Fear of Death & the Unknown Afterlife | Javier - FL | Atheist Experience 24.21

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The Atheist Experience 24.21 for May 24, 2020 with Matt Dillahunty & Johnny.

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“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it." - Mark Twain.


I love the callers self awareness and honesty, he's on the right track. I think that in a few years he'll be free.


Javier sounds like a nice guy.
I really enjoyed this conversation - it was respectful and honest. I hope Javier is able to step by step work this out for himself 👍


He starts off wrong, he wasn't a protestant when he was born, he wasn't anything. Religion is an indoctrination, not a genetic feature.


I fear what's going to happen to me. But only when I'm thinking about it.
Don't think about it.


I feel bad for Javier.

He’s clearly intelligent, and capable of self reflection and introspection, but has been ingrained with a negative self-image.

“I’m a low class nobody from nowhere, I couldn’t have earned my success” hurt to hear


I was fine before In was born, ,felt nothing feared nothing .Be the same when i die .


I don’t fear death in the slightest. BUT the thought of life and death and the existential aspects at hand completely boggle my mind to the point of discomfort at times.


Dreading death instead of embracing life?
NOT my idea of living.



I lived in Micronesia for 5 years; Pohnpei and Palau. (Not trying to be an authority here). But I’ve known many people from humble means go on to college and get degrees. You should be proud that YOU did what it takes in getting a higher education and I guarantee you’ve had some great people from the islands that have helped you along the way. It is such a beautiful place with so many beautiful people. Some of the nicest people I’ve ever known are from there.

But I’ve also known people from Micronesia who are dead at an early age from violence, drinking and drug overdosing, and diseases such as lupus and diabetes. This is just life. I don’t see any rhyme or reason for it.

Also, I HATE to see how missionaries go to these impoverished countries all over the world to exploit the people who struggle with life and promise them a “better life” if they accept Jesus. They want the people start living a different lifestyle. It really is the front lines because it is easier to get converts in these places.

I hope you continue to grow and educate yourself. You sound like a good guy and you are thoughtful and intelligent.

Best of luck


Why should I fear death?
I was dead for countless billions of years before I was born and it didn't bother me a bit.


One of the best episodes of the show that I've watched. Thank you.


You fall off a cliff.
You have two choices. You can scream in panic and thrash your limbs about helplessly, or you can calmly concentrate on remembering the face of the person you love.
Life is much the same. You can fear death or you can enjoy life. Your choice.


If the fear of death becomes too overwhelming then live becomes impossible.


Javier seemed to have had his mind cracked open at the end of the call. Feels like he was shaken and that is a good start.


Death is the great unknown. I've never feared death itself, but pain. I don't want to die at the end of a long agonizing process. That is terrifying. My son and grand kids already took some of my good parts into their own lives, that's enough immortality to me. I'd live forever if I could, but I'm not worried, life has been full for me.


You know the kind of guy who does nothing but bad things then wonders why his life sucks? Well, that was me. Every time something good happened to me something bad was always waiting around the corner. Karma. That's when I realized I had to change. So I made a list of all the bad things I've done and, one by one, I'm going to make up for all my mistakes. I'm just trying to be a better person; my name is Earl.


Javier, you seem incredibly introspective and intelligent... you’re asking the right questions, and it takes time to undo the religious programming. I sincerely hope you get there! Pulling for you, man... what a great call!


I've been extremely afraid of death ever since I was young. Afraid to sleep, too. It's kept me from living, ironically.
The Mark Twain people quote "I was dead for billions of years before I was born and not once did I suffer the slightest inconvienience from it." doesn't help at all. I had no ability to be afraid, and I won't when I'm dead; that's kinda the point of my fear. It's a terrible point people make. I"m alive now and able to dread it.


When people get head trauma they might forget how to walk or even who their love ones are.
They need to relearn these things to continue. They may and do also forget their own beliefs or what they like or dislike.
When our brain dies then its not possible to see relatives in an afterlife. As relatives are stored in our memories in the brain.
A brain dead person wouldn't even know their claimed Jesus or any instructions of any religion.
