Never Knew This Cutscene Changes Depending If Arthur Has Low Honor | Red Dead Redemption 2

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High honor is so much better, as Arthur speaks with way more conviction, because when he speaks about helping the Marstons getting out, it's as if for the first time in his life he has found something that is truly worth fighting for.


Dutch: Ain’t no one going to die-
Arthur: COUGH


The really messed up part is that this conversation is 100% why Dutch abandoned John during the heist. Dutch probably thought that if he let John die, Abigail and Jack would have nowhere else to go. Thank goodness for Sadie.


For me, one of the most heartbreaking parts about this scene was how much respect Dutch lost for Arthur by calling him "Pal" instead of "Son" or "Arthur". 😔


For those wondering what exactly changes.. Low Honor: “hell, I ain’t got much to lose. But you gotta do what’s right and cut some loose! John and his family…”
High Honor: “hell I ain’t got much to lose, but the woman and the children, John and his family…we gotta let ‘em go”
Not a major change but subtle and profound at the same time


I love the part where Dutch is visibly annoyed at Arthur "He insists upon it... Insists." because rockstar didn't need to show that but they did and it adds to the tension of the moment and the big battle.


That pause Arthur has as Dutch is making the sales pitch, where he lifts his head up and looks off in the distance. Gets me every time. He's like, why am I even fighting this anymore.


Damn low honor Arthur sounds more energetic and less sick than high honor.


1:25 look at Arthur's eyes when Dutch says Plan


The reluctant confliction in Arthur's voice as he, for once, fights back to the only leader and authority he's ever known... what a performance. 2:03


What does strike me as weird is that Dutch, for the first time, called Arthur "pal" (2:10) instead of "son" or "brother" like he always does.
Think this has to do with Dutch's realization that Arthur isn't fully 100% with him anymore, straying more and more towards Dutch's opposites


Makes me wish Arthur had more of a manipulative streak....If he had talked to Duch in a different way, that was tailored to Dutch's believes and vanities, applying some flattery and rationalisation from the POV of Dutch's ideas and convictions...then Dutch would probably have gotten on board with the notion, of sending John and his family away, believing acting in such a way was a consequence of his (Dutch's) own thoughts and plans, and that sending them away was essentially his own decision and will.

If Arthur had say something like the following, he would probably not have evoked Dutch's annoyance and resentment: "I have done a lot of thinking, Dutch. And I have come to agree with Micah, that we need to lighten the load, if we want to stay ahead of the Pinkertons. We need to be able to move faster. I believe it is better, that we send those away, who can't fight or ride fast if the need arises. At least for a while. Little Jack, God' love him, is dead weight wrapped around our feet. So as Micah has suggested, tell John to take him and Abigail to a save place. Give them their share of the loot we have accumulated [should be about 40.000 $ with about ten adults left in the gang, so for two about 8.000$] and tell them to live a peacful life in an inconspicuous spot for the time being. Without the drag of a little child travelling with us we can carry out our robberies and thefts much faster and much more effective and make much more MONEEEY than we have recently. And if it all works out, and we have all the money we need, we can seek out Jack and Abigaile, and Mary-Beth and Uncle and all who left or whom we send away and take them with us when we leave for Tahiti."


Arthur sounds more calm and casual

Arthur tries his best to sound more convincing and reasonable


I dont know.. for me high honor Arthur sounds more confident to me.. stronger.. as if he has found out who he truly is and drawing Strenght out of that gooddness in his heart


1:10 Imagine when you follow the damn train.


That’s one clean outfit on Arthur. I like it.


I didn't notice much of a difference except for Arthur's tone of voice


Dutch is so wrapped up in himself that he never even bothered to ask Arthur why he was coughing so much, just saying "you ain't doing so well". He didn't know that the man he called his son was dying.


It's a pretty subtle difference in delivery, but it goes a long way. High honor Arthur wants to do the right thing, and is driven by his morality. Low honor Arthur is trying to protect those he still cares about, and won't let Dutch get in the way of it. High honor Arthur sounds like he's on the verge of pleading, but is firm in his conviction. Low honor Arthur sounds like he's on the verge of threatening, and would be willing to kill Dutch if he refused.


Low Honor Arthur sounds like he doesnt care as much
