Constitutive Panpsychism: Hidden Flaws | COURSE (3/7)| Dr. Bernardo Kastrup

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00:00 Recap part 2
02:38 Constitutive panpsychism
11:36 First problem of panpsychism
17:13 Second problem of panpsychism
23:23 Third problem of panpsychism
34:50 Conclusion
36:38 Analytic idealism

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On the insolubility of the ‘combination problem’ of panpsychism:

Refutations of the 'de Broglie-Bohm' interpretation of quantum mechanics:
Science of Consciousness conference | Essentia Foundation

Analytic Idealism with Bernardo Kastrup | Essentia Foundation

2020 Work Conference | Essentia Foundation
In the playlist “2020 Work Conference” you will find various talks given by scholars, thinkers, scientists, entrepeneurs, professors, authors and journalists during Essentia Foundation's 2020 online work conference. Find the talks here:
Welcome to the YouTube channel of Essentia foundation. Essentia Foundation is an information hub that aims at communicating the latest analytic and scientific indications that metaphysical materialism is fundamentally flawed. Our community of authors, including Bernardo Kastrup, lists a growing number of academics, scholars, philosophers, scientists and authors whose works are opening the way for a new, more functional and true understanding of ourselves and reality at large. By closing the communication gap Essentia Foundation hopes to communicate new evidence of metaphysical idealism to human culture at large.

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I am so grateful to you for this wonderful teaching! Goes hand in hand with dzogchen Buddhism and advita vedanta which scaffold my view of "reality". Science and spirituality finally complementing each other


Amazing content! I'm so glad this is available for people to learn from. Thank you.


Another very enjoyable episode - I really appreciate the personal passion that motivates your analytical and philosophical approach; this communicates well to the listener, along with the clarity of the presentation.


Thank you for sharing your knowledge with the world!


In a recent interview Sam Harris seemed to say he was agnostic but entertains an unspecified neutral monism. But his critique of idealism assumed materialism and conflated science and materialism.


Thanks for making this series, very interesting.


YES! The human body is the DOING of the field of consciousness! Well put! Thank you. You have been reading my mind. This is the way that I have been thinking all along. Or have I been reading your mind?


23:00 What I understood is that no concept can be reality. The concept is only the dial on the dashboard. That the subatomic properties have consciousness is just a concept and hence cannot be a reflection of reality.

I am excited to figure out where this is going. Probably, like Nisargadatta Maharaj said, you can never know the Truth, you can only be it.


this lesson helps me as in early 70s a South African at 9 Rutland Ave, a deceased estate of Miss Darling, walked up to me and said, I don't need to speak with you I can read your mind. It proved untrue. That Beatle song Oh Darling etc.


Thanks Bernardo and Essentia. How can regular Joe contribute to the work that Essentia is doing, other than sharing the content?


Thanks for this amazing course Bernardo! However, as a ripple has properties, one could postulate that one of the properties of a particle in a field would be, spin, charge, etc, and maybe even consciousness? Can one prove or disprove that I do not know! haha! Thanks in anycase! 🌿


As the thinking mind has risen to the throne, it needs it's food. Bernardo Kastrup serves up a banquet.
I find myself able to follow his reasoning pretty well, and have no problem in grasping its principles .
I also find myself exasperated by what seems to be ridiculously obvious, only he is more patient and gentler than I'd be.

Other than providing food for hungry minds, I'm blown away by the absolute need of the western mind to "prove" knowledge that's currency
in the ancient cultures of the world, including our own in North American tribal peoples.
I'm allergic to science, the word and the practice.

It is the male who seems to find such "excitation" (love this term! it's sexy) in dissociating themselves from the whole
to prove its existence.
Bernardo is the exception in that he is full of feeling, emotionally connected with his, to me, faultless thinking. I believe this is why he is so loved
in addition to being respected. (The nay-sayers are dry and boring.)

When my intelligence-hungry mind is satisfied, I can go back to a state of knowing that everything without exception is alive.
Why would I need to prove what is so deeply felt? Only if it were my task/destiny to do so, in service, as does Bernardo, and others.
I do not give a hoot about analyzing, proving, disproving, or any of the verbiage, other than to enjoy this wonderful discourse.
I know, as humans have quietly known since forever, especially saints, roshis, Buddha, Mary, children, madmen, poets, artists - that
all is alive to some degree of vibration or another.
Bernardo knows. All is alive. The only thing, then, is to know it more deeply, fully, cellularly, soulularly, because to be truly alive
is to live in wonder and awe.

"That we should exist!" -- Oscar Wilde.


Panpsychism is simply a justification to cling to matter as fundamental.


👏👏👏Essa aula foi uma salto quântico aqui na minha


Nice. I am reminded of the great Buddhist Madhyamaka philosophers who argued against Indian atomism being fundamental. The same ideas just keep popping up again and again in this world.


A possible physical expression of Constitutive Panpsychism is a starfish. I was taught that a starfish is made up of individual biological entities, each complete in and of themselves, and when combined in a group called a starfish, becomes a greater entity with more mobility where groups of individual entities take on specific properties and functions within the starfish as a whole. Another is to watch a swarm of fish or birds move as one body. How is the consciousness of each member able to unify in the whole? The DNA of our own body cells can replicate an entirely new and identical to the original body. What is the consciousness within our cells that is able to coalesce in the whole as one consciousness, yet still be able to retain identity, function, and purpose in separate organs? So rather than declare, as would panpsychism, that consciousness is a property of matter, there must be a property of consciousness that can impart itself in matter, as matter, not of matter. What is it about consciousness that allows it to take on any form, any function. To me, that means consciousness is not an effect or property of consciousness, and my one NDE confirmed that for me.


Thank you once more!👏 Some english subs please🙂


Thank you so much for sharing this amazing series for free! Could you add a donation button or PayPal link? I would like to show my appreciation also with a donation and support the important cause of making this worldview known to more people.


I like your description that since we see our bodies as made up of elementary particles, it is simply a limitation of the resolution of our sensory perception. Let me take this one step further. If our resolution of perception were so fine as to "see" individual frequencies beyond the range of visible light at both ends, our "reality" would appear either as nothingness, no definition, or we would be endowed with the power to "perceive" as we wish to capture meaning and value out of the chaos of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. And that latter part is exactly what we do within the visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is not that the "brain" responsible for this interpretation of light, but it is an act of consciousness - despite the "hard evidence" that portions of the brain appear to be the center of interpretation of our sensory perceptions. There is yet one more aspect that Materialism cannot explain and that is "how" all those localized areas of the brain, the dials and meters, result in a subjective experience. Materialism cannot explain "experience" without in invoking matter as the source of that which is experienced (panpsychism) - which is a circular argument (like describing the color red by showing the color red). The koan "show me the sound of one hand clapping" is applicable here. Who, what, and where is the "perceiver" of that which is perceived?


Thank you Bernardo and Essentia Foundation team, for this course and 3rd lesson. Acording with Ken Wilber’s "Integral Theory" and "Spectum of Consciosness", consciousness and his higher levels in the spectrum of counsciousness arise side by side with the growing of complexity of systems or Holons (a whole-part unity). Is that idea compatible with your theroy?
