles and other goods, learning this fresh facts about the nation is amazing and captivating.


Germany reminds me of the automotive industry. There are so many German cars that people value above all other makes. German cars are typically luxurious and smooth handling. Popular German brands include Mercedes, BMW, Volkswagen, Audi, and Porsche.


Fourth largest GDP? I find it easy to forget Germany's position as an economic power simply because flies under th radar. It doesn't have the outsized cultural impact of Hollywood, the political controversy surrounding China, and it just doesn't hog the news cycle so much.


I find Germany's Business Culture and Etiquette to be quiet informative because it shows that Germany's Culture are highly focused individuals on tasks and strict agendas.


From this video I learned about the Business culture and etiquette of Germany. Before watching this video, I didn’t know that Germany has the no.1 GDP in whole Europe. Germany holds the most international trade fairs in the world. Germany also has one of the lowest corruption rates in the world.


I found the video to be excellent. Germany exhibits a robust Long-Term Orientation, which I think holds valuable lessons for us. In contrast, Americans tend to score lower in this aspect, indicating a greater inclination towards immediate rewards.


I thought this video was great. Germany has a strong Long-Term Orientation, and I believe we can learn from that. Americans score quite poorly on this, showing a greater preference for instant gratification. We also struggle with endurance when something is difficult or takes a long time. I adore that it mentions how patience, saving, investing, and thrift are valued in Germany.
