How To Win ANY Empire at War Campaign! (Early game is KEY)

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🔶 This video showcases the basics strategies that can be used to win ANY Empire at War campaign, even the hardest ones! Part I will deal with the early game, and the opening moves you'll want to make against the AI.

Fleet Academy Videos:
🔹 How to beat MUCH LARGER Fleets in Empire at War:

🔹 How to use Thrawn's REAL strategies in Empire at War:

The game featured is called Empire at War: Thrawn's Revenge, and is one of the Empire at War Expanded series. It is one of the most popular Star Wars Empire at War real time strategy mod currently. Created by CoreyLoses, Thrawns Revenge is completely FREE and can easily be downloaded via the Steam Workshop. Got something to say about Thrawn's Revenge? Or Star Wars Empire at War in general? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!


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🔹 Intro/Outro Music | Home - Resonance

#EcksCrew #StarWars #Eckhartsladder
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Red Leader: “Lock S-foils in attack position!” Gold Leader: “Keep it tight and watch out for those towers!” Ecks Leader: “Turn on all the things!”


Fortifying choke points is always a good idea.


Eck needs to be teaching how to win EOW as an accredited college course


Ah yes “turn on all the things” he should put that on a shirt 😂


Please make this a series. I've always wanted to get into this game beyond the skirmishes (which is all I can do). I've played the tutorial but I still have no idea what I'm doing lol


5:08 you can sell structures when you get attacked, also cancel the stuf that is being build but you need to keep at least one thing so the battle can happen.


Just started a new thrawns revenge campain as empire today, and i decided this time i would actually do ground battles instead of autoresolving them.
But moly holy are they are hard. I lost like 30 pop worth of ground units in the early game trying to invade a planet.
Maybe you could do a guide on them too?


I usually fortify the ground on the isolated planets. Many worlds, can be held pretty easily with modest forces in most mods with the unit cap being so low at most starting landing zones; especially those with strong friendly populations. It means you can often just rush the landing zone, build defenses and get the free credits from mining structures. Some worlds are effectively impenetrable in some mods when Turbolasers are installed as well, Kamino and Mon Cala (original map) come to mind as easily fortified worlds that become Cadia with Turbolasers. I don't know how well this would work in Thrawns Revenge, since I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet. But works great in vanilla and in both of the old republic mods I've tried.


Hey eck, just an fyi. At the 10 min mark when you start talking about moving your perimeter up by taking Kaal, belsavis and Mustafar simultaneously, you actually only have to take Belsavis! The independent forces (those light green planets) are purely defensive worlds, and do not attack anyone. So actually they serve to create a natural choke point at Bespin because the Empire would have to fight the independent fleets to move in on you, whittling eachother down significantly. Just like in the EU. I've always found it better to put the fleets and troops into taking Belsavis, Eiattu 6 and Vondarc. You still take 3 systems and only have to use those 3 fleets for defense, but you take 3 systems from the EA, instead of wasting forces fighting planets that don't pose any threat, and can actually be used as buffer states.


Eck forgot 2 MAJOR things. One is the fact that other warlords planets(light green color) and the Hapes(purple/pink color) never attack meaning you can use them to secure borders. Second is that the AI attacks with a fleet that is relative in size to what you have in space at the moment. So if you have a massive fleet of 400-500 the ai will attack with a massive fleet too. However if you have something like a few ships over that planet the AI attack fleet will me much smaller. You can use this to your advantage by abusing the warning system ingame that calls out incoming fleets. You do not get a warning if you have no ships in orbit. Now what you do is you leave any ship in orbit and you keep your main defense force somewhere nearby. If done correctly you can keep while sections of the map safe with relatively few ships. Also evading those massive fleets will let you save ships.


Honestly i like holding the 'Hold out' planets because the AI tends to get distracted on them from my experience, its been years since ive last played, so the Thrawns revenge crew could have made that not a thing anymore.


Thanks for this Eckharts. When I play this game everytime i see a point that could potentially attacked, I always leave a fleet there and then if I want to push into enemy territory i send that fleet in. This will help me be able more effective with less units.


I’m actually planning to get EaW soon so this’ll come in handy when I start playing


Learned a lot about income from this vid very helpful


Now that I am truly getting into this game, I am glad to have these videos.


The choke point really helped. I always failed after a couple battles even on easy. But I watched the video and it helped


oh i thought i saw this video xdd
oh i got reuploaded
nice!!!! i love your star wars theorys :oooo


Love this videos. Make a series. Also why did it reauploaded


Even after almost 500 hours of EAW play time I don't consider my self to be that good, but it is nice to learn from the person who opened my eyes to EAW in general. Although I said it before and I'm gonna say it again, it kinda makes me (and I'm sure many others) feel smart that I already to a lot of these things.


ive been good at beatng the AI at hard for some years now its no problem, i love GC but i dont play it anymore becaause when i get close to the end, the game constantly crashes because theres too many fleets and the fleets are huge with many star destoryers, many Super star destroyers too. wish the game could be updated by the developers
