The Hidden Flaws In Our Common Worldview | COURSE (1/7) | Dr. Bernardo Kastrup

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00:00 Analytic idealism introduction
03:02 Ordinary intuitions
04:50 We cannot: Entropy
09:45 We cannot: Evolution
13:39 Naive realism is false
14:25 World is a dashboard
20:25 Perception-enhancing instruments
22:30 Short film
25:33 Next part

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Welcome to the YouTube channel of Essentia foundation. Essentia Foundation is an information hub that aims at communicating the latest analytic and scientific indications that metaphysical materialism is fundamentally flawed. Our community of authors, including Bernardo Kastrup, lists a growing number of academics, scholars, philosophers, scientists and authors whose works are opening the way for a new, more functional and true understanding of ourselves and reality at large. By closing the communication gap Essentia Foundation hopes to communicate new evidence of metaphysical idealism to human culture at large.

And this is what our YouTube channel is perfectly suited to do. By posting interviews, discussions, lectures, informational video’s and other short formats we hope to share new developments in the quest to understand reality. Do you also wonder whether we actually live in a physical universe? Then be sure to check out our video’s and subscribe to our channel.
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#EssentiaFoundation #AnalyticIdealism #BernardoKastrup
Рекомендации по теме

I was a materialist the whole life. Bernardo changed my life forever.


I can’t believe this is free. Thank you, Bernardo


You are saving people with your ideas, I hope you know that


Must confess, some years ago i was thinking that western cultural narrative has become so dry, so superficial, so unadapted to explain reality...
And then i came accross Donald Hoffman, and Bernardo Kastrup followed(so clear and well articulate arguments) and through them, came accross other non conventional thinking scientists .Now i know that western culture has a brilliant future ahead.
Blessings to all of you gentlemen.


Im glad I found you Dr Kastrup, your work is changing my life for the better.


There is a curious divide between people who can understand the non-material basis of reality, and those that just cannot see it. Usually those who can see it have had some sort of mystical experience in their life, either through a meditative practice, or simply spontaneously. To those who have not had that experience, ideas based on the non-material seem like word salad. It makes it a difficult bridge to make. But Bernardo, in these videos, is attempting to bridge both words. It's a really necessary service at this stage, as the old paradigms wilt on the vine.


Can't wait to see Part 2! Raised in a materialistic tradition, I was never comfortable with it. Now, I felt so pleased, going 'yes!' and nodding at every chunk of your explanation. Presented with such clarity and such elegant reasoning! Thank you.


Fantastic video! Thank you for your work and efforts!! This is mind bending and I wish many people will come into contact with this and understand the profundity!
These thoughts are very in accordance with the philosophy of Nagarjuna ( Indian Mahayana Buddhist philosopher) .. hopefully we will all get closer to what reality really is 💫


Thank you for this wonderful open resource. Humanity and modernism desperately need this.


People like Bernardo and Donald Hoffman will change the way the Western world understands the universe, mark my words (and if not them, their contemporaries and/or students)! Thanks Essentia, for this course, I can't wait to dive in!


By open sourcing these courses, you’re doing a wonderful thing- thank you


Thank you. you are changing my life abruptly. It took me ~ 10 years to recover from the bombastic philosophy espoused by new age atheists. I see meaning everywhere now.


This is the piece of the puzzle that I was looking for. My intuition was correct but was not articulated in such a coherent way.


I have discovered you recently dear Sir Bernardo and I want you to know that I appreciate you and your work from the bottom of my heart. Thank you!


Excellent explanation. Mind blowing, gave me the basic insight that I was still missing to better capture idealism. It was really a missing piece. At the end of the video I finally could say, now I see what is meant with the dashboard metaphor, what is meant by”the world we see is not the truth” ! Thank you Bernardo for this initiative.


Un hispano hablante de España se dispone a ver subtitulados tus vídeos.
Gracias por todo lo que nos ofreces y regalas.


Thank you! I've listened to many interviews with Dr. Kastrup and am so glad to see the different ideas put together in a way that is easier to share. Thanks again. Really appreciate your sharing your time and talents with us.


I love the instrument flying metaphor. The only teachers who make sense to me are ones who can use metaphor effectively. We need stories and imagination to navigate the oddities of this world that isn't a world.


That was absolutely amazing ! I thought I would struggle to understand the complex language but I managed especially with the metaphor! Thanks so much!! Looking forward to part two😁😁


Holy crap...!! I had to pause (to write this) a little past the 2 minute mark because the summary of 'Analytic Idealism' made me realize that it must essentially be a way more fleshed out (and intellectual) version of something that hit me like a truck in late 2017... I had had my first real "spiritual" experience ever, and at one point I sat down and just started writing. It occurred to me that everything is fundamentally consciousness, like the primary underpinning of the fabric of reality, and that physics would have to change at some point in the future to accommodate. Everything that is conscious is like a single point (of view?) in a larger network, somewhat like a singular neuron perhaps. Whether or not that implies a greater 'mind' that is literally universal, I'm not sure, but I believe that it does. And I think that just maybe, like a video game or a computer program, environmental 'stuff' only 'renders' when it's being observed by 'something'... I'll have to finish watching to make a better assessment, but it feels really validating that someone this intelligent is making a similar (but obviously WAY more rigorous lol) argument.
