The Hidden Flaws In Our Common Worldview | COURSE (1/7) | Dr. Bernardo Kastrup

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00:00 Analytic idealism introduction
03:02 Ordinary intuitions
04:50 We cannot: Entropy
09:45 We cannot: Evolution
13:39 Naive realism is false
14:25 World is a dashboard
20:25 Perception-enhancing instruments
22:30 Short film
25:33 Next part
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Welcome to the YouTube channel of Essentia foundation. Essentia Foundation is an information hub that aims at communicating the latest analytic and scientific indications that metaphysical materialism is fundamentally flawed. Our community of authors, including Bernardo Kastrup, lists a growing number of academics, scholars, philosophers, scientists and authors whose works are opening the way for a new, more functional and true understanding of ourselves and reality at large. By closing the communication gap Essentia Foundation hopes to communicate new evidence of metaphysical idealism to human culture at large.
And this is what our YouTube channel is perfectly suited to do. By posting interviews, discussions, lectures, informational video’s and other short formats we hope to share new developments in the quest to understand reality. Do you also wonder whether we actually live in a physical universe? Then be sure to check out our video’s and subscribe to our channel.
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