How to Put 'Audio-Only' on Youtube! (Sony Vegas Tutorial)

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Just cuz i'm awesome i recorded something simple on how to post beautiful audio only videos on youtube, that take literally 30 seconds to 3 minutes to upload! Enjoy! Subscribe to akabane101 and message me via youtube to ask for help with more videos!:)
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ACER, amd phenom core processor, couldnt really tell u the details, im more of a software guy over hardware :P


Thanks for posting.  Surprised that there has been little action in 4 years.  But now I am looking for basic instruction in how to put my original songs and short story audio files on youtube.  Is it better to record as MP3 files or WAV files?  ...or some other audio file?  How then to load onto youtube?  I would like to add a few pictures, JPEG or PICT files as illustrations to go with the audio.  Or should the picture files be inserted into a MSWORD document and installed that way?  Thanks for any guidance, suggestions.
