Mech Arena | Mech Spotlight | Scorpius

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Meet Scorpius, our newest addition to the Mech Arena roster. This fast and durable Attacker has a built-in Javelin Array that can provide some serious fire support to your Team.

Check out this Mech Spotlight to find out more about Scorpius and what you can do with it!

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I knew the name since spoilers released😄😄😄😄


Just like turtle eater said in the onyx video

"Another mech that we'll never be able to get"
-wise words of a great man


Why can't these be added to progress path :( feels such an unbalance to push new legendary mechs behind paywall


Good thing it doesn't One Shots, also one question, Mechs in stealth like Tengu, Shadow, Eclipse and Surge will be immune to the ability right?


Plz male slingshot stats like old uncommon killshot. Slingshot aoe smash damage is very less. Iam a new player and joined game 3 months ago. I have slingshot at 4 stars but killshot users easily defeat me. That's not only my problem but of all the new user. Hope you make a change in slingshot health and smash damage. Love you mech arena


Mech arena team you guys need to fix the bots guys there too overpowered especially the fragment guns there to overpower team please fix this my bastion got destroyed by a lancer with 2 fragment gun 6s and when I spawn in tournament there is always 3 bots shooting me from different angles please fix this!!


This is the first mech about weaknesses (or just how to deal with it) that was not said either here or in the game. Campaign (I'm sure) on the way a new imba.


As someone who loves arachnos from its design and the way it works, I’m excited to get this! Looks wild!


Missile racks are great on scorpios, if a mech survives your initial missile broadside, your javelin array will finish them off. Or at least make them think twice before popping back out of cover


Now don’t get me wrong I’m loving all of these new mechs but I liked it when the mechs looked like more, I don’t know the word I’m looking for cartoony Mabye I mean put a guardian and an o nix next to each other and you will know what I mean but still I love all of these new mechs and feel free to take my words into consideration keep up the good work guys👍.


How to counter this destruction? Is there even a way 💀☠️💀☠️💀


No way, this is so cool! Another limited-edition mech with an awesome ability that’s ridiculously difficult to get in the short timespan you get to do so (or for that matter, AT ALL) that only that craziest pay-to-winners are gonna get and receive an unfair advantage over other people who actually use skill and strategy instead of their moms’ credit cards! No way! Way to go, Mech Arena…

I understand that you need money and stuff but like, this is just pay to win and its dirtiest. Can we please, please, PLEASE have an ACTUAL system of obtaining new Mechs like these instead of a set of tasks you have to do under a big countdown clock for like a 1/20 chance of actually getting what you want with NO other ways to re-roll your luck?

Like, I really like the concept of this game, in fact, I like this game as a whole and I’d rate it a solid 8/10 if only the entire game wasn’t just the devs begging for money in every corner you look. Seriously, you have Roblox levels of pay to win, and I thought that was impossible!

Dear Mech Arena, if you read this (you probably won’t), PLEASE take my- and 90% of your playerbase’s - advice. Make the game less pay to win. Make it so that limited-edition Mechs are actually obtainable. Don’t lock power behind a barricade of money. At LEAST make it so that you can still buy coins, a-coins, etc but NOT CRATE RUSH TOKENS, make them OBTAINABLE to NORMAL PLAYERS, and by “obtainable” I don’t mean “grind for days, have a chance to get it and resort to paying”, I mean “grind and then have a 100% CHANCE of getting either a mech or weapon, and then have more tasks to earn more crate rush tokens”.

This game is currently PAY TO PLAY, not pay to win. If you want people to play, be less greedy and more fair. Thank you for reading.


To be honest, it almost looks like a legendary skin for arachnos but with different abilities and stuff


Is the reason for Scorpius being added the reason why arachnids was moved down to support? the same thing goes for Brickhouse


Dude this will change the game omg i love arachnos but it doesn't have a ability like this i always wanted someting like this this mech will make snipers to a next level (including me 😅)


I REALLY missed your guys voices these days so just wanted to say thanks for coming back with your amazing energies and thanks again


All I’m thinking is we need another healing mech, like this so we can get one !


The mech looks awesome and i like the design but ss someone who plsys this game, will this mech ever be avlable to obtain by free to play players? As a free to play player who has to fight sgainst opponents with legendary meches or legendary weapons or pilots, its quite tough. This mech would be an amazing adirion to my arsenal but to get it, i would need event tokens that i would need to buy.


We need a easier way to grind a coins come on its super hard to afford anything and i just end up losing :(


We need an update to paragon. Cant believe the mech with the speed boost ability is still slower than these big boys. Like seriously his speed boost ability makes him slower lol 😂
