Virtualize a Physical Machine into VMware Workstation

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Virtualize a Physical Machine into VMware Workstation

1. Prepare

- My PC : A host operating system installed VMware Workstation Pro version 15.5.5, has Large free storage capacity ; IP

- HOST : A physical machine running Windows Server 2016

2. Step by step

- My PC : Create and sharing a folder named HOST location D:\PhyToVM (or any location you want)

- HOST : Turn off Firewall, Install "VMware vCenter Converter Standalone" and configure virtualize HOST server

+ Check resource : CPU, RAM, Disk ... - Install "VMware vCenter Converter Standalone"

+ Double-click "VMware vCenter Converter Standalone Client" - Convert Machine :

+ Source System : This local machine

+ Destination System - Select destination type : VMware Workstation or other VMware virtual machine

- Select VMware product : VMware Workstation 11.x/12.x - Name : HOST -

- Select a location for the virtual machine : \\\HOST - Next to Finish

- My PC : Check virtual machine from Windows physical machine, install VMware Tools. Double-click "VMware Workstation Pro" :

+ File - Open... - D:\PhyToVM\HOST\HOST - Power on...

+ Shutdown HOST - Add DVD Drive : VM tab - Install VMware Tools ... - Install - Finish - Restart

+ Check resource : CPU, RAM, Disk ... === OK
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