After this Scene, I still don't understand why so many people like Javier

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#rdr2 #reddeadredemption #arthurmorgan
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Javier, for most of the game, actually seemed like a decent fellow. He was respectful to the others, straightforward and loyal to the gang. He went out with Arthur to find John at the beginning of the game out of genuine concern.

It was only after Guarma that he started getting hostile. It was probably because Dutch started losing his grip on the situation and Javier couldn’t deal with the fact that his loyalty might have been misplaced. John even mentions in RDR1 that Javier took it harder than anyone else when Dutch went crazy. Javier was conflicted more than anything. He let that conflict get the better of him.


I think John summed it up in RDR1. "Javier is a cynic, pretending to be a romantic." Many seem to fall for the act, including Javier himself.


“Should’ve let him die in Guarma….little sack of sh*t”
Bro that’s so deep and sad from Arthur saying that


Javier literally sounded like an Oblivion npc just shooting off random sentences meanwhile Charles was replying like someone trying to make sense of it while also not really caring lol


Damn I remember getting this encounter but never heard Arthur say "We should of let him die in Guarma" before that's deep.


Knowledge gaps are what make this chapter so uncomfortable. People in camp keep chatting random crap and expecting you to know what they are talking about, which leaves the feeling of, "What am I missing? What is going on here?" Because you know Micah is filling everyone's head with lies and dividing the gang into those he thinks he can use and those he wants gone. You know people are talking behind your back, but you don't really know what is being said.


I just imagine after the ending Arthur saying “Well, I should be getting on” lol


Javier was a loyal member of the group and he cared for everyone. He was conflicted after Dutch went crazy. And even when he stood with Dutch in the final mission he aimed towards the sky and not towards Arthur or John. He looked up to Arthur and believed he would never turn them over.


The reason so many people like Javier is because they barely spent any time in camp during chapter 6, so they missed all of his "bad guy" camp interactions (antagonizing Abigail/Uncle/Charles, conspiring with Micah, suspecting John is the rat...).
You can clearly see chapter 6 Javier transitioning into RDR 1 Javier during those moments, but it's sadly easy to miss if you don't visit camp regularly.


Honestly, my biggest problem with chapter six was how quickly people turned on Arthur. He literally Just saved Javier's life and he's already talking to him like that. What the hell? "What happened to Loyalty?" I guess it got left back in Guarma.

It pissed me off having these people mouth off to me in camp after all the crap I did with and for them the whole game.

And, Charles and Sadie are the main reason these people had a gang to go back to. I mean dang.


0:45 Did he just spit on Charles? He is lucky that his face did not meet the edge of the hammer.


Well seeing that he barely escaped with his life from Guarma recently and that the gang is very much on edge after the disaster in Saint Denis I dont think the sudden change in Javier's character is necessarily implemented in an unbelievable way.

He's very much loyal to Dutch and disappointed that folk are openly criticizing him in the vulnerable situation they are in. He probably feels he owes Dutch his life for prioritizing to save him at Guarma too.


I love Javier’s character in RDR 2, only wish he had a bigger role in the story but i’ve heard that was originally the case, but the script didn’t match Javier’s actor views on him. RDR 1 has a plothole because it says that Javier was the person who went just as mad as dutch and they intended it to be this way but the actor insisted that they’d change it for his character, which is a shame, would be cool to see the real crazy side of Javier

They wrote him really well for the little missions he has, you don’t really see him as a bad person but you can tell through all the missions with him that something isn’t entirely right with him, he’s a little weird, perhaps wired. So it doesn’t come as a complete shock when he changes


I want a full game with Charles as protagonist. And for him to not die at the end.


Javier in Chapters:
Chapter 1-4: 😎
Chapter 5-6: 🤡💩


"Are there sides now?"
Charles is so Innocent. 😄


Doesn’t make sense that people don’t understand why Javier changes. It sucks yes but it makes sense. Before Guarma Javier had his doubts, just like Arthur and John. then when he was imprisoned on Guarma he was expecting to be left behind so that the rest could get back to the gang and therefore his loyalty in Dutch was replenished because Dutch went out of his way to save him in a very dire situation.


We love him because of how he was before Guarma, he's actually a cool guy in chapter 1-4. Like Charles said, "he's changed"


I think he was pretty fun in the intro, I liked his eccentricity. But he's too loyal to Dutch, to a fault. I never saw this encounter and, I was genuinely saddened when he backed up to Dutch's side in the end


People seem to forget Javier has an almost dog-like loyalty to Dutch. Everyone else had loyalty but soon knew Dutch was practically leading them to their deaths. Javier however didnt seem to fear death. He’d happily die for Dutch before he abandons his father figure/mentor. Thats why he was so hurt that everyone else was questioning Dutch especially guys like John and Arthur knowing Dutch raised them.
