I Cheated on My Wife (She Can't Move On)

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I Cheated on My Wife (She Can't Move On)

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As a woman who's ex-husband cheated on her, I felt he was dirty and didn't want him touching me. I felt he was gross after having intimacy with another woman. I didn't want him anymore. It was like, yuck.


"Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions."


Why would she show vulnerability around an untrustworthy man?


So this guy brings up a sob story from 10 years ago because that is relevant to his relationship today, but it's unfair for her to bring things up in the past? He cheated, he left, he dangles divorce over her head and then complains that she's withdrawn and not committed?

This guy is morally weak and incredibly selfish. This isn't accountability, this is whining.


Trust is never gained on your time table. Face the reality that she was in it forever, you weren’t. Patience or Divorce.


If you don't want your wife mentioning your affair DON'T HAVE ONE.


You can't be vulnerable with someone who betrayed you.


He didn't just cheat, he LEFT HIS WIFE amd tried to replace her and came crawling back when it didn't work. Now he wonders why his wife is traumatised? I bet he's been a piece of work for years and that's why she emotionally shut down


Stuck in a dark room? I'm telling you that is EXACTLY how she has felt.... welcome to her world


This made my blood boil. My son in law cheated on my daughter and she immediately divided their money and told him they would get divorced. He has said many stupid things since then like this guy has. He feels sorry for himself and seems oblivious to the shock and utter devastation. I am proud my daughter is smart enough to project into the future and know she will never trust him again. None of us could so that's it. They are divorced and she has blocked his texts.


She doesnt even have space to heal comfortably, you keep holding divorce over her head. How selfish can you be??


I told my husband there were two reason the marriage would end immediately before he married me.
You cheat, I’m gone.
You hit me, I’m gone.
We can work our way through anything else, but those two would be an immediate call to a lawyer. We’ve been married almost 18 years.

I have no use for this dude. He’s a fucking child. He’s so worried about him and all he can do is blame her for his actions. She didn’t do anything WRONG. YOU DID. Man up, grow up, and let this lady go. She deserves to be unshackled to you.


Once you cheat and get caught your relationship changes forever. She/he will never view you the same. It’s just reality.


Scott, dude, trust is lost in buckets and gained in drops. You destroyed your wife. You entered the body of another human being with NO regard for the risk you put your wife in. If it was bad, you could have left, but you chose to violate her body and the marriage bed. You are asking her to re-engage with the same person that violated her and you're frustrated because it's not easy. In no other crime do we as a society ask the victim to re-engage with their attacker. Imagine if your wife stepped out every time YOU didn't meet one of her needs. You need a dose of perspective. It will come up in arguments because YOU changed the lens she sees the world through. Own what you did and accept the consequences.


The trust is gone. You are not the man she married and you disappointed her. Betrayal is a deal breaker.


Bro cheated. Game over. GAME. OVER. Another weak dude who messed up and now feels victimized.


It's been 21 years since my ex-husband cheated on me with the teacher next door. We got divorced. It ruined my dating life for 15 years. I couldn't trust anyone. There is always collateral damage with selfish people.


This man is not the victim. He broke the marriage.


This is exactly why I've told my husband if he ever cheated on me I'm out. I'm not going to try to work on it because I know myself, I will most likely never 100% be able to move past it and it will make us both miserable. The burden of, "Hurry up and heal so we can be happy again" is not for me. Nope, it's over.


This guy cheated and instead of calling and asking what can I do to help her to trust me again, he calls and says, “I said I’m sorry. Why won’t you forgive me already? Maybe we should divorce? Why are you so distant from me and give me what I need?” This dude is a piece of work….
