Unboxing Nebraska: What It's Like Living in Nebraska

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Is Nebraska a bunch of corn growin farmers?

Does everyone in Nebraska hate everyone from Iowa?

And is Nebraska football like the biggest thing ever here?

We’re gonna go into that and talk about lots of other stuff too. So grab a Runza - that’s a sandwich - we’re going to unbox the entire state of Nebraska!

Aww cool. It’s a cattle ranch. Ranching is a very honorable profession in America. Folks like cattle ranchers and farmers are the cream of the crop. Their hard work puts food on our tables every night. Nebraska cattle ranchers are a big part of this state’s economy, and as we’ll see, without them, we’d be in a heap o trouble. 92% of Nebraska’s total land is taken up by farmland and cattle grazing. That’s a lot.

But there’s a lot more to Nebraska than just big ole cattle ranches and farms. Sorta. There’s a bunch of small towns scattered throughout. And there ARE two big cities in this big ole state. We’ll get to that later, but to really get to know Nebraska, you gotta visit all the different areas. That way, you can understand what it’s like to live here, and you’ll know what part of the state is best for you.

This is Nebraska. Geologically, it’s a really diverse state, with some high plains and fertile valleys. As we’ll see, the western side of the state is WAY different than the central part of the state, which is WAY different than the eastern side of the state.

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Being from Nebraska my most favorite thing about it is it's wide open spaces and complete lack of population density and that's way I like it Nebraska is perfect for people who wanna get away from other people


I've lived all over the US and traveled all over the world and Nebraska has the kindest, honest and generous people I've ever come across generally speaking....everywhere has it's bad apples but in Nebraska they're few and far between.


i’m from italy and i’d do everything in order to move to nebraska. i don’t know why but it appears to be perfect to me. the truest hardworking america. god bless you 💙


I’m born and raised in Nebraska and never been to other states, but we are right, it’s definitely not from everyone. You definitely have to have an imagination to live here, but that’s how we are raised. There’s multiple things to do, and taking an hour trip to do so, makes it worth the wait.


I’ve been to 42 states as of this writing (Feb 2023), and Nebraska, hands-down in my opinion is the most kindest and friendliest state I have been to. That is not to say that they are not unfriendly or cruel people here. I cannot wait till the next time I go there…….


My daughter is 11 and my husband has had to drive her to school twice in the tractor. (Sometimes it snows ALOT and the tractor has a blade.) She hates it, but thought it was hilarious that you mentioned it in the video. Also, we are firm believers that we've never met a stranger! We love it when out of state folks drop in and we get to meet new people. We might ask loads of questions, but it's usually just because we're genuinely interested in YOU. If we happen to discuss what we've learned about you with our friends and family, it's not really gossiping. They are just genuinely interested in YOU too. 😉


I see nothing wrong here. I live north of Seattle, and everything about rural Nebraska looks like paradise.


That’s great- but “Chad”-ron was my first clue you aren’t from here. 🤣❤️


I live in the Scottish Highlands where I was born. Nebraska looks like a similar pace of life. I would love to drop by one day.


As someone from Nebraska, the slogan’s not wrong. It’s truly not for everyone... but I actually love it here. It’s also surprising when I tell people that... just because I’m a college student and most people my age are off to California and Florida. I love the small town vibes where I can know every corner and in places like Omaha there’s seemingly always something going on! It’s also beautiful here, I personally think we have some of the best sunsets in the country. And some of my best memories come from BBQ’s in the country with friends and family. Oh! Almost forgot, GO HUSKERS!


Beautiful state. Boring means less distraction and opportunity for more focus. There must be many talented people living there.


I've lived in Nebraska most of my life. I spent time in Arizona, Georgia, and some time in California. I moved back here to raise my family. I own a home mortgage, a new car, and care for my wife and kids financially with one income. My home is 5 times cheaper than it would be in most of California.
Sure it's "boring" for "teenagers". No mountains, no oceans, no where great to hike. But I already do not like the growth I've seen here in the last decade, Omaha. I left Arizona because of the amount of people and the tempatures. The Midwestern vibes of friendly people was great. But now all these folks are coming from big cities and bringing their negative attitudes, their horrible driving skill, and their politics. They are mucking up the place.

It's not for everyone is a great motto. Stay away if you have shitty poltical ideas, shitty dispositions, and shitty big city driving.
If you want to come here and enjoy the great things we have to offer, like a good family life and low homicide rates compared to leftist hellholes, just respect that it's great here because of our culture, don't bring your shitty big city culture that you ran from.


As somebody who has lived in Omaha all of my life, never have I seen ANYONE do drugs.
It's a busy city with a bustling crowd; nowhere to really hide while doing drugs.
Though, as a Nebraskan, the people here are great. Sweet people, really. The people you meet here are usually kind and honest and generally people with good souls. Some people keep their distance, but those are good people too.
When I was a kid, I saw a homeless man by a store. A lady came up to the person and gave them about $50 in cash. Really warmed my heart seeing that.
Nebraska may be boring and not for everyone, but people over here care about it if your cat died.
(Also when I was younger I saw a guy walking his pet husky and he let me pet her, the husky's name was Rose and she was the sweetest dog in the world.)


Boring or not, I wouldn't change having grown up in Nebraska for anything. Yes, we had to make our own fun, but in doing so, we bonded with our friends in a way that kids just don't do anymore. I can go to my class reunion and have an awesome time seeing the people I grew up and enjoying our shared experiences. I grew up a farmer's daughter in a small village (that's right, a village) and graduated in a class of 17 in all. If you can't appreciate Nebraska for what it is, you're better off just passing us by. We like us and we don't need negative Nellies coming along.


I love Nebraska. It’s home and always will be!


I've lived in Omaha/Council Bluffs for 25 years until I moved to California. Lived there for 3 years and moved back to settle in Bellevue and bought a house. Its true when they say you dont know what you've got until ita gone. Cali was over-hyped and too liberal. I missed this area so much and my wife (who is a Cali native) loves it here.


"Nebraska... Honestly, it's not for everyone" may be absolutely brilliant. Think about it. So many people don't want others to California their Texas or New York their Florida or whatever. This is a great way to say keep out. Texas and other red states should have thought of this sooner.


My Ex is from Omaha and I've been there a few times along with Lincoln and I gotta say I was a big fan of Lincoln when I was there for the Huskers-Badgers game. Cool, clean college town with little crime, affordable and plenty to do and the Haymarket area was really cool and very nice, friendly, salt of the earth type folk.


Lol, this guy is just continually circling my house in Omaha and saying "this is where you don't want to live". Its not too bad, pretty workingclass. It varies a lot from block to block.


What a fantastic video! I can confirm that these things are true because I have lived in Nebraska most of my life. There is certainly a need for entertainment, but it is very, very stable here. Thank you so much for the video.
